General Discussions

General Discussions

Well we did it boys. 1 hour penalty for crashing.

Member Posts: 71
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Took me several days, playing 12+ hours every day, but we got there.

Now I couldn't have done this alone so I'd like to thank the BHVR team for changing DC penalties from a percentage basis to the number of instances during a 24 hour period.

And of course if you play all day and crash once? Well then your penalty never resets. I mean that stroke of genius I have to tip my hat to. I would be stuck thinking logically, trying to apply penalties in a fair and balanced way, but BHVR is thinking outside the box. Play a little? DC all you want. Play a lot? Never crash, not even once in a 24 hour window or you're blocked from playing the game you paid for. Damn, why didn't I think of that.

And last but not least, to the loving community who assures me that I'm a liar because DBD doesn't crash or even have bugs! Wow! Now that kind of programming talent you want to hold on to!

Thank you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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  • Member Posts: 71

    Except the last game I played, one player DC'd and then the next player suicided on first hook. See my above point about it penalizing people who play a lot and not penalizing people who play casually.

  • Member Posts: 71

    but bruh, they "work" very hard on bugs and crashes, sure your fault for have a "bad" pc or a "#########" conection inet.

    i think they did a pritigudyabsoufar

    15 mins of lobby wait... cant wait to see steamchart next month...and watch how this game slowly dies

  • Member Posts: 494

    Peanits (spelled right?) streamed for 5 hours last month before the dc change. During that time he crashed on his first game and alt-f4 once. That was in about 8 games since most of the time was filled with empty lobbies trying to get people for their group.

  • Member Posts: 71

    So in your sample size of exactly 1 person, there hasn't been a crash in months. Wow, guess it's all an elaborate ruse then.

    Someone ban this man. He is clearly speaking madness and lies. DBD is a perfect game with no bugs and absolutely does not crash ever.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I mean, I said before the penalties were a good idea in theory. But I think the parameters there using need adjustment.

  • Member Posts: 949
    edited February 2020

    It's more reliable than "all of a sudden everyones game is crashing every hour in the last 2 days".

    It stands to reason though - crashes happen for a variety of reasons. If it's a problem of the scale you're lying about it being, it's happening on that frequency for many, many people. Surprisingly, there's not a lot of complaints of crashing happening in these least there weren't, before the DC penalties. Also - most crashes happen during the load screen. That's actually factual. You don't get penalized for loading screen DC's/crashes.

    So, again, stop DCing. Take the L and move on.


  • Member Posts: 1,534

    Never been hit with a ban, but I've certainly had instances, often at the start of EGC when DBD decides "Nah" and kicks me out!

    Luckily nothing yet, but having never DCd as survivor, I will be sure to scream blue murder if my gaming is impacted for something that is not my fault!

    Kind regards

  • Member Posts: 71

    It's so great that your personal experience applies to everyone elses experience. I commend your fair and open minded approach to reasoning. Well done. I have to admit I am truly impressed by the wise souls I see in the DBD community. When I read end game chat I often hear words of encouragement and inspirational quotes from Gandhi, or perhaps a discussion of the Schrodinger equation and its implications for the world at large. We are all truly blessed to be a part of this community.

  • Member Posts: 494

    This game can crash. And it does. I send them the crash report that they want and hope things get fixed.

    But the game does not crash as much as people claim it does unless you are crap at maintaining your system and using 5 year old video drivers. Or using an OS that has been excessively hard started over a number of years to the point the OS does not even want to work reliably.

    Win 95 and 98 SE (yes i am old) had this nasty habit of allow people to overwrite already used memory locations causing blue screens. Most people dont even know wht blue screens are anymore as they are now hidden from view and the system just recovers on its own most of th etime.

  • Member Posts: 267

    I love it when people dc knowing they getting punished for it and if they kill themselves on the hook then give em a little love tap while they are going up to heaven lol. It makes them more saltier I guess.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I play 40 hours straight at times, I know I dont have much of a life but sobriety makes life dull and mixed in with live in girlfriend that hates me gaming..binge play when I can..anyways, I crash on loading screens or lately game has been closing itself after windows crap updating..but last week I had 4 DC in 10 games, I show mercy when I'm playing the killer and a survivor DC..let one go atleast, unless they p*$$ me off lol

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    12 hours is a rookie numbers session

  • Member Posts: 145

    Thanks for ruining the other players experience <3 fix your sht before playing an online game. No way it crashes that much, i maybe get one every 500 games and disconnecting while loading does NOT count as dc, so maybe just don't dc

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    “And of course if you play all day and crash once? Well then your penalty never resets.”

    This is what worried me the most. It not resetting.

    Server/crashes issues can occur at least once per session. This way it could easily roll over if you play a few hours on a Saturday and get it then a few hours on a sunday.

    You’re right all this does is punish people who manage to spend a bit of time on the game.

    Lol that guy on stream was so arrogant. He doesn’t play the game though so of course he doesn’t care.

    Its like people can’t see the forest for the trees. Do people not remember when Oni came out and there was a gamebreaking basement bug? You could easily get that multiple times per day as all it took was a basement hook. If you disconnected from that and the disconnect rolls over you’d easily get an hour ban.

    Or infinite mending legion. Sure they banned the players exploiting but in the meantime everyone who was a victim of them had to suffer. Now if we get another bug like that people will be forced to stay in those kind of games or just keep disconnect and get an hour timeout literally due to being griefed by exploiters.

    BHVR has done some dumb things but this is literally the dumbest thing they’ve ever done. All it does is punish the victims.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    These people can only see what’s immediately in front of them.

    They aren’t able to see problems further down the road or put 2 and 2 together and work out why certain issues are now being talked about more such as crashing or toxic behaviour.

    All they see in their head is “taking away my hatch = bad”.

  • Member Posts: 495

    you know DC penalityes are up only from yesterday right? not even 24 hrs have passed since theyr implementation and your topic...

    You should call a tecnic for your pc, that many crashes are not ok...

    also chill down your play time, is not healty unless you are a streamer and playing dbd is your job... and even that way 12hrs is a bit too much u_:u

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    You should check other games and how they handle dc.

    Like mostly all other mp online games have more severe punishment for dc. Check dota, check cs go and the list goes on...

    This change is better for dbd.

  • Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2020

    Imagine DC penalty system and suicide on first hook issue. People still "leave", nothing changed.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Is it just me or every single patch, no matter what it contain, this game will die the month after?

  • Member Posts: 377

    On am average gaming pc, my dbd crashed 5 or 6 times in a year.

    Don't act like this game is so bad with crashing because its not.

    This is the usual survivor excuse to go against a system that is working very well

  • Member Posts: 377

    It has changed, these people are not robbing killers of points and bbq stacks.

    I guess it hurts that you cannot spite the killer anymore with no consequences

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    In terms of crashing it definitely used to be. I dont remember the exact timeframe, maybe last summer but there was an issue in the game where immediately after you take your first few steps the game would crash and the crash reporter would pop up. Seemed to be an update that caused it and it lasted a few months.

    Now the biggest issue is the infinite load screen. This is frequent. If you deny that you’re lying. It can potentially happen multiple times per session but if it doesnt happen to you it will happen to someone hence why some lobbies dont start saying “a olayer disconnected while loading”. Thats not people rage quitting thats the infinite load screen.

    Now its not meant to count those as disconnects but this is DBD nothing works as intended. Hell just the other day it couldn’t even rank reset like it was supposed to.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Define frequent, I NEVER get an infinite loading screen more than once per day, but more commonly I get one every other days.

    This has zero effect on the penalties, its another excuse.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    My game keeps crashing every time I get downed first, out of position at the start of the game. Just after I teabagged the killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Depends how long you play. Can be 1-3 times depending at the moment. Used to be more, nothing to say a new update wont make it worse.

    Thats you personally though. With all the games that dont load because someone bad the infinite load screen it means that while you personally don’t receive it someone else has. Hence why it is frequent.

  • Member Posts: 3,536
    edited February 2020

    I’ve had 2 different pcs. One is bang up to date, fresh install. Its a common bug affecting everyone.

    I mean the devs themselves have come out and acknowledged the bugs existence and how they’re aware of how bad it is but sure everyone else is wrong and its you with your magic PC that never experiences the bug that is correct.

    Don’t troll.

    Post edited by Rizzo on

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