Who are the best survivors in your opinion?

The ones on hooks or bleeding out on the ground.
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Why is D not related to cosmetics in any way? 😂
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Those ones are pretty good too.
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Because that is how little I like them. 😂
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Quentin gotta be last his ass doesn’t even have cosmetics
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I’m fine with his bloody and default look though.
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Reported for putting Detective David Tapp in the D tier. 🤬
Jokes aside, it depends on how we're grading them and since you're doing cosmetics, I believe Tapp has some great cosmetics. However, besides him, I use to main Jake and he's pretty good on the cosmetics! 😁
I don't really mind the cosmetics, I just like the survivor I main because they are extremely similar to me.
Detective Tapp is strong, fast, and has a lot of perseverance. His weakness: acting too quickly — can cost him, which is also my weakness due to me having ADHD.
I don't mind saying that out loud, I believe we all have something that makes us special as a person. ❤
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I myself don’t really relate to any survivor strongly, something about me is that I’ve always struggled with my motor skills and I’ve always been a very fearful person, I’m really not hard to scare and have a lot of fears.
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Perhaps, a survivor that could match you:
- Dwight Fairfield (I believe I got his entire name correct)
He's often scared, but is quite the nerd, like you (that's a compliment, nerds are awesome).
When he's in a stressful situation, it can be difficult to make the right choice because his fear makes him forget his potential. However, when he doesn't let his fear get the best of him, Dwight can be one for leadership and become pretty bold. 😁
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I suppose Dwight does match me but I’m a big nerd for my fashion. :P
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That is actually my top 3 to play as and Claudette too. But those are my Top3 always.
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Jake is above Laurie and Nancy, just because I’m not a big fan of dbd’s males survivors.
For instance, R6S Echo is my favorite appearance wise, in Apex, Crypto has the best appearance, I always played as a male in Skyrim and in F13, Chad was my favorite appearance wise.
Post edited by drimmalor on2 -
I only play as female characters, unless I have to. In any game. F13:Tiffany and Aj. Apex:Lifeline and Wattson. Character Creation games:Female custom.
Post edited by drimmalor on1 -
I usually play males unless the females have better customization or a power. I actually main Wraith in Apex but Crypto is pretty sexy, I love his voice! 😍
Post edited by drimmalor on1 -
Best skin^^^ Octane is, to me, hot. Accent!
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My favorite skin is the pink and black one Wraith has, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that skin, actually.
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Why are Jane and Kate even within range of Feng? Feng should be SS tier.
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Because I put my top three in S :P
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Those 2 are clarly inferior Groot D:
I'll mori you for this you no life survivor main.
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For me I'd put Laurie in SS, and then Yui, Kate and Claudette in S. Feng doesn't even make it to A tier for me (until I unlock her new outfit in the battle pass). Nothing against Feng but I'll take a cool biker chick over a cutesy gamer girl any day.
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Come get me then! >:D I’ll mori you too! :P
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I respect your opinion. :)
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I never paid any attention to there cosmetics so...
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That would require me to play survivor and we both know I hate survivor ever since they nerfed Ruin. So boring without Ruin. At least that provided a challenge.
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Even just default, which would be your favorite? 🙂
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I’ll mori the killer you’re playing then
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You can't
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I’ll mori you with pallets and t-bags : P
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I mean I don't rank them on cosmetics. I have a few cosmetics for the characters I like. If I'm going off that, Dwight, Jane, Feng, Claudette, Nancy, and Meg are the ones I use. Those are in no particular order.
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XD you know those have no affect on me. I've learned the hit box cone way to efficiently for pallets to be useful. Also yes T-Bag me <3 as a salt killer I will no proceed to leave u slugged for the entire duration. It's not toxicity it's just I care too much too hook you <3
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I love admiring floor graphics so I’m ok with that. <3 :P
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All are the same for gameplay since survivors are basic skins anyway , the only 2 who are above all the other "skins" are Claudette ( P3 are almost invisible ) and Ace ( the most quite steps ) , all other are the same basic "skin" that does not change sh*t in gameplay .
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You are absolutely correct
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I actually got accused of being a hacker today because of how good I am at corner hits. It really made me laugh.
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Ah yes, getting accused of hacking is always fun lol
Post edited by drimmalor on0 -
My favorite is the wall hacks when you see them try and stealth behind a object. Always walk past swing for a easy hit.
Either way getting off Topic.
Feng is Super SS Tier.
Post edited by drimmalor on1 -
Probably gonna get a lot of hate, especially for what I said at the bottom, but who cares? This is just a tier list, it's all fun and games right? right?
I should probably hide, shouldn't I?1 -
I’d hide m8
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why you gotta do my boi Jeff like that ?:(
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Bec He doesn’t appeal to me. :P
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Once you unlock teachables they are just skins.
In the old game, claudette, ahem, blendette was taken quite a bit. Back then you really could crouch and be still and the killer would run right by you.
She is also the first most people unlock due to self care. Learn how to get away first before you heal. Then learn to play without self care. Took me a while but i got it now. As solo Bond is your friend.
I find threads like this funny since to me all the survs are just skins.
Why do most males want to play slutty looking little nymphs in all games i have ever played?
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I don't think Feng Min has any good cosmetics, apart from the lunar new year dress and the demon slayer one. The GGEZ and coffee lover ones are tolerable, and the other ones just look messy.
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That’s perfectly fair since everyone has different taste.
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Ash, Bill, and Jeff are the best survivors in my opinion
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The ones who disconnect because they can't take it.