Okay what exciting thing can you do with chains? Whip them around? Attach a pallet to them and flick the pallet at survivors? Swing around like Spiderman?
New teaser!
No one gonna mention Chris Walker? Outlast? No? Only me? :(
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It can only be one.... Pinhead <3
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C'mon guys. We all already know who is it
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I mean, fashion statments?
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It’s Pinhead calling it now.
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Just use an animation as the entitys claws grabbing the survivor and placing the survivor on the hook. Keep in mind Chucky still has the strength to drag survivors. But I can see were the animation struggles come in.
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People been calling for pinhead for like 2 years now lol
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Maybe it will bhvrs version of pinhead....... Bolthead lol calling it now. His motto can be I have much scr***** to show you.
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Just typed in " movie killers who use chains" on google and got nothing but hellraiser
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I love everything about this from your name to your comment lol
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I know they’ve already said that the ptb will be next week, but will that be exactly one week from today, meaning the 20th? Or will it be the 18th like most people predicted?
Edit: nvm I didn’t realize that they confirmed that it’s Tuesday
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Just yes please! Lol
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My thoughts exactly. Would love Pinhead in the game absolutely.
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YES ! Pinhead ! Finnalllyyy
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I get it!
The survs can now tether the killer in place. Its not a new killer at all but a surv perk.
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Anyone else here hoping for The Alchemist?
A killer was first teased on 2018's The Hallowed Blight. In the event's story, he captured The Trapper and experimented on him. The animation showed Trapper chained to a wall and injected with the Putrid Serum, what changed his form into the one from The Hallowed Blight cosmetics.
On 2019's The Withering Blight, the misterious killer was mentioned again. The archives called him "The Alchemist", and he is said to have experimented on multiple killers, creating the special Halloween-themed cosmetics. On his animation, he ends up surrounded by the entity and injects a vial of Serum on himself.
What if he started experimenting and even chained himself too, aware he wouldn't be able to control the thing he was about to become?
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dont kill my dreams dear ^^
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is not pinhead
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If I understood the subliminal message the right way. Should we have reason to fear the next chapter?
(In addition to the excitement of having a new chapter on the way)
PS: with "fear" I mean possible changes in the current game style when facing the new killer
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Carl The Cashier as new Killer confirmed!
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So THIS is why they've been nerfing killers and ignoring things like stridor making people quiet. They wanna use the powercreep to sell this new one to more people.
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This was my thought too. I seriously doubt this is a licensed killer. I'd be willing to bet money it isn't pinhead or kujo (lol?). I think it would be cool if the killer had a ball and chain he could whirl and throw like Thor to launch himself up and over terrain and smash survivors he lands on.
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Is it known if it will be a licensed one or a totally new killer?
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Nope, you know bE loves to keep these things a mystery! 😉
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No doubts.
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This content has been removed.
I'd buy a Switch for that...
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You left out take people to Christmases of the past. I bet it's Jacob Marley...
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Except that the best killer in the game was nurse (and some people say she still is the best). Which comes with the base game.
And the second best is either spirit or billy(depending on who you ask, I think spirit is better) one comes with the base game, the other you can get for free.
And there's maybe 1 good new perk per killer.
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Lets hope non-licensed killer as more funds go into their coffers instead of people like Warner Bros who killed my all time favorite Asherons Call that is now on private servers. Played Asherons Call for 18 years. Still do to this day. The game came out in Nov 99. Warner Bros killed it.
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My theories:
Rottweiler, Prisoner, Zombie, and Pinhead
Probably Rottweiler.
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Haven't seen anyone mention Spawn as a possibility yet
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If his only gimmick is gonna be busting through walls, he's gonna be an M1 Killer with a bad power.
He'd have a clown issue; he can shut down a loop maybe, but he would have zero map pressure otherwise. Bad killer.
I hope its Pinhead, where the devs can be more creative.
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It's not a teaser. A teaser should get you excited, provide some small hint to drive speculation....this is just a chain in dirt, it gives zero information and doesn't tease anything.
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Good Lord, don't encourage my garbage habits. XD
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I don't want pinhead. I want Uncle Frank, dangit. >:[
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What if the new killer is literally just a hook that got up and started walking around. Finally cutting out the middleman.
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I hope so
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I just hope to be a killer with map presence in my opinion clown and huntress powers arent made for this game.
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Then you didn't read the thread. Because I did
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What if the new killer has nothing to do with this? And the teaser was just a way to say the killer is off the chain.
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I just want to see the flaming skull 💀
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Cujo would be interesting, but won't happen, they're not humanoid. Maybe a werewolf?
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Honestly the ruin nerf is exactly what the killers needed to get the buffs they deserve, all these killers who have problems with map pressure are gonna stick out like sore thumbs on the stat sheet , taking ruin away leads the way for all killers to be viable eventually
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I wrote up a killer with a chain for its power and submitted it for the creativity contest. If this one's power ends up being similar, I'm gonna lose my mind (in the good way).
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Rampage Jackson confirmed...
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Got a feeling his power will have nothing to do with chains. However, I think it’s gonna have something to do the killer’s lore. I also feel the killer will be dragging the chains behind him as he walks and they will probably make a noise.
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Gonna go on a limb here and say that the killer isn’t human/ghost