Moris need to change
Before I say anything I'm saying that I play both sides of this game amd I enjoy both sides. I'm not being some whiney survivor main when I say this.
A mori should only be able to be used in my opinion after the second hook. To mori after first hook is a shameful thing I feel for the killer to do. It's the sign of an insecure and unskilled killer desperate to get a 4k at any cost who is afraid of a longer game.
Plus, one has to consider that you get less points as killer and lessen your chances of pipping when you do this. It makes no sense to me as a killer why anyone does this outside of desperation to meet their definition of winning. As a killer I have never used a mori, I see no point in it. I would rather play the game and have fun, and have the survivors I'm playing with enjoy it as well. I'm not going to farm mind you, my goal is points and to get the most points I need to kill them but i dont tunnel or camp or one hook mori to do it.
To many killers use it to shorten the game to get their win. Survivors do not have an option to shorten the game. Even if a key is brought they have to complete enough gens to get the hatch to spawn. So either all the gens need to be done or your entire team has to die.
Last night I played against a rank 2, one hook mori killer and found it shameful, not to mention insulting after I had to wait 20 minutes for a match.
Stop making excuses. Don't blame swf, ruin, keys, what have you. The new Ruin is far better than the old one of you understand how it works. Learn to really play killer. Remember it's a game and have fun. If you relax and just enjoy it you'll find you do a lot better ranking up than you did before.
Peace out.
No, on third hook it would still promote tunneling and more BP for the killer cause of those 2 hooks you gave him.
Moris should only work like this:
Which means the killer would have to hook you the 3 times, no mori, if one of your team members hasn't been hooked. He wants to mori, he needs to work for it without tunneling.
And about the keys, I'm ok with them as they are (maybe have a 10 sec charge up to open hatch?), you can actually prevent them from letting more than one escape if you don't panic and press the right buttons.
Here's an example: I was playing as I normally do whyle doing the "kill with rancor" challenge with an ebony too, no tunneling, no mori on second hook, only morying after all had been hooked at least once and instead of deathhook and boom, a survivor noticed hatch and started teabagging at it with a key. Karma:
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You sound like a whining survivor main when you call a killer insecure for using an offering they don’t keep. Then you defend keys because “they have to finish gens”, well my guy, keys can be retained Mori’s cannot.
Either choose to dislike both for their ill-intended play styles or leave the subject alone.
Mori requires a killer to hook a player, the only one that allows an instant kill from first hook is an ebony. The others are after everyone’s been hooked and then the final survivor (don’t quote me)
Keys, they’re pathetic. You can find a key in-game, bring a key and retain it and pass the key along if you die to a teammate. Survivors can intentionally hook suicide to give a camping teammate(s) hatch and it’s just as cheap as using a Mori. You didn’t complete your objective but here’s a free pass.
They both need changes. Keys should be an offering not an item you can bring continuously.
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Survivors can bring toolboxes and make gens fly, shortening the game exponentially. Then there's keys, which can give a free escape to usually 2-3 survivors. I'm not saying Moris shouldn't be changed, I would be all for a Mori change if keys were changed as well., but don't try to act like survivors don't have tools to shorten the game or outright win it with a key.
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Get rid of keys and Mori's and we fine.
or rework them both
Also no old ruin is still better than new ruin. new ruin is arguably better for killers who never really needed old ruin. Eg: billy
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If keys are changed too.... Equity for both sides, not whip only killers.
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Moris are fine
Survivors genrush
Killers killrush
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Survivors need only empty hands to genrush, killers need rare Mori 🙄
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Get rid of both. They have overstayed their reasons for even being in the game.
I say get rid of hatch and toolboxes as well. That would go a long way to balancing out some issues.
At this point why do we have hatch? So 1 survivor can get out after their team lost? Just power gates when there is 1 survivor left.
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Honestly I feel the only change in moris should be their frequency in blood webs. Ebony mori is in every single blood web. Why not make them as rare as the ever elusive party streamers so killers don't easily accumulate hundreds of them? Keys on the other hand seeing as how they can be found in game...they need changed.
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The only thing I feel needs to change about keys is to not have them spawn in chests in the game. I'm fine with them as they are as a killer.
And yes, I don't have a problem with a mori after everyone is hooked once. At that point that's just a killer who wants a 4k more that they want points and rank. It still reeks of desperation to me, but I'll take it.
And for the record, like I said, I'm not a survivor main. I used to be, but I enjoy both sides of the game. When I make a comment it's objective as someone who enjoys all sides of the game.
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I agree with the keys. If they stay the same just make them something you can't get from a chest. I feel moris just spawn too much in blood webs. It is literally every blood web on any killer I have a chance to grab an ebony mori. Meanwhile, I can spend 1 million bps and not get a party streamer.
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Exactly. So survivors should bring rare add-ons to genrush, and make mori basekit. Thanks for the suggestion. (yes, that was sarcasm)
but jokes aside, nothing wrong with moris. yes, it sucks getting mori'd first, but not every killer goes for the mori as soon as they can, a lot of them either wait for generators to get done, or for everyone to have been hooked at least once or twice.. Some go for the kill right away though.
Personnaly, I don't bring mori offerings, if I want to mori someone, I bring Devour Hope. I do go for the kill right away after I get my 5 stacks, though, because who knows when it'll be destroyed, but 5 stacks is everyone hooked once and twice for one of them, which means the game has been going on for a bit already, everyone had their chance to enjoy the game, time to die now.
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A killer takes rank hits for Mori. And bloodpoints hits. Just as you said. And it's a one time use thing. Like a BNP. It's a one time use so ya gotta use it when you feel like ya need a good game.
Personally I don't even play killer anymore. But when I did I never ran moris unless I had a daily that required me to kill by my own hand. But that's just me.
Keys are being brought up. They are also one time use. (Though they can be transferred, white ward, found in match, etc)... There could be changes. But ya don't see that many keys either. Plus the requirements to get hatch spawn are pretty high too.
I don't see a problem with either. They are both strong. And thus one time use. I don't see it THAT often in red ranks.
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I think an easy fix for Mori would be this:
If you have been hooked, but still on 1st phase, you must be carried back to the hooked and then mori'd on the hook (Yeah new violence animation!) This way survivors get a second chance for a save, but the killer still gets their quick killer.
If you have been hooked, and on 2nd phase, you can be mori'd where you fell.
However, I would only accept this if keys took time to open the hatch, and the killer had a notification or sound or something when it started to be used.
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Don't forget survivor can dc to avoid a mori and give hatch.
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Keys need to change, too.
Both keys and moris are cheap cop outs within the game. The only time I will ever use a mori is if a streamer appears with their frothing fans, and I don’t even do that sometimes.
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I'd love to see you play against old mories that worked on first down. If you think you have it bad think twice. Yes mories still are pretty strong and could use some slight tweaking but in no way do they need any real nerfs.
You say people who use mories are just a "killer desperate to get a 4k" but that can be said about anything. Using map offering = deperate to play on map you like to help you win, use strong perks = desperate on meta to help you win and so on. Have you ever though about people just using whatever the game allows them to use just for their own enjoyment ? Probably not.
But what is the worst is this you said "Survivors do not have an option to shorten the game."
Like how is it possible to be more oblivious. What about litterally everything beginning from toolboxes and keys up to coordinating your gameplay through SWF that all significantly shorten the game. Don't make it sounds like mories are just instant reward for the killer. They have to do 50% of their sacrafice process to make them work and if you play against coordinated team that with non-meta killer that can be pretty challenging.
Maybe take your own advice and remember it's just a game so don't take a loss so personally and just move onto the next game.
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Always remember, everyone that complains about one side starts off with: “I play both sides so my opinion is validated”
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Might I add to the fact that MORIS HAVE ALREADY BEEN NERFED. Back in Grand ol' 2016-17 you could mori a survivor without hooking them 🙃
You really sound like a whiny survivor (and I'm a survivor main!), survivors are OP as is and keys are the most disgraceful thing in the game. Moris are strategic counterpoint to keys where mori'ing someone can help a killer get some pressure back mid/late game.
The fact that survivors can finish a game in less than 5 minutes, use keys to escape at any time, and you STILL have the NERVE to say killers need to be nerfed is insanely stupid. Smh, these poor killer mains are getting abused with these survivors asking for killer nerfs!
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So if the killer offering is not secret then you don’t gen rush?
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agree with your comments but survivors nerfing killers also hurts survivors in que times and quality of games.
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Here's a thought: What if Mori's had two animations?
First cripples the survivor, second murders them? I'd be less hesitant to let a toxic Nea back into the wild if I knew she had a limp.
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Ivory Mori is fine, maybe should require a total of 4 hooks before using.
Ebony Mori should require you to hook each survivor once.
Keys should require an action that takes X amount of seconds to open the hatch unless the EGC is going.
Toolboxes should be nerfed. BNP's should be erased from existence.
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Killers use Moris to shorten the match time... I would have to friendly disagree. I've had games where using a green mori made a difference between getting gen rushed and having a 15+ min game. Tunneling is never the way to go, I always try to hook everyone, depending on how fast the game goes I might not even use the mori but dealing with 3 survivors instead of 4 gives me more leanway in how I end up finishing the game. Less slugging and more going after different survivors
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1) That promotes tunneling no more than the game normally does.
2) You cannot prevent multiple Survivors from escaping with one Key unless you are immediately right there when the Hatch opens or one person opens the Hatch alone.
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I know the forums are full of ideas for implementation so here’s another one: offer a survivor ultra rare offering that negates a mori. You can burn one if you think the killer is bringing a mori?
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While there are still keys and fast gen times, moris are the best way to give killers a chance to fight back
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Mori's can change. Right after keys.
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I like devour hope. It goes fast but I like the thought of it. Like someone in a relationship that always messes up by accident but brings you fries, I like the idea of them and their French fries effort. Moris are okay. I see them and say okay. We will still gen rush and spine chill will put in work.
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How about an annoying ghost offering for survivors that let's them come back as a shadow version of their character so they can point and emote to their fellow survivors and run around annoyingly with the killer?
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I never understood nor do I seek to understand why keys equate to moris in some people’s heads. Until a killer has to hook all survivors once like a full survivor squad has to do 5 gens before a hatch spawns, they do not cancel each other out. One-hook mori a survivor before 3 gens are done and THEN tell me what imbalance looks like.
”Ohh but toolboxes, uhhh BNPs...etc”
This comment is over a year late and things have changed, but the situation stays the same. Eliminating one gen means absolutely nothing in comparison to Thanos-snapping a surviving at the beginning of the damn game with a mori.
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Well said 👏🏻I agree 100%
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I absolutely agree that moris need a change dont necessarily agree with your change but a mori change should only come with a key change as they basically accomplish the same thing, which is to skip your obj. Keys to a lesser degree but still they have the same problem.