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General Discussions

Killers are more toxic now with the DC penalty?!

Member Posts: 695
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

or is it just me?? Cause my survivor experience has been going down since DC penalty came out

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  • Member Posts: 173

    I noticed that as well. I have been tunneled and camp so hard. Things like that makes me want to DC but i can't do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    It seems like they're more frequent than ever due to the other side having to either deal with it or suffer the DC penalty. Hell, I'm guilty of doing it too for that reason.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    What is "toxic" for you? A killer using certain perks, add-ons, offerings, strategies?

    Or did you see an increase in killers writing harassing messages after the match?

  • Member Posts: 889

    I've played 5 solo games in a row that consisted of the killer using moris and the most OP/ unfun builds to try and make us DC. And my teammates were being toxic asses too.

    Both sides are as bad as each other

  • Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2020

    Survivors burning haddonfield and ormond offerings while killers are using unfun addons and moris. Both sides trying their hardest to make opposite side to dc.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Yes, never seen that many moris, noeds or nurses than now. But most of them still suck and then dc or flame my mother in the chat.

  • Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2020

    This happened before the Ruin nerf, and it started happening a lot more after the Ruin nerf. It has nothing to do with the DC penalty.

    If I were playing killer and survivors were intentionally Strode keying or using an Ormund offering it would not stop me from leaving. I would just leave and go play some other game. I'll take punishment over making the devs think those maps are fine. Just like I'd leave if the killer has an Ebony or insta-hatchets. Sorry, but while I can be fine with most unfair things in the game, some things should not exist and the fact they do just emphasizes your balance issues.

  • Member Posts: 728

    Just your perception. If all you do is play survivor, you'll only notice the toxic things killers do. And vise versa for killers. Not to mention people tend to remember the negatives more than the positives so thats something to consider too

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    I'm pretty sure this has far more to do with the Ruin nerf than DC penalties. It's just that now with dc penalties, you can't run away from it all the time without risking huge timeouts.

  • Member Posts: 512

    doctor with two iridescent add ons that burn treatment theater bedlam offerings...can't remember the last time i didn't see one of those.

  • Member Posts: 27

    2 days ago I played a match where the doctor held the game hostage, knowing I wouldn't want to DC because of the penalty. After killing 3 of my team mates, he downed me. The end game hadn't been triggered yet, and neither of us knew where the hatch was. Instead of hooking me, he picked me up, dropped me, picked me up, dropped me, picked me up until I would wiggle free. After I would break free he would chase me and down me, then repeat the process all over again. It lasted 8-10 minutes until I stopped trying and he finally got bored and decided to hook me. It was obvious he was trying to troll me, with the intention of me ending up DCing or staying and dealing with the frustration. I don't tea bag, I don't use flashlights, I didn't even juke him properly, yet he still wanted to give me a hard time for nearly 10 minutes.

    Yeah, no. There's toxicity on both sides. Implying that only survivors are capable of being toxic is a fallacy and wishful thinking at best. Both sides have bad apples, just like the vast majority of other games. Which side has more is up for debate, but no, it's not just survivors that can be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Nothing has changed, I keep seeing killers DCing lol

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    I think it's the hard reality that when you think you can be mean to killer, the killer can be mean to you. In the past Survivors would likely DC but now they have to toughen up which you don't like. I say it's just karma which won't last too much longer.

  • Member Posts: 62

    Killers are more toxic? Tell that to the 15 Redwood offerings I had to deal with as clown yesterday xD

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    I still see the same amount of toxicity as usual. Could be you're noticing it more because you can't just DC when something you don't like happens.

  • Member Posts: 442
  • Member Posts: 442

    Fix maps, then balance killers, then matchmaking and the game health will improve significantly.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited February 2020

    It was obvious he was trolling. If he was being altruistic and trying to give me chase points he wouldn't have downed me less than 10 seconds after he intentionally let me wiggle free. I've had killers that are cool and will let you escape or farm. This was not the case. The point being that this notion that all killers are pure and all survivors are toxic trolls isn't true and reeks of bias. Both sides have toxicity, and both sides have decent players. You can argue back and forth which side has the most toxicity, but let's not be pretentious.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Nope, survivors are just as toxic as ever on spite of DC penalties.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I assure you, all my Toxicity as Killer is do to matchmaking being busted. The DC Penalties changed nothing about how I am playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    It's just you. I've been having nothing but moris, noed, tunnel, bubba-facecamps for the last 3ish months

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Toxic community takes advantage and acts toxic. I am shocked!

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't understand how a map and an box are toxic. I can see if they all run flashlights and ignore the objectives just to mess with the killer. Yeah, that's toxic. But not just running a map and a toolbox. That's like calling someone toxic for running a purple or pink addon on killer.

    But yes, I've noticed a significant spike in toxicity since the DC penalty, on both sides. Ran 12 kiler matches and had lots of toxic survivors. Ran 7 survivor matches and had nothing but tunnel, camp, slug.

  • Member Posts: 1,829

    They do it specifically because killers will either have to deal with the worst killer map in the game and the best survivor item in the game or DC and suffer the penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2020

    Still, not really toxic. That is more of a strategy than anything. Actually, if you want to survive, or have a quest to do so, that is a good plan. That said, I've seen a lot more toxicity from both all day.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    i played as wraith, and legit just bing bonged the last slug until they DCed. So yes.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Otherwise known as," How the game was ment to be played!"

    Seriously, though, Killers have had to stow these items and offerings because Survivors DC and waste them the minute they figure out they have them. Meanwhile, Killers Lobby dodge any suspicious groups or groups with items they may not like, forcing Survivors to do the same. With the new penalty, it should hopefully give some of that hostage situation a break and let people play the way they want too, instead of one side or the other dictating the other.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Last time i logged to play killer was a bit more than a week ago, and i was rank 9 because i didn't play after the last rank reset. So as a rank 9 ( green ) killer my first 6 games of the night were versus RED ranks SWF 4 man party's ( 3 red's + 1 purple/green ) and ALL of them had a map offering for Cold Wind Farm - Ultra survivor sided map + all the goodies survivors can bring 2-3 boxes and at least 1 flash light / purple medkit for 23867 charges. There is a reason we killers no longer play nice, we can't afford it. Being placed vs red ranks while you are green ( yes out of those 6 games i ranked up in 4 of them and lost rank in only 1 ) makes you try hard way more than a game should have, 1 mistake in the wrong moment can cost you the whole game, you should be ready to lose 3 gens in the first 2 minutes, we simply can;t afford to play nice! Without Ruin i don't have time to play games and be fair , like you 2 ppl on gen without perks or toolboxes being done in 44 seconds is not fair !

  • Member Posts: 800

    Thats hilarious, now i have a name for 2 different time periods in dbd, the mettle of man crisis AND The Great DBD Wars of 2020.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    DC'd due to a bubba slugging everyone and letting them bleed out, fun penalty allowed me to chill and think of some new builds.

  • Hate to say it but, dbd has always been a fairly toxic game. The games own toxicity is killing it. Not balance and such.

    I believe the dc penalty is fair. Tho I don't believe it should be applied harshly on your first handful. Just make them short timed bans from playing (tho you can still access your survivors and killers, just not play) like say 5/10 minute ban to start. Then 30 minutes. Then an hour. Then after that. It gets harsh. Full day, 3 days, then a week. And the final one is a month.

    The first few are for if you have to go right that second and have to dc. Or maybe connect issue causes you to dc. They're mainly benefit of the doubt times. Enough that you notice and understand but not harsh to make you stop playing.

  • Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2020

    A myers staring contest, i think they missed the point of the game.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Same boat dude. Level 12 killer matched with players way too good for me plus SWF. Get genrushed. Get one, maybe two kills. Get flamed in the chat and comments on my steam profile.

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