The disconnect penalty sure fixed all the problems with the game

Few games of killer tonight.
-1st survivor suicides on 1st hook, so next suicides on 1st hook. Happened multiple games.
Meanwhille the 2 survivors left and the killer get stuck in a boring game they don't want to play and have to see it through until the end.
So the people disconnecting get their escape, probably don't suffer too much of a penalty compared to others since the last few left in the game will be stuck there for another few minutes anyway. If they get a longer timer after multiple disconnects they turn the game off and play something else for a bit. Meanwhile everyone in the game who is a victim of these people have to suck it up.
This system punishes everyone else more than it punishes those that disconnect. Best job ever so far.
"They play something else for a bit".
Good. We dont want DC-ers here.
Those than suicides on hook, would have DCd, so it didnt make anything worse.
If anything, these rants make people look like they're upset that they cant DC without consequences anymore.
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I'd say I'm glad it's not on Xbox, but even here they're just DC'ing like crazy since rank reset. Had 2 survivors in a match DC on their death hook. I mean, why? It was strange to say the least
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If they were suiciding on the first hook anyway, they most likely were planning on dc-ing but didn't because of the penalty. So how would a DC right of the bat have been any better? For me, i think thats a great improvement. Atleast now people need to get on the hook and therefore waste time, and also the killer gets more points. Win-Win in my eyes.
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I've had my game crash on death hook. Not saying that's what happened for them, but it does happen from time to time.
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Grow up.
2 survivors gave up instantly. Does it matter if it's a disconnect or a suicide? either way they've thrown the game in an instant.
I would have preferred the last 2 to disconnect than for me to have to walk around the map picking off 2 players who stand no chance. It felt like a chore. I couldn't be bothered waiting for them to do gens, but felt bad since they were the ones who got screwed the hardest. I'd rather they or myself just quit and get it over with.
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It just results in 3 players (killer and last 2 survivors) being forced to go through the motions to end the game.
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Love the new DC penalty's. All those clicky clicky flashlight spamming survivors have to take the BM now. 😎
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Correct. The same way it would happen if people DC'D. Might aswell get those points you can, instead of also DC-Ing and losing a pip. While i can understand that, yes, having half the team suicide isn't fun, for either party (killer or survivor) there isn't much to do anyway, doesn't matter if they DC'D or suicided, in the end it leaves you in the same bad spot anyway. A penalty is meant to discourage players from ragequitting in the first place, not penalize those players left in a game because a bunch of players decided to suicide. I get your point though.
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I mean, was it ever supposed to fix everything? I thought this was just some garbage that people on these forums and twitter and reddit wouldn’t stop demanding, so the Devs has no choice but to implement.
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"Couldnt be bothered to wait for gens to be done. "
Oh my god how would you ever survive.
These reasons for needing to disconnect mid game are becoming more and more elaborate as the threads appear now that punishments are back.
If you cant handle the outcome of a game, or how you may have yo play to deal with bullshit, then dont queue up.
Joining a game, and disconnecting is childish.
Having 2 people leave and being mad you cant DC instead of what you came to do, but easier, is childish.
Ffs you had 2 people gone and its "a chore" instead of chasing 4?
You could either play the easier game, or watch videos for 5 mins. Sorry you cant rage quit whenever you want to now.
Grow up.
Until then, I'm out. Theres no way you're going to see logic. That's apparent by your DC white knighting.
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What I'm saying is if there was no penalty the last survivors might just quit, or I could quit. Anything other than being forced to go another few minutes. At that point you're just going through the motions to end it.
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The only people in favour of this are green rank killers that struggle to win and they love the fact that they can 4k for the first time in their life knowing the other survivors have to stay for the 4k.
Some of us play videogames for the competitive element. I want a challenge, not me just picking off half a team that has no chance. I don't want the win handed to me.
"Watch videos for 5 minutes"
Yeah because that's why I turn a videogame on. So that I can spend my time watching youtube instead of playing the game. Makes sense. 200iq.
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If only survivors would shame each other into playing right. Suicide on hook is miles better than dc on down any day. Now instead of hurting the killer they only hurt each other. Survivors need to have a sit down and talk this out.
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Yes, i understood that from your last post. And i agree, that might be a boring drag, wanting to get to the next game. But i just dont see a reason why you should DC in any of those cases, since you lose both the points and de-pip. While the game becomes less fun for the survivors left behind of the suicider, i can't see why anyone would rather leave the game and waste all the points they could gather; a simple solution in that case then; suicide on the next hook + get the points + a potential safety pip, while you also get to carry on to the next game. Penalty is needed to discourage the players from purposefully DC-ing, hence trying to prevent the scenario you're describing.
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Well normally it's the survivors that disconnect in those cases. I don't care about pips tbh or points in those cases because you're getting none anyway. I just want the game to be over.
Also tonight suicides have seemed far more frequent than disconnects. I've barely had survivors disconnect recently.
Can't wait to see the next lot of stats were all killers have like an 80%+ killrate.
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Then play something else
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True about the 80% kill rate lol.
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If this becomes such a huge issue that everyone is killing themselves on the hook,they can just make it so you can't wiggle, its not like you escape, its more like an last attempt.
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Well, it is hard to tell overall. I have seen a lot more toxicity from survivors and killers since yesterday. I have only gotten a couple suicide on hooks, both are when I downed someone within the first minute of the match.
On the flip side, I've noticed a ton as survivor. Played 7 matches with the wife today and all 7 had suicide on hook or more. They were also all with killers who hardcore tunneled and one outright face camper.
I think if we let things calm down, we will get a true look at the impact. Right now, toxicity on both sides are sky high and it is hard to tell. I'm glad they put the DC penalty in, but I can VERY SLIGHTLY understand the suicide vs toxic killers. I don't get the suicide just because you are hooked.
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I always said get rid of ranks. All it does is promote this i am going to dc to save my rank or give the last guy the hatch mentality. If they got rid of rank maybe this can get back to being focused on fun again and less on rank.
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It's not all that. A lot of people "take advantage" of things like this when a change is implemented. Ruin was nerfed, so killers and survivors play scummier than ever, green toolboxes in every match, intentional camping and tunnelling etc to get a reaction out of people. DC penalties have returned so more killers are slugging every survivor for the entire 4 minutes trying their absolute best to get survivors to DC. It's really pathetic. It's a small portion of players but it's enough for it to be a problem.
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Your scenario is the lesser of the evils. There isn't a fool proof way of stopping players from prematurely exiting the game be it dcing or suiciding on the hook.
But punishing dcers would at least alleviate one of the problems and I think it's a step in the right direction.
Dcing to give someone the hatch shouldn't be a thing and this stops that or killers dcing near the start of the game causing survivors to spend another 10 minutes searching for a game.
It's a welcomed changed that has more pros than cons.
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Dc for the hatch was part toxic swf, but part because the other survivor was bored as hell while the killer walked around spending the full 4 mins looking for an immersed claudette he was never going to find. Its a very boring part of the game that should have been addressed long ago.
Killers that disconnect early will now just go afk early. This is another point, I’d rather the killer disconnect on me if he doesn’t want to play as opposed to me having to sit holding M1 through the remaining gens before I can end the game.
Basically everyone is giving up just as often as before if not more so but now everyone else suffers for it by being expected to carry on playing against opponents that are no longer taking part. You’re pretty much playing DBD by yourself at that point.
@Warlock_2020 That’s the problem it’s the frequency of it. Its just so common for them to give up.
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Can't say i am surprised to find @ClickyClicky ranting about DC punishments.
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The fact that people like yourself are all for it implies it’s massively killer sided.
I like a challenge in videogames and I like to earn my win. This dc penalty only benefits people like yourself who will take any win you can get regardless of if the other side is even still playing or not.
It’s like NOED in that regard. Some people want to earn their kills, others will be happy to have it handed to them.
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I see still no progress in the logic department.
Yes totally killer sided cause the little ragequit kiddies didn't hurt the remaining 3 survivors at all. This is going to happen less and less, I sincerely hope that they make the penalties harsher.
Also note dc is not exclusive to survivors but that tells a story about your skill not making a killer rq even once in all those thousands of games that you played.
Keep up the contradictions. I am sure that the people that rq everytime as they do not have it their way, they all just want a good challenge.
Nah I am just glad that the amount of farm games will decrease, i hate to either ######### on 2-3 people like the ragekiddie did or waste the time of everyone farming.
Got another story to tell? Can't wait.
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I agree with you in that when the killer slugs to get the 4k is very boring and maybe the survivor should have an option to suicide there and then seppuku style the current state of the game i prefer the DC penalty.
Id wager that the suicide rate is lower than what the previous DC rate was purely because it takes a little more effort to suicide. You can't just rage quit and instantly leave the game, more people will be inclined to stick it out.
Wraiths or Myers sitting in the corner facing the wall wasn't unheard of before this change as well so I don't think this would trigger that either.
As I mentioned before it is the lesser of two evils and I think we'll eventually see the positives. Whenever any change occurs, there is some backlash which promotes toxic play but that dies out.
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Farming ends?
All these killers that ragequit when losing or when they got pallet stunned carrying a survivor what do you think they will do now? They’ll likely afk. Which means everyone else has to do gens against an opponent that isn’t participating anymore. Hold M1 for a few minutes before you can leave. Yay so happy because all those afk wraith games were so enjoyable!! ^_^
Or 2 survivors give up on hook/disconnect. That leaves the last 2 to go into hiding for the hatch ensuring you have a long drawn out game, or you just gotta let them farm ir feel guilty while hooking them and deal with the abuse afterwards because they’re pissed off. Im sure players being unsatisfied wont have a knock on effect. No this is where it ends. We dont think that far forward so we Endstille?
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The survivor should have an option to bleed out but the devs could not care less. Not until it affects their bottom line.
I’ve proposed an idea before. A bleed out button. Tap it and you start bleeding out at twice the rate. 2 minutes is more acceptable. That still gives the killer time if he really needs it but in return if the survivor bleeds out their aura gets revealed to the killer so he knows they’re doing it and can hook them anytime without them hiding in a corner.
I dont even get why slugging for the 4k exists ever since EGC. Its so killer sided now and you can close the hatch anytime.
Slugging for the 4k is boring as hell not just for survivor but killer as well. The last survivor will go fully immersed and its often spending ages squinting through corn trying to see them. I’d rather just take the chances on the hatch and trigger EGC.
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Maybe they will still participate in the game and see that in the end it wasn't that bad.
Where is the diffrence to holding m1 to a tunneling killer that gets looped all game? Killer does not participate we are gone in a couple of minutes.
Yea or you play normally till the end or go to the killer. See the problem in all this is the person that does dc with consequence less people will do it. What abuse? You mean toxic postgame chat? Just close it or understand that there is a report function for exactly that.
When you meet good people they will usually understand or just want to get out of the game the fastest way possible, again less people who dc is better in the end.
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Maybe they will participate, maybe not. Maybe they’ll just resort to camping when they’re pissed off.
Less dc more suicides. It has solved nothing.
I genuinely believe this is going to hurt the game. Yeah a lot of people babyquit because they were caught but this just hurts the remaining players more. Also there are genuine reasons why some players would feel salty or tilted. None of those are looked into as that requires work.
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No it doesnt hurt the remaining players more, not at all. Before that people would not wait to be hooked and so on thus it helps the remaining people whether you like it or not.
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The rest left have to participate in and finish a tilted game. Nobody has fun.
Killer gives up - I’d rather have them disconnect than sit and hold m1 while they afk.
2 Survivors give up in 1st minute - I’d rather have the last 2 disconnect and get it over with than be forced to go chase them around or play hide and seek.
2 survivors give up while you’re playing survivor - seek out the killer wanting it over with and be left on the ground for 4 mins to bleed out. Punished because others quit the game.
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What if the last 2 doesn't disconnect?
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That is so cool of you in the worst case that is 21k in bp for the stuff the killer brought in?
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At least one normally would. But if not then its the same? But the point is that option isn’t there.
I’d at least like the option to forfeit games. I dont think it would make much difference with all the toxic players but at least if 2 survivors gave up I could agree with the other survivors to just call it a day.
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Those last two survivors can also suicide and end the game quickly.
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But its the time before that which is frustrating when its happening over multiple games.
You need to seek them out at which point they’re hiding, chase them and hook them. Theres no fun because its a free win. I also feel really bad for those players which sucks the most. I shouldn’t have to feel like a dick for doing it.
Before 1 would disconnect which at least opened the hatch for the other.
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I understand your frustrations but the DC penalty solves more issues that it causes and if you revert the change, we would be back on square one.
If you had an idea that would solve this problem in another way, it would be more productive. Until then DC penalty is the preferred way to go.
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Such a fun and fair system. Yes lets compare it to Rocket League because that game has a penalty for ranked games yet none of the billion other issues DBD has so it’s totally a great comparison!
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Once again the system isn't perfect and even games like overwatch has issues where it would kick you out then penalize you fo dcing.
I've not come across many survivors that suicided personally but I'm on ps4 so I can't speak for other platforms. Maybe it's because it takes survivors 10+ minutes to find a game that no one suicides.
In some scenarios it was not a fun and fair system but you can't say that the previous system was fair and fun either.
If you have such a problem with it, wouldn't it be more productive to come up with an alternative solution.
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A never ending loop of pointless arguments by that ClickyClicky thing. 4K slugging was always a problem and has nothing to do with DC penalties.
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Nothing new in this post. Moving on.
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So without the penalty they just DC leaving you with the same 2v1 result. At least now you get the hook points, emblem points, and BBQ stack if you're running it
How are you being punished more than before? Is it because YOU can't DC without being punished?
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If the problem is that there are people suiciding on hook since the can't DC.
Why are you saying the solution is to let them DC instead of trying to remove hook suiciding too? And then add in a clause for when everyone is on the guaranteed to die that speeds everything up much like in the case of the last Survivor being on the hook.
So basically if everyone is either in the dying state or on the hook. With players that have no mither or unbreakable not counting for dying state. Then the game enters an accelerated state that will just kill everyone.
And otherwise make it impossible for Survivors to willingly progress hook states. Yes this would require a rework to kobies, but such a swingy mechanic being reworked a bit isn't a big problem.
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Posting in another clicky clicky bitter cause DC penalty thread
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And it's going to keep happening as long as the stupid d/c penalty is there.
I get camped? I'm quitting. I get tunneled? I'm quitting. I loop the killer for two minutes while my teammates sit around with a thumb up their asses & don't do a single generator? I'm quitting. Same killer three games in a row? I'm out. Terrible map against a killer I hate? I'm out.
Sorry, but I played for Bloodpoints since the rank doesn't mean anything. So I can leave, queue again & get into a new game in the time it takes that one to finish.
Sorry, not sorry. Video games are supposed to be fun. If I'm not having fun, I'm leaving.
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Because if they can’t hook suicide then they will afk. You can’t force them to play.
I’d rather they just did what they did before. Let them dc but when they reach a certain threshold they receive a ban not just a timeout. The problem before was that it took about a billion games of disconnecting before they got a ban. If they lowered that threshold drastically it would have been ok. I’m also not convinced they did it on a monthly basis as some assume. It seemed to be in waves like most companies do, but these only seemed to happen every 6 months or so going by complaints online.
Basically right now there are a number of people playing the game who have no intention or desire of playing the game. All the current system does it give then a timeout and also gives them a get-out clause in hook suiciding or going afk. That applies to killers too. To me if every couple of games I’m against afk killers or hook suiciding survivors then its still wasted time and ruined games. Gettung a few extra points for hooks etc really doesn’t change much.
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Just a couple things here before it's off to bed....
Ranks were the worst introduction to this game. While it's understood that they were used early on as a "marketing tool" incentive for players to keep playing and provide visual affirmation of progress or skill...the fear of losing rank was the initial cause for most DCing. Since those early days, as to not appear to be a try hard or sweaty player (in what is suppose to be a casual survival game) a multitude of excuses have surfaced to legitimize DCing.
PHUCK THAT FECES! You queued up for a the damn game. Aside from your cat or ferret pulling your modem power cable out of the wall, there is nothing anyone could ever say about ANY situation that would convince me DCing is the best option.
AFK killer and survivors? Who takes this game that seriously?! No, really...if that so ruins your game (which I'll never believe the feigned outrage of such a happening) professional help. Free points for one or the other. You're not going to convince me you're the Predator standing on some soapbox of morality about the travesty that is a "ruined" game.
This is you....this is what you sound like:
Unless this trial is perfect to my standards...well....I'm just going...I'm gonna leave.
I don't like this map...DC.
I don't like this killer...DC.
I don't like those add-ons...DC.
Other survivors aren't good enough...DC.
This killer tunnels....DC.
This killer facecamps....DC.
I was hit too soon...DC.
I mean, the list of bullshit just goes on and on and on....but here's the thing's what you don't seem to get; We don't care!!! I want you to DC for any and every reason as much as you want....until we no longer have to deal with such a bitchy player.
I will never NOT support the DC penalty. It's the best addition to a game filled with whining maggots!
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Or how about this...
Turn the game on - Play for say 2 hours
Have 10 games in that period.
4 games feature disconnects.
That’s 6 normal games and 4 ruined by disconnects
Have 10 games
4 feature suiciding survivors or afk killers
That’s still my time wasted with 4 non-games.
However at least before if people were going to be babies and dc immediately then it meant I could quickly get back into search and look for a new game. Making those 10 games more like 12.
Now however if somebody doesn’t want to play you still need to see it through to the end of the trial. Oh killer doesn’t like this map? Guess they’re going afk then yay just gonna hold M1 for a few minutes before I’m allowed to join a new game.
Hook suicides and afk killers were only a minor problem before as they were infrequent however now those cases FROM MY EXPERIENCE have skyrocketed.
You make so many assumptions about me it’s disgusting. I could easily make assumptions about you. Oh you have all the free time in the world? Yeah I can see why it doesn’t bother you.
However for people like myself with a full time job and other things going on? If I am able to set aside time for 10 games and 4 of them are ruined then what does it matter if its disconnects or suicides/afk? I’m still not getting to play the actual game. I’m not having good matches regardless.
“Oh wow the killer has a good start. This is going to be a tense game where we need to claw our way back.....oh nevermind Nea killed herself on 1st hook. Oh now Nancy had too. Gg I guess”
”Oh wow Ormund. Wonder who the killer is, wonder how good my teammates are, wonder if this will be a tense and exciting game....oh wait killer doesn’t like the map so he’s afk. Hmm guess I better get through these gens so I can join a game with somebody who actually wants to play”
All they have done is improve upon one problem but create another. Know what you sound like? A killer main who couldn’t care less so long as he gets the hook points. Some of us want a competitive game. That’s why we’re playing multiplayer and not against bots. I’m assuming for you though when the survivors/killer gives up you’re just giddy with happiness about the EZ win.