Can you stop poor shaming over dc issues?

Look, just stop it.
To the people saying just buy better internet needs to look at internet pricing and speeds in the US.
I lived in a major city and it was $70/mo for 4Mbps. The next highest was 100Mbps at$250/mo. Oligarchies are fun!
Esp for a game most probably picked up on sale for like $5.
Not everyone can drop 250 every month. Just like everyone can't drop a lot of money on the ever growing resource costs of dbd.
Then if you live in a smaller city you'll be lucky to find a 4Mbps connection and in some areas it is dsl or sat net.
I play MHW just fine on my laptop but dbd lags. For some reason Senran Peach Splash does too, but it's also a very poorly optimized game. I can also play mgsv on it too.
I can play games that should cost way more in resources than DbD with bigger maps,AI eating away at my cpu, higher graphics and tons more. Yet DbD lags and crashes,once every like week or so, but the other games don't.
Before I moved I had to switch to my desktop for dbd which is made for super high end gaming,programming, and video editing. Which shouldn't be needed,especially for a game that runs on the switch and cellphones.
Asking for people to pay for big upgrades,and expensive monthly ones, isn't cool.
Accuse away of them lying but quit the poor shaming on a game that heavily sells at budget prices.
It's not like we bought star citizen.
A lot of people game for fun and as a cheap hobby. Pay$15 for a game to play online when you want is a lot cheaper then paying $15 a week to see movies, plays, going to the club,etc..
It's not poor shaming. You simply need to be able to consistently connect to avoid ruining the experience for other players. If you can't do that, you should find another game to play. It's not fair to everyone else in the match for you to DC and leave them in the lurch.
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They can implement a bot and return system to prevent that from being a issue
And yes, it is poor shaming.
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They can, but they haven't. They've said repeatedly that they don't want to, since that would just be another system that can break, and they're already having trouble with the current crop of bugs. Feel free to find another game to play if you don't feel this is fair.
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I didn't know stating a fact became shaming all of a sudden.
Btw stop moderate income/rich shaming us please
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My issue isn't fair v not fair.
It's the toxicity of the community.
All of a sudden everyone is expected to drop tons of money on a cheap game they bought so they don't crash. Especially in cases where it isn't even an option at all.
The fact this wasn't even released with bug fixes is alarming.
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not sure how that's an oligarchy but ight .
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$250 a month for 100 Mbps internet? I call bull if you live in the U.S.
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I pay $70/mo for 100, my bro pays about $90 for 500 and I have another friend in another city that pays about $70-80 for 1GB lol I call major bs.
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As long as it doesn't hurt them they don't care and will continue to shame you.
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Won't speak to your internet prices but I make below the considered "poverty" line here in Canada and my internet is decent but I do get my moments. I don't think its fair that 4 other players need to suffer because I cannot keep a stable connection so i don't complain if a game eventually gives me a DC penalty.
I fail to see where they are "poor shaming" anyone. DBD is far and beyond from the first game to implement DC penalties...and I fail to see why your enjoyment trumps the enjoyment of the 4 other players.
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Damn who is your carrier? I pay $90 for 1gb although it is closer 840mbps and that is through Fios. Comcast which sucks offers 300mbps plans at $60
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Depends on where you live. More rural areas get screwed on pricing and options.
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How do you respond to these counterclaims?
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I think my response above kinda covered it.
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Its likely a jab at the way internet providers are set up in the US, a series of companies has basically split control over different regions. It's rare to have options of providers (at least in the rural areas im used to) which allows for bad price gouging
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OP said they lived in a "major city."
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Yes. As I said, it depends where you live. If there is a monopoly on internet service in that area you'll get screwed. In my case because it's a more rural area. In their case most likely because their is no other provider.
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I'd like to know what monopoly charges more than double the high end of the national average. 100 is considered expensive. If that is indeed accurate, what OP is suggesting is ludicrous.
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I pay 130...for 3 mbps.
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What you're suggesting is ludicrous, then.
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What do you mean suggesting? That is what I actually pay. Because they are the only option. To make matters worse they don't even offer better speed for more. That's the only package available.
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No, when people dc cause they don’t like killer or they get hooked, they screw the other players because they are whiny pkayers
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Well, that's a shame.
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Those who doubt those prices should look up ISP prices in parts of NY, LA, SF and even parts of Chicago. Yeah, good net speed is not cheap.
I would not call it poor shaming, just ignorance. Most of us can get good net speed at reasonable prices, even in smaller cities.
I would add in that rural areas can be expensive. My cousin lives in a rural area of southern Alabama where there is only one net company and she pays $70 for 4mb net speed. She can barely afford that because the average income is only $30k. So, yeah, telling someone to buy better internet is just ignorant.
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They know you don't have a choice.
Your options are to give them everything you have or to go ######### yourself, and they know this.
I used to have to deal with this, but thankfully another ISP entered the city and forced them to compete.
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Internet prices in rural areas can get ridiculous.
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Not really. I live in Cali, using Frontier, and I pay 90$ for 20mb/s.
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If you play a multiplayer game knowing full well your internet isn't the best (regardless of your circumstance, this isn't relevant) then you should be prepared to have some backlash for ruining the game for the other players. You have made your problem their problem. They have a right to complain.
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I’d prefer a community with thicker skin then the one OP is vying for. Both sides can be right by the way.
OP could be right that not everyone can afford even sub-$50 packages. Circumstances happen. Huntar is right that bad connections ruin games.
My prescription for both of you is deal with it. The other will still do what they did before this thread.
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The internet is just terrible in Kolkata. Are there any charities I can donate to that help the poor stop DCing? 😥
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I've always hated arguments like this. No one cares that you can't afford better internet, and no one is shaming you. But here are the facts:
(1) When you DC you ruin the game for everyone else.
(2) You're not taking the necessary steps to stop DCing.
Your ability to play the game while being unwilling to invest in the necessary internet/hardware isn't worth everyone else's fun and rank. Just stop.
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They also have the right to not be #########. Being unhappy that there internet has caused problems is understandable. Being a jerk about it isn't.
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People also have the right to be #########. It sucks, but it is what it is.
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Poor shaming. hahaha.
This is the best "let me keep DCing" post yet
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I have Comcast and they have a monopoly in my area. Other ISPs need to lay down their lines in an area otherwise you're stuck with sub-par overpriced service. A town over has Verizon and other stuff. So yeah, the pricing varies.
Post edited by Tactless_Ninja on1 -
Gotta give it to you op this post is so far the most creative one out of the 100 other "i want to be able to dc half of my games and not be punished".
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I love how this was all about poor shaming to begin with, but then when facts started getting spat out, it's suddenly about rural areas rather than income.
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Easy solution: move. /s
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All of you clearly don’t care about the less fortunate 🤦♂️
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It's 2020. Sorry you finally have to catch up
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The less fortunate clearly don't care about us either.
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Especially if you hosting games on MacDonalds wifi for crying out loud.
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I'd be fine with that, if it were based on a percentage of games instead of how often you play in a 24 hour period. As it is now, it punitively affects people who play a lot.
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Dude i live in banana state and pay ~3,5e for 100mbp/s. In what slave country you live????
Also it is not poor shaming it is just that in online game you have responsibility towards your teammates and other team. You can't simply walk into some game and leave for what ever reason you want. Either leave that slave country of yours and find good place to live. Others don't need to take that. OR make revolution and kill your internet providers for enslaving you with internet prices
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yeah that makes sense
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So many jerks in this thread. Grow some empathy!
Internet in America is screwed up thanks to the corporate oligarchs that control and monopolize everything (and we’re in the throes of late stage capitalism too.) Rural areas tend to be surprise! poorer because there’s not a lot of business and the business there is knows they can charge what they want. I live in a semi rural town and Time Warner is our only option, and the option we have is a pretty penny and it’s not the fastest package to boot (although thankfully it’s pretty stable) - coincidentally when you go into the richer town not far from where I live (I live in an area close to a lake and the class disparity is HUGE and noticeable) one can get Fios and other lightning quick packages.
It’s easy to say “oh if you have unstable internet, don’t play” but it’s callous and it’s classist. You’re literally advocating that gaming should only be enjoyed by those who can pay to play. It’s gross.
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Gaming can be enjoyed by anyone. There are lots of single player games, or even solo online games you can enjoy with a bad connection. When you decide to play an online game with an unstable connection especially of the pve/pvp variety which require you to group up, you are now ruining the game for other people when you disconnect. How about having empathy for the people's games that are being ruined?
This isn't being "classist" lol but nice bait. You aren't entitled to ruin other's experience just because you want to play a game without having the appropriate infrastructure. Unfortunately the world isn't fair and not everything can be catered to everyone.
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If you're not ready to change your place of living, get a passport or fork down all of your money and devote yourself to dbd you're just not trying hard enough. Did you know stocks pay our dividends occasionally? Just put a few million in a blue chip stock and it pays for itself.
In the immortal words or Paris Hilton "just stop being poor lol"
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OP, Dude, Your city sucks. I guess I live in a bigger US city (Salt Lake City), where 1 Gbps Is offered for $80 per month, and the lowest rate of 25 Mbps is offered at just $19. I'm running on 250 Mbps at $50 per month with Comcast, and still feel like that's overcharging for the rate I'm getting, but at least it's affordable. If you're actually getting Charged that much in your city... you either need to take it up with your congressman or move out. I'd expect those kind of rates from an east cost city/new york pricing because the living wage there is much higher and so is the cost of living and thus it gets adjusted to be affordable in that environment even for the lower income residents, but seriously? $250 per month for only 100 Mbps? You either have the shittiest ISP, the Worst city to get internet in, are living off of a wifi technology from 2007, or (most likely) you're lying your ass off and exaggerating your actual conditions in a poor attempt to plead that the devs remove the DC penalty to accommodate the "poor".
I have a computer that's currently 6 years old, Ran dbd Just fine on a Nvidia 960 GTX, still runs it fine after I upgraded the card last year to an Nvidia 1060 GTX that cost 229 bucks, and 250 Mbps that costs me an additional $50 dollars per month on top of my cable bill. My pay per month is $1400, which is apparently considered in the "Poverty zone" so, I have no idea what you mean when you claim you are "poor" if you are able to afford paying $250 per month for a meager 100 MBPS!
Consider this calling your bluff. You just don't like the DC penalty system, and you aren't even being honest enough with the community about your grievances with it because you know, just as much as we do, that you are a petty/entitled player who is no longer getting their way and is making up excuses to make your complaint seem justified.
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You’re still admitting that you believe that multiplayer and online gaming should only be played by those who can afford to. And yes, it is classist. Put on your critical thinking cap and think about it.
it is unfair and dishonest to lump people with internet beyond their control in with the sort who DELIBERATELY ruin matches by dcing for whatever petty salty reason. Guess what? You can keep believing in your small heart and mind that it’s poor people who should be punished for the dcs but the actual culprits - the salty bitter pathetic cowards who dc on purpose - will still dc or intentionally suicide.
The world doesn’t have to be unfair. Such edgy apathy only goes to show that you’re comfortable with the status quo, the rest be damned.