Can you stop poor shaming over dc issues?



  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited February 2020

    "You’re still admitting that you believe that multiplayer and online gaming should only be played by those who can afford to."

    Yes. Of course. Video games are not a necessity.

    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    I live in a smallish town in the backwoods of Oklahoma. Nowhere near big enough to be any sort of city and I pay $80 a month for 150 MB cable internet. In fairness there is 1 other option here but it's ######### AT&T dsl (ewww). No idea how anyone in any major city in the US only has 1 option. Guess it's possible though. I do know that if my internet was so bad that it was crashing my game left and right I'd be hassling the hell out of my ISP till they got it lined out. Online gaming doesn't take insane speeds to work properly.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Just remember, the majority of the time, it's people that still have their parents buy all their ######### for them. Just like when the kids in school would make fun of the kid that didn't have the expensive shoes. Like, that has nothing to do with you kid, that's what your daddy does. Get outta here with that mess.

    I don't give a crap about how good or bad someone is in DBD. Wanna impress me? Support a family.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Many cities only have one option because a company will come in and make a contract with the town itself. The contract will make it so no competitors can serve customers in that city.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    Yeah I know but they would get tired of dealing with me real quick if there service wasn't up to par for gaming. Pinging things back and forth doesn't eat much internet so even at slower speeds gaming should be possible.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    No offense Pemberly but I live in a extremely rural area (population of a little over 500 people), live in a poor family and my internet isn’t very good. If my internet gets too bad to play online games then I do log off since it is rude to other players and I myself can’t enjoy the game if I’m being dced, fortunately mine only really acts up in Winter but still, I doubt if you’re getting dced constantly I doubt you’re having much fun and neither are your opponents/teammates.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    And that’s understandable. I agree that it’s only respectful to take a break if you’re having trouble connecting. It’s not fun for anybody, but especially you, because there’s a number of things that are greatly preferable than watching your internet sputter and die especially in the middle of a rain or snow storm (even worse if something happens that just makes your connection go dead.)

    I just think there’s a stark difference between that and people being classist because they’re frustrated at the Very Intentional dcs and genuinely believing “get better internet” is a reasonable solution to this problem.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I do agree that “get better internet” isn’t really always an option, I just think that if your internet actually can’t handle the game then you already can’t really play it so it is really just wasting your and others time, since it will dc you a lot.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    poor people should just buy more money.

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    A lot of cities contract a cable provider as the ISP and negotiate the price with them for exclusive access to the coaxial cable infrastructure. So there would be only one high speed provider for an area. And they actively pursue measures to prevent any competition.

    you should look into how cable providers are fighting against google for high speed WiFi for instance

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Dude you better ######### move. I pay $100, for 80mbps on a dedicated line (meaning only I use this line, so I get a full 80 mbps - often more, for this price). That's in a "Major City". I couldn't even imagine playing any online game under 60mbps - ouch.

  • darkki
    darkki Member Posts: 35

    Those prices are ######### .. why is Internet so expensive in the US ? I live in Eastern Europe ( Bulgaria ) and i pay 10leva = 5 Euro = 6 US dollars for 50 mb/s .

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2020

    Hi back. Had a lot of fun work stuff over the corona virus.

    So at everyone saying this is about getting rid of dc penalties:

    No, I never claimed that. Keep them. When my net would dc I would just unplug my router for two hours and play something else. So, the ban wouldn't matter to me

    The point was to tell people to stop telling others to just spend money to fix this games issues.

    When I was living off of a 5Mps mobile hot spot in 2013(because I lived in a house no one would service. It was a dead zone in their split area.) I could play cs fine until I ran out of data. Believe it or not the devs can up the network for the servers. But I'll admit that only does so much.

    As for the price of the internet. That was no exaggeration. My old city,before moving to China, made contracts with internet providers which later became 2 due to buy outs. They then split the areas on what you could get where.

    When I lived alone and had my own apartment I was paying the 250 for 100mbs. The first 6 months were 70 and then the promo expired and they refused to add it back.They were also bought out by another company by this time. The reason was because it was like 180 for the net then a bunch of tacked on fees for maintenance and other bs fees. My electric provider did the same.

    When I moved after losing my job I was paying 80 with no promo for 4Mps. My city was considered a major city in the area. It was the suburbs for a major city in the state. Many lived there and when it was a small city in the 90s tons of deals were made that screwed that town over and still do this day. They actually had passed a bill preventing T lines because they were so much better than our normal isps in every way. But I don't want to get into the corruption of my old city.

    I now live in China and my apartment dictates my internet. So, I can't upgrade at all. It's also poop due to the CV and everyone being home. My TV has issues loading ads on start up, it's funny. But I'm just playing SP games right now.

    If people dc, like I said, call them out but don't tell them to drop money they might not have for a game. Or a upgrade that isn't possible. Especially because that's a argument a lot of people seem to double down on once someone has explained their woes.

    Feel free to gloat about your rig or net. What have you. I just don't like the toxicity of "stop being poor and spend money"