Escaping through the gate should get more points, Escaping through the hatch should get less points

Seriously, we all know the hatch is a pity escape mechanic and keys are well...we know what keys are but that's a different topic.
Too many people play like trash and expect to escape through hatch after they let their team die.
More bloodpoints/emblem for gate escapes, less bloodpoints/emblem for hatch escapes. Incentivize playing well.
Last night on Swamp, I was Bubba. Hooked my 2nd person and there was 1 gen left. Left the hook to look for the others, they jumped in hatch with a key that they took off the first guy that suicided on the hook. “Entity displeased”
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100% agree. Hatch just incentivizes making the game longer since one surv feels the need to find the hatch at the end instead of just getting the heck out.
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I agree with you. The hatch is the easy way out, and sometimes encourages camping. I've had teammates just camp the hatch when they find it. Maybe the amount of BP earned being more from gate escape would at least encourage team play more
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They gotta give something to the survivor who got owned and escapes through the hatch so it feels like a win. So they don't cry
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both should give less point, generators and chases are the key parts in the game yet half the red ranks cant even seem to do those now and just hide or expect others to do the work for them. totems should give BP in survival not boldness.
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I feel like hatch (without keys) can be a more difficult escape with more specific conditions in which it's available. Seems like it should be worth more points
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That assumption is wrong, it incentivizes people to play bad all game and get a "pity escape".
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I know I said "keys are a different topic" but just to throw it out there, Keys should have an opening animation that takes a few seconds so people can't jump through in the killers face.
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How? By camping hatch or something? If they're paying any attention they would realize that the extra 2k from hatch isn't worth them playing a camp game and gaining no other points. Only thing I find super annoying about it is when the last man in game will search for hatch when the exit gates are open.
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I just said when fixing the typo, Hatch is a pity escape plain and simple, it shouldn't give more points, that's it.
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Not really. Hatch is kind of a balance thing. The game is basically impossible when it gets down to 1v1. How you get to a 1v1 could be because you're the best in the game or because you're just camping etc, doesn't matter. Hatch changes the gameplay from a hopeless surv just trying to do gens and hide (not gonna happen 1v1) to a race between the two that is actually kind of interesting and exciting. So it's not really a pity mechanic as much as it is a try not to screw someone over mechanic.
Beyond that, the exit gates light up and are huge and easy to spot for both sides. The hatch is much harder to find in comparison with just an audio queue when you are fairly close. Definitely requires more personal effort than just running through the door. And if you consider opening the door (1250 points) it's pretty close to the hatch in total bp gains.
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Yeah, I agree. It’s unnerving watching someone tbag at the hatch and waste time like they really beat me.
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Hatch is a pity escape for the last survivor because gens can't be worked on by teammates if it's 1v1 and you're getting chased, meaning there's no other way to escape. This doesn't change the fact that a lot of people play bad knowing they can escape through hatch after letting their team down. Hatch is necessary, but it should give less points so that people prefer to escape the right way rather than getting a pity escape.
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I think survs in general should be making more BP. When i take bbq - i am hoping they dont take my BP away - i make low end 15k and high end 80k or more. Then i look at the survs and then have maybe 15k. Rarely do i see games that are above 25k for survs.
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You keep saying pity escape but it's just flat out not. The game is basically impossible for a 1v1, the mechanic is in place to make the game exciting the whole time through. It's not meant to just give some poor pitiful soul an escape, it's meant to prevent the painfully boring standoff that a 1v1 with a survivor the killer can't catch would be.
That being said, without keys, if both hatch and door are available, the hatch is realistically the riskier move. And thus is reasonable to have more points on.
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No, the mechanic is in place because otherwise the last survivor would hide all game.
Nobody would work on gens as the sole survivor.
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Exactly, that's the painfully boring standoff I am referring to