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DC Penalty - Can I get a refund?

I've been playing for 7 months and I already have 1500 hours in dbd. When I put $200+ in I expected to be able to actually play your game. It crashes regularly for me but I put up with it because I love the game. But now I'm getting hit with penalties that don't let me play at all for increasingly long stretches of time. It's so frustrating to be penalized when I haven't done anything wrong, and there's nothing I can do. My drivers are up to date and all that stuff, and my other games don't crash so I think we know who is to blame.

I still see people DC because they get downed or frustrated. They will wait their little 5 minute penalty and move on - not hurt at all. Meanwhile I'm penalized for playing for any considerable length of time. It feels downright insulting to be told i'm being banned because I "disconnected."

No. I didn't disconnect.

Your buggy glitchy game crashed and you are blaming me. Everyone knows this is one of the buggiest games in existence. Instead of solving that problem which would require time and money, you penalize the players who are affected by the bugs. Nice.

How can I get my money back since I can't play what I payed for?

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  • Go ask steam?

    Lemme know what they tell you

  • Member Posts: 165

    if you're on ps4 just stream it on twitch by just pressing the share button and broadcast gameplay send the link to bhvr so they can confirm all of those regular crashes op's allegedly is experiencing and they should remove any type of timeouts if what you're describing its a 100 percent truth

  • Member Posts: 71

    Well if it doesn't happen to you guys, it must not happen right? You assume the worst in people. That I need to DC because I'm just an #########. No, it's actually extremely annoying to depip and lose games when you're trying to play, but I put up with it because overall I was still having a good time, all of dbd's other issues notwithstanding. I could easily record crashes if a dev asks for it. It's not entirely predictable though, so some days it's crash city and the next couple of days, no crashes at all.

    Then why don't my other games crash? Why don't my other games have tons of glitches and problems even when they are still up and running? This is a BHVR programming problem. I don't know why some systems are more susceptible than others, but they are. I guess they aren't quality testing against my system specs. I'm happy you are one of the lucky ones, but don't blame me.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I still have probably $50 in shards that I haven't even spent yet. Didn't know I was going to be blocked from playing.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm not saying you're wrong, in a general sense. The DC ban system SHOULD detect where the ban came from, either 'leave game' or an internet drop. I had hoped that would be the case. I haven't experiences it myself, so I can't say. Still, 1500 hours is a lot of time invested. I'd personally think the, what, 30 bucks initially to buy the game, would be worth it.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    It is possible to run old games without trouble, because they dont require hardware and software upgrades. Something is outdated at your end.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I never wrote that. Not sure where you got that idea.

  • Member Posts: 949

    If connection issues were a big thing before, where were your complaints before? Why only now?

  • Member Posts: 96

    you paid the money you should be able to DC whenever you like TBH.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I guess I should have expected this treatment from certain elements of the dbd community. This is the same kind of mentality I see on end game chat much of the time "trash. git gud. ez. baby killer." etc. Nasty little kids picking on each other for no reason. Insulting someone doesn't make you better than them.

    I'm not lying to you. You have no basis or right to assume that I am just because you have your own agenda with DC penalties. Believe whatever you want, but don't call me a liar when you don't even know me.

    I never wrote that I had connection issues so why are you guys saying that? Everyone can read what I actually wrote. My game crashes regularly. That's what I wrote. I never said it's only recent. It's been that way for quite a while. When my game crashes I don't go on forums to complain about it. I just start the game up again and move on. A depip and bloodpoints isn't that big of a deal if you're playing as much as I am. You just try again.

    The problem is I can't even play now. I'm being blocked by BHVR for their own bad code. And it adds insult to injury to be told I'm banned for something I did, when I haven't done anything wrong.

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  • Member Posts: 1,726

    The flip side is also true. All these people suddenly popping up with saying that the game is crashing constantly even though they have proper hardware but zero evidence to prove that to be true have no basis or right to have anybody assume that they're telling the truth. The fact that this is apparently such a huge issue yet magically has no evidence reeks of bullcrap. If you want people to believe something that's gonna be difficult to believe, you should expect to have to provide evidence. You're absolutely right that you should have expected this kind of treatment. Just like you should expect skepticism from your boss if you said you got hit by a car and can't come to work that day cause you're too injured to walk, and then just show up the next day looking perfectly fine. Expect to need evidence when the case seems unlikely.

  • Member Posts: 165

    in other words..

  • Member Posts: 54

    You're being dismissive. We have no basis to believe you're lying OR telling the truth, which is why the people who have suggested you take video recordings of your gameplay have done such. It would help your case, and put you in a better light for getting your situation fixed by developers, because they could actually see what's going on in your gameplay to cause the crashes.

    People are able to assume many things from the fact you're saying your issues aren't only recent, because you claim you never complained before because it didn't bother you. I understand that the new penalty would cause it to be more frustrating, but after 1500 hours, you would think that someone who experiences crashes as regularly as you claim, that it's an issue, would have more evidence than just "You can't assume I'm a liar because you don't know me".

    If it is a problem that you are having, you need to look at your own device, before pointing fingers.

    I don't know where you pulled those bullet points, pal, but OP didn't even give examples of who they might be playing when the game crashes, in the original post. If that's your experience, maybe make a recording and try to recreate the same circumstances that happened during the crash in a private game.

    My experience may be different from yours, as I play on XBOX, but I have only managed to crash the game once, and it was because I was trying to do one of those exploits that I saw in a youtube video, during a match of Kill Your Friends, and the game didn't react accordingly. At least, I can assume that's what caused the crash, because I didn't try it again, and the game ran perfectly fine afterwards.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I play PC, and this has been an issue all along. The bullet points are my experiences. I've reported them in the past, as have others. If the game crashes, you get penalized as having DC'd, that is how it works. You get a time out penalty to go with it. It's BS, and I know darn well they can figure out if it was their side our mine, but they claimed they could not. If they can't, then they are seriously running some backwards crap, because even Everquest and their old servers can tell when it was them or you.

    I play killer, and I don't DC because I don't want to lose my BP. So all the bs about blaming survivors is just that, bs. THe game treats crashing like DC, plain and simple.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Again, if that's your experience, record your gameplay, so you can prove it wasn't your end when you file a support ticket. You have a number of posts on this website, so I can at least have a foundation for trusting your word, however the OP does not. They have 5 posts on this site, and all 5 of them are part of this thread, which means they literally made their account to bellyache, and that makes it much harder to take their word for anything, especially with their claims of having 1500 hours on record, but having no evidence.

  • Member Posts: 977

    You ever think maybe its because players dont think "Maybe I should record every single one of my games, just incase I d/c"

    Most players computers arent strong enough to run recording software and DBD at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I'm working on recording it. Give me time. I don't normally record any games. I have to figure out how to use OBS and stuff. I wanted to just play the game instead of being mocked on forums, doing support tickets and learning software.

    I'm on PC. Consoles are much easier to test against so I'm not surprised console players aren't crashing. On the other hand it's very costly to test for every possible PC configuration, so they don't.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I understand, man. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to give explanation, from my experience and perspective, as to why your complaints aren't taken seriously on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Been there, done that, got the F'ing T-Shirt. They still say they can't prove it was the servers. I could have sabotaged my victory by puling the plug....

    I don't care about other people making accounts to complain, it does not change the fact that they are punishing those on dedicated servers when the server drops them. It's BS. I've recorded and gotten a ticket, but it did nothing.

    The fact that there are those here that cheer it, and ignore it is plain stupid. When it is them that get hosed over due to a game crash, they won't think it funny then.

  • Member Posts: 984

    Shards are free and acquired through playtime. I wonder why you estimate their value at $50.

  • Member Posts: 173

    They didn't think this through. Honestly they should remove the penalty tbh because not everyone can have decent internet

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    what are your computer specs?

    what kind of connection do you have (optical fiber, ADSL, satellite...)?

    how do you connect to your router (ethernet, wi-fi, usb..)?

    what OS version are you running?

    what error do you get when the game crashes?

  • Member Posts: 54

    If the game crashes, hes not abandoning his team... thats the game just shutting down despite him doing nothing to prompt it. Why should they be banned for that if they're telling the truth?

    They probably meant Auric Cells, to be fair. And if not, you could estimate the value of Shards based on the value of AC, by comparing prices of items you can get with both, find a 1$ value in shards based on those comparisons, and then calculate based on that.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    The thing is we do have a right to not believe you as you have provided zero evidence. And the kicker? You do not have a right, nor are you entitled to, a refund for a game you've played for 1500 hours. Move on, because it is not happening.

  • Member Posts: 367

    Because crashes are random, recording play sessions eats up your hdd useage, cpu, and ram lagging the game.

    Whenmy laptop can play monster Hunter world but lags with dbd there's a issue. Taking away extra resources and filling up hdd space then having to sift through hours of footage for bugs and crashes is pretty unreasonable.

  • Member Posts: 304

    Here's a hot take.

    If you're stacking up penalities, then you've been ruining the gameplay experience for other players consistently every day you play.

    Regardless of if it is "your choice" or not to DC, it was absolutely your choice to still queue up and play knowing there is a strong and consistent possibility you will be DCed from the game and ruin the experience for four other players.

    In this case, you are making the *wrong* and * selfish* choice to queue up instead of making sure your game is stable.

    So, yes. Stop that. That's bad.

  • Member Posts: 899

    Man, all these crashes and they never happen to me. Just like everyone crying about dedicated servers, none of that wierd ######### happens to me because I have quality internet. Get a better PC. Get better internet. If you can't it's not the problem of the other people in the matches you're ruining, you must be quarantined as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I meant Auric Cells. My mistake. I have $40 in Auric cells, and more to be unlocked from the current tome. Currently 51 out of 70. That is if I even finish it now. This sucks.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Fair enough. I like the sports analogy, and Ive made my case to them as well, but it just seems really harsh to say that sort of thing. We all know DBD is a game riddled with bugs, so we cant put all the blame on the player, but when it is frequent, I do agree that it usually is a system issue.

    A lot of these fringe cases didnt become public until now, though, because they didnt have the bans in place until recently, so I understand the issue being more prevalent now, but again, the issue isn't one I understand, cause Im on an xbox.

  • Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2020

    Most people that play video games as casual as DbD don't have the best hardware/know how to install drivers and other required software. Let alone record EVERY SINGLE GAME with other software they need to install/buy to prove they're having issues with the game because DBD is a very shoddy piece of software.

    Remember Legion patch when someone would crash every game and 4 other people would sit in the loading screen for 10 minutes or until they alt-f4'd?

    Not making it into the game in the first place should NEVER punish you for any reason as long as the game is coded like garbage which will be forever.

    Asking for a refund is ridiculous but I'm amazed at how many people think the current iteration of the DC penalty is a good thing.

  • Member Posts: 184

    (1) Only place that this game has recurrent connection issues is during loading screen, if you DC there, there is no penalty.

    (2) Any other recurrent disconnection should be a problem on your end, take a look at the trobleshooting threads, try to contact for tech support, there is no rampant problem being reported on this matter (interestingly a matter that only became a matter after people started to get a timeout for bad behavior).

    (3) if you have 1,5k hours plus you certainly won't get a refund. And people asking for proof is not dismissive, it's too much of a coincidence that only now people decide to report their games for not working.

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