Why is Hag the Only Killer Allowed to Dismember?

I mean Hag’s mori is only cool because it shows her ripping a survivors guts out.
But I wanna see Claudette split in half when I mori her with my Bubba.
well, Clown does remove a finger... very small, but it counts.
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Demodoggy bites the head off. The character models are just not built well enough to animate it better.
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I mean Oni rips out their tongues
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They are fairly minor. You would thing Demo's would take your head off.
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Yeah I see how he just sucks on the survivors head like a tootsie pop and well, I guess the survivor suffocates or something
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I think the devs gave an answer on this sometime, but I don't remember from where. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Basically, there's two reasons:
Dismemberment (at least as extreme as Hag, if not more like decapitation) can raise the game rating in certain countries, making it banned and/or unplayable there.
There's also the technical side- detachable items/body parts will require more complex rigging and skeletons for the animation, making it a pain to create. Minor things (Hag with the liver, Oni with a tongue, Clown with his fingers) are easy enough though.
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This actually isn't true.
This is a China thing. If the game actually showed full on dismemberment the game would be banned in China... and we know how much money would be lost if that were the case.
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Can't we just get a different version?
Team fortress 2 makes the models head shrink to super tiny when a head gets blown off in that game. I don't know how the models are set up but it seems minor.
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Buff pigs mori. Make Amanda take out gun and unload full clip into survivor.
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For some reason, the devs are really afraid of countries banning their game. Are those countries supporting the game that much to where them banning DbD would have a noticeable impact on its revenue?
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She has a strong hand
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Why lose revenue?
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I did not consider that, thanks for enlightening me. It’s similar to how Blizzard altered the Forsaken models to hide bones so WoW could be played in China.
I don’t care though, I want MK11 style fatalities in Dbd!