Who the frick invented Insidious and thought it would be a good idea?



  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Just because a playstyle is boring for you to play as or against, doesn't mean someone shouldn't use it. Also yeah, insidous should be reworked because it's only good for 1 kill if the survivors are competent

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Stupid designed perk, like the majority.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759

    Perks Insidious and Object of Obsession need reworks, IMO. Kind of opposites in a sense, but I think they encourage trolling play styles and aren't good for the health of the game.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    A.) Camping is a legit strategy in a lot of situations. I almost always hard camp my first survivor if I'm using a low-mobility killer on a big map - especially if I lucked out and caught them early on - especially if I don't have BBQ (which should be base kit for all killers just for this reason)

    B.) Camping wouldn't be an issue if survivor queue times were shorter. You'd just die and move on, but survivor queue times are TERRIBLE so having a crap game sucks. Make killer more enjoyable and survivor queue times would go down.

    C.) Once ranks don't matter at all because they're not shown and we don't know how they factor in to match making, if at all, why do I care about emblems and pipping outside of a few rift challenges? @Feyd @NMCKE With out any reason to rank up, you'll see a lot more meme-killers and campers.

  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94

    I actually really like the perk, although I havent yet had the chance to test it in all the situations that it may be applicable.

    I first started using it on Spirit where I would just stand still at pallets and people would think I've phased away and walk into me.

    I've considered it might be fun to use (not necessarily optimal) at long loops with LOS blockage, you could just stand there for 2 seconds and the survivor may think you've moonwalked or gone away and run into you, but I haven't really tested it yet.

    I'm sure this perk allows lots of creative ways to get the spook on survivors or otherwise confuse them. Sure its obvious application is as a camping perk but I don't think thats the be all end all of its potential use.

    Maybe someday I'll give it some rigorous testing, I think it may have a lot of unrealized potential.

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    insidious is a hilarious perk, and can scare survivors. Also, i hate when it gets used on me.