Survivors, it is time for us to use our keys

Survivors we have been threatened by other players of Dead by Daylight, telling us that they want our precious keys to be nerfed. Removed even. How dare they try to take away our beautiful Green Keys from us. We must band together and use them! To show that they can't take away our keys that were earned through blood, tears, sweat and salt. The people against our cause are threatened by the powers of the Green Key. Scared of how useful it is and disgusted by how 'Broken' it is. Green Key Users! Band together and Unite!!!
If what you say can be trusted I will start a Mori Revolution and believe you don’t want that to happen.
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Do people actually use broken keys?
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Do what you must!
I have seen Mori revolutions before! And you wont be the last!
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Has this already begun. I literally got mori over 10 times in one day. I’m not exaggerating. It was a tough day that day.
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Yes, sadly they are rare type of species that use them often. Like Adam mains, very rare. Endangered even.
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Soon we will be filled with members!
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Too OP, BHVR PLS Nerf.
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We will usher in the NOED, Mori revolution
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As if killer arent already doing this, cause theyre cheap ways to play.
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Elk is Trusted 😉
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It's so broken, you can't even use it. Pls nerf I play Billy with noed and I get 4k every match but this is broken ;-;;-;;-;;-;
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can you guys break the meta hatch opening keys while your at it? thanks in advance.
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Killers would need to use shrouds of separation to combat this.
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Killers it's time for us to use our Moris. I have a collection of 500. 4K X 500 = 2.000 potato 9ft. under. A deal.
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What do you mean it's "now" time to use your keys? I've been seeing keys every now and then for some time.
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I see keys 30% of my matches. I think the revolution has already started without you.
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Someone edit this with the survivors faces
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They help in many ways like....
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But you can only use broken moris
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LOL! That moment when the key carrier gets slugged, tunneled and camped... I don't do it BTW, if you opened hatch with the key it was my mistake, that item is dumb to bring in in my opinion, it just makes the killer be more "agressive" or "focused" in the carrier
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They've gone too far. TOO FAR.
Green key users RISE!!!!!!
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Green Keys?! I think not!
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I knew this would happen,so i stacked 200 green keys on my claud. GO GREEN KEYS!
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See there are so many that you can't even count how many uses that they have!
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Join me my Comrades!
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So you see the powers of the key! So powerful that it's Broken! 😉
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You may try to separate us Green Key Users! But! It won't be long with the powers of the Broken Key that we will find one another again!!!
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Raise your keys above your knees!
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Hahaha! Silly Booper of Snoot, you are out numbered by the Green Key Users by so many I can't even count the numbers we have! While I am amused that you had shouted your rebellion from afar, you can't beat our shear numbers with something as something silly as Cypress Moris! Green Keys and Cypress Moris may be the strongest items ever created by the Devs we will never be beaten by the likes of....Hmhmhm....Cypress Moris😏.
Nonsense! Nonsense!
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The audacity of you claiming that this is all for a silly pun. *Scoff* While the Green Key is in fact 'Broken' 😏 it is the most powerful item in game. The Devs know it's crazy 'Broken' that's why it's called a 'Broken' key.
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I’m scared. Guess it’s time to unlock Frankie’s on all killers.
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New perk idea..
All Keyed Up
You have a 100/200/300% chance of finding a green key in chests. You become one with the key and it cannot be dropped or lost upon death. This perk requires 4 perk slots. The aura of your key is shown to the killer at all times.
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That's an amazing perk!
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By the time you unlock Franklin's. It will be too late! We will have already controlled DbD by days end. Muahahahahaha! *cough* *cough* Haha!
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As long as the Green Keys rule the game, we Killers will never be able to change our fate.
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Hmhmhm, you may join Booper of thy Snoot in this...hmhm rebellion. We Green Key Users are looking for a challenge. After all Cypress Moris are the only thing strong enough to even be considered, an equal.
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Blood tears sweat and salt is an exaggeration they are pretty common in chests
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Yep. I use then quite a lot. There are a few key add-ons that are stupidly good. Such as the permanent aura reading for the obsession and the ability to see the killer's aura on use.
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Shhh..... You are telling them the 'Broken' power of the key. The extra perk slot. Shhh.
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The only Broken keys that are useful are the ones you take with you out of the match to use when you start a new one....i said to much. *Hides in shadows*
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I bring Franklin's and Ebony Mori for a single key in my lobby. The whole team suffers for a single person's actions. I won't let the survivors keep the items either. I generally only Mori the key bringer and anyone who picks it up. If someone wants to shortcut the game and ruin my experience expect the same from me.
I do understand that you are joking though Elk. Forgot to mention that.
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In seriousness it's understandable if killers do that in retaliation. It's sad my Green Keys are in the cross fire.
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I just dodge lobbies when I see keys
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I actually occasionally see a survivor bring in a green key with no add-ons... I always wonder if they do that to try to screw with the killer's head or if they just think it's funny or what.
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They are the weird ones of the Green Key Users.