do you tunnel every game?
i used to play "fair" however since ruin is GONE i now tunnel every game when in the past id let survivors heal and then kill them over time. i feel this is my balance now to what has made the game very hard for killers. i cant be the only one that is doing this
Only if it gives me pressure. I slug much more often now, though.
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I still don't because I also play survivor and know how unfun that is. I still play fair unless they're being toxic.
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I only tunnel if I know the person is a weak looper, and I often try to hook them in a dead zone if I can or near a gen that's close to being done. I won't tunnel someone who goes to a safe zone right off hook, I'll find someone else and tunnel them while trying to maintain pressure on the gens. Either that or I'll try to make survivors 3 gen themselves but gen lock does nothing against swf so tunneling/slugging seem to be the only options to apply pressure, unless the survivors are potatoes.
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No. DS makes it pointless as you lose all pressure but it was never good before that anyway. Tunnel one and ignore 3 others and you get genrushed. Tunneling only works at low ranks.
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I “ tunnel” when somebody decided to waste their DS just for being “toxic” and already have enough pressure to justify eating it
it’s like “hey #########, remember that DS? Yeah, you don’t have it anymore”
they want to BM me with their DS, I just return the favor
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Same. Want to use your DS outside of tunneling situations? Fine, but you won't have it when I tunnel you.
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If they have a key. Yes, they will die a quick death.
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Yeah, because tunneling is just imaginated phrase based on non-existing rulesbook. Its just doing objective and instead of X chases I prefer delete one survivor after one from game.
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Before ruin nerf I tried not to tunnel because 'ethics'.
Now I do it whenever it's the best move because I'm pissed. That said, there are a lot of times where it isn't the best move.
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I usually only tunnel after getting a bs DS but that’s only on the right time of course. Some times I just eat the bs ds and ignore it because I really can’t afford to tunnel or else I’ll lose the game.
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I still play "fair". I just dont play anything beside top tier killers as I want to keep my play style.
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I usually do. The faster I can get rid of the weakest link the better.
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based on beeing ds'd i sometimes tunnel 3 people at once.
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Killers "yeah I tunnel"
Also killers "Why is DS so strong??!"
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survivor "if you need ruin you have to get good"
also survivor -> runs ds unbreakable dh every game.
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I never ran ruin or ds. Unbreakable and DH are fair and balanced.
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Survivors: DS is only for anti tunnel.
Also survivors: Look at me with DS parading around in front of the killer who isn't tunneling cause he can't do anything about it!
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That makes no sense. What a ridiculous comparison. Ruin and DS/Unbreakable are completely unrelated.
Rampant tunneling is why DS was made like this. Rampant slugging is why unbreakable came along. Just like how survivors abusing infinites got them removed, abusing window vaults got them changed, swf abusing instaheals got them nerfed.
If something becomes common in the game and it affects the enjoyment of the game for a lot of people then a solution will come along.
DS exists the way it does because all the noob killers tunnel everyone to death.
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ye thats why it has no trigger condition, you can jump in a locker and be invincible for a minute, i can chase down and hook someone else, come back and still get ds'd cause that obviously just tunneling amiright?
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Dont bother if they find tunneling fair or not. If a person doesnt know how to hide or simply stays at the hook even though you patrolled 5 different gens before comming back, the first person you find you will chase it. It does not matter if that person was the same you just hooked. If you get tunneled as a good survivor you win the match for your teamates, if you are a bad survivor you just need to get better.
No one seems to get bothered when they are "tunneled" and 5 gens pop. Because that's what will happen if you tunnel a good survivor most of the time. When they are outplayed they dc or cry "why you tunnel"?
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If the game is going ok, I won't tunnel. If I'm being gen rushed, yeah I will tunnel just to give myself a chance.
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I see the whole point went way over your head.
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No it depends.
Depends on what? Probably the survivor who did unhook, if he is going to be a coward that just hides, fine by me. I dont care as long as i put somebody down.
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Coming from someone who thinks NOED is OP, and DS is balanced....well, it's just a bit comical, is all. I mean, if you want to talk about what does and doesn't make sense...
Most killers would be fine if DS was strictly for anti tunnel. Most killers who are hit with DS, and I wouldn't expect you to know this cause of your lack of experience (which can be observed from your post history), are hit with it when they aren't tunneling. They've already hooked someone else, or the survivor is forcing them to hit them instead of someone else.
It should be conditional. I would have no issues with being punished for tunneling, but the fact that I can hook someone, hook someone else, find a person, down them, and pick them up just to see they still have, wait, I tunneled? Get real.
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Sometimes i am like a mindless zombie killer who just tunnels anything to death. Yeah, sometimes i do tunnel. If others get in my way that just makes me tunnel even more cos i know what that hit means to them if they are willing to take one. That sometimes backfires with protection hits. Its a game. They must know i tunnel and provide worthy of opponents at times that can deal with a killer that can and will tunnel.
There was a period of a few days last month where i was getting DS after DS. This is the result of tunneling. What made the games even better is that i recovered and still got them. DS just pisses me off. I dont use it as surv. Never will.
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guy is called clickyclicky. prob just the guy jumping into a locker with ds ready every time the killer spots em. just vs tunneling i swear.
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If you're getting hit with DS often then you need to look at how you play. It's very rare for me to be hit with it.
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So if I hook 2 other people..and go to a gen and find the person who was hooked ages ago, and they still have DS...that's my fault?
Broken logic.
"If you're getting owned by Billy so much, stop letting him down you hurdur"
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So you're downing 2 survivors and hooking them then walking halfway to the map chasing and downing another survivor and they still have DS?
Stop using Hillbilly 😉
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That is because you rarely play killer at all. When you do you get hit by it, seems accurate.
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Wraith with speed addons, actually. :)
But yeah, hooked two other people, must be tunneling. You can always tell when someone is new to DBD when they say things like this.
"Billy OP"
"DS = balanced!"
And you wonder why people take nothing you say seriously. Stop baiting and have a serious conversation, bud. You've never won a debate here, and you never will with that one-sided, baity attitude.
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Tunneling is so rarely defined. I've been accused of tunneling even when I'm juggling people or running for a different person literally across the map.
To me tunneling is: The specific and targeted rehooking of one survivor above all else over and over again. Typically with the goal of third hooking them as possible.
No. I rarely tunnel by it's actual definition, making themselves too big of a threat-such as being OOO SWF player- by my guess then I will feel inclined to tunnel due to the major sense of tactical pressure I am under. I will also tunnel if there is simply no other option for me to do BUT tunnel.
EG: the exit gates are open and I can see all the other survivors are just loling it up or can only asume so at the exit areas. Then the only person left I can feasible get is the guy on hook again.
But at that point it's the survivor job to make sure their escape is a team effort. End game can quickly turn a game on its head for survivors. I've seen groups that get almost no hook get 3 man downed by end gamed because they were still trying to loop and expecting to simply be let go because "yeah but I looped you all game"
and now time was on my side and wasting it by looping killed you.
I will never deny myself a hit of a survivor I find although I will rarely pick up someone I just hooked. be it by pure chance-such as demon dashing after the unhooked guy by mistake- or coming across a healing survivor. I ain't just going to let them do that. Slugging is one of the most effectiveforms of pressure and it would be silly to deny myself that tool. But besides from possible DS...picking up someone I already hooked recently is not a good tactical move.
That's one guy someone else has got to look after now, allowing me to get someone else who might take longer in a chase to get and get more points for a 4team 1 hook.
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lol take a look at yourself. Just gloating, spamming smileys and saying you've won the argument doesn't make it so.
Killer with unlimited sprint and instadowns = balanced, endgame speed boost and unlimited instadowns = balanced, 5 second stun = BROKEN PLZ NERF!
Also survivors op and game almost impossible with ruin amiright?
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*uses one smiley*
*is spamming smileys*
Seems legit.
🙄 <--- not a smiley, cause he's not smiling
Billy has cooldowns and charge times and can easily be forced to M1 (by a half decent survivor - go figure!). NOED can be destroyed by survivors before it's even appearing.
DS can only be countered by slugging. But you don't like being left to bleed out either.
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I like to tunnel multiple Survivors at once.