Suiciding On Hook Should Be Penalized

If you are in a SWF it should ensure you de-pip
If you are solo it should ensure you black pip or less.
Suiciding on hook is no better than dcing when you are doing it to sabotage the other survivors, do it simply because you don't like the Killer, the map, or simply the match. However this is a method so that when you do decide to suicide to leave a match maliciously then you cannot be rewarded for it (you can sucide as survivor and still pip, or black pip at high ranks).
Suiciding on hook is also another method to give the last survivor hatch, which is a frowned upon method by the devs. The hatch isn't meant to be abused like that. This ensures that sure you still can - but you won't be rewarded for doing so. A fair trade.
No. Why?
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Because it abuses Hatch Tech, or makes the game unfun for other survivors. Since we have the DC penalty for (which btw thank you so much, this was well needed). Toxic Survivors have started to just abuse suicidiing on hook. In response dev's should just add a lesser penalty for doing so - and make the game more fun for the more positive players that play this game to have fun and not cause trouble.
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Well if they AFK then they de-pip anyways, so I don't mind. This solution still allows them to suicide on hook if they desperatly want to, and still get into another match - however doing so you give up your pip, or double pip you may have gotten. If you are in a SWF then you lose a pip - as it was most likely for hatch tech, and if it wasn't for hatch tech, then the other members of the SWF would most likely follow to get into the next match faster.
It's reasonable, though imo I think it should just drop you a match timer as well, but that may be too mean.
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What if I suicide on hook to give the other guy a chance at hatch
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How do you plan on implementing this? Will you ban everyone who dies on first-hook, ignoring those solo players who weren't saved? Will you punish those who try to kobe cause they aren't going to be saved? Will you punish those who reach stage 2 and lag slightly, causing their death? Too many factors to justify it
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That would be awful, no thanks.
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If someone wants to suicide to give someone hatch, that's fine. It was DCing to immediately open the hatch that was BS.
Plus, if I have potatoes crouching behind a wall watching me on the hook like their favorite TV show, I'm 100% suiciding.
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The developers have already mentioned that they don't approve of this play. Heck it was dcing to give hatch mechanic was apart of the reason we have DC penalty's now.
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I never said to put a ban on people who suicide - that's dumb. Just don't allow them to rank up, or force them to depip if they are doing intentionally as a group. Sounds like a good trade off to me. However in way should you be rewarded for suiciding on hook intentionally during a match where you have 3 or less survivors depending on you.
Please actually read the post next time.
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Ban everyone that gets hooked
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punish killers for facecamping then lmao. i dont think this is a good idea.
Suiciding on hook is a legit strat. change my mind lmao.
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Uh, my comment still stands. How will you differentiate all those from intentional hook death? You have to differentiate to be able to punish accordingly
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I never said to put a ban on people who suicide - that's dumb. Just don't allow them to rank up, or force them to depip if they are doing intentionally as a group. Sounds like a good trade off to me. However in way should you be rewarded for suiciding on hook intentionally during a match where you have 3 or less survivors depending on you.
Please actually read the post next time.
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The developers have already mentioned that they don't approve of this play. Heck it was dcing to give hatch mechanic was apart of the reason we have DC penalty's now.
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You're telling me that purposly attempting to get off hook 3 times quickly, and then not even attempting to struggle isn't obvious?
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DCing would cause the hatch to INSTANTly open. Suiciding on hook forces a very long animation to play, giving the killer time to find the hatch.
Also i just think the hatch mechanic should just be replaced with something else, so that this isnt a problem anymore.
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I'm just a memelord fam. I don't know to read.
But on topic you'd never be able to enforce it. I get what you want and that's cool, even if you wanted to I don't see how you could.
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How do you know they're not trying to kobe cause no one is gonna save? In second stage, how do you know they didn't lag?
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We have a DC penalty, which was MUCH needed, so we don't need anything else. Making them suicide on the hook takes up at least some of the Killer's time and that is perfectly fine. I'd rather have 2 other Survivors who want to play in the match, than some salty asshat who is probably going to sandbag us because they aren't having fun.
No more penalties needed. Please.
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To add - if you penalize people for that, they'll just go play something else.
People these days.
"Penalize camping"
"Penalize tunneling"
"Penalize gen pressure!"
"Penalize genRUSHING"
"Penalize looping"
"Penalize SWF"
"Penalize NOED"
"Penalize penalizing!"
It never ends with these people.
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Finally a response I agree with
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Good, I rather people who play the game as intended.
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If they were lagging then they shouldn't play this game anyways. Dev's said today anyone with more than 150 MS isn't going to have a good time at the game (and they arn't allowed to say that player should stop playing live - but i'm sure we both understand where we are getting at). DBD is a technically intense game right down to the need of a good connection.
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That report isn't going to do anything to you. There is nothing wrong with doing that when it's needed. There is no need - at all - for suiciding on hook.
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So essentially, you want people to stop suiciding in order to open the hatch? I'm guessing a survivor got the hatch and you are a bit annoyed.
If you cant stand the last survivor getting the hatch, slug the second last survivor (if the hatch has already spawned), find the hatch and then hook.
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Last time I checked, there's an attempt to unhook yourself option, a struggle option, and the option not to press buttons to struggle.
Yep, totally not intended.
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Oh wait... I know... If 3 Survivors die on the hook, the 4th Survivor should immediately die because they got outplayed.... That's where this thread is going.
If you really want that 4k, and don't know where the hatch is, slug. That's your option for the 4k. Otherwise, you have to take the chance that the last Survivor knows where the hatch is and is going to use it. The hatch is actually a Killer sided mechanic, it prevents Survivors taking a game hostage, so be happy it's in there at all. It's also a hell of a lot easier to find as a Killer.
You want your 4k, that's good, it shows you really want to excel at the game. Well, guess what, you have to work for it. Anything given for free isn't worth anything at all. Just look at the DC penalty and what it's brought. Bunch of people who felt they were entitled to just screw over both Survivors and the Killer by DC'ing when they failed. Now that they can't, it's "DbD will die" allllll over again. Sounds familiar... something in the recent past... Hmmmmm....
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I have my own set of rules for DBD solo survivor.
If I get hooked...and I see more than one person not on a gen...or even worse, self caring in a corner, I dip. Move on to the next one. That helps me have a less toxic attitude.
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I shouldn't be forced to play a ######### match.
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I know what you mean and feel but just depiping isnt enough, there are a ton of people just like me that dont care at all about pips or ranks. If the devs are finally gonna add rank rewards or something else then yes but in the current state, it wouldn't change anything.
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It's that players right to do so if they wish. Leave it alone..
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But random lag spikes happen sometimes in any game, it's very common
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That just sounds like if you don't like the game then you should go play a different game.
Even the dev's spoke against suiciding on hook to give hatch, and obviously no one likes a person who suicides quickly in a game just because they don't like the map, killer, or the game simply isn't going well for them.
So as far as I see it, if you don't like the aspects of the game - don't play it, and stop ruining the fun for everyone else.
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Well unfortunately for you Behvaiour makes the rules - not you.
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Fortunately for me - they don't, and will never penalize giving up on the hook.
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You can’t penalize everything survivors do. You gotta understand that there are killer mains who will make the game very boring for everyone by constantly slugging or tunneling and it is very frustrating to play against. I get the games go by faster then some people like but the challenge of making the game fun for both sides is what makes the game exciting in my opinion.
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I don't think that will ever be punished. Disconnects open the hatch instantly and screw the killer out of points, as well as screwing survivors by occupying the killer for less time and not taking a hook with them when they die. Dying on hook is within the game's mechanics. Survivors are free to decide if they want to be altruistic or not, so someone on the hook should be free to decide if they want to struggle or not.
I also dislike the idea of a guaranteed depip no matter what happened earlier in the match. Assuming matchmaking works as intended someone that by all means should be a rank 1 survivor could play normally or even try to troll the killer no matter their rank, and then get themselves in a situation to derank further no matter how much emblem score they gained in the match.
Then again I view what you call hatch tech as little more than an act of altruism. Sacrificing themselves to give someone else a potentially better chance of escaping. With DC penalties a killer can slug to prevent it from happening for a while and the survivor can't DC to circumvent it without penalty. Even if the devs disapprove of it, unless they punish people for doing it you can't expect people to stop. And I highly doubt they'll punish it beyond extreme cases like someone that clearly get put on a hook and suicides there in the first minute of the match on a regular basis.
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Dc penalty doing wonders. Now everyone disconnects on hooks.
Another problem successfully fixed. I’m sure BHVR will give it another “pass” in 3 years or so to re-evaluate why so many players just give up in the game.
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How? Trying to kobe off is legit and most of the time a glitch makes you die on second hook even when you are mashing X.
Mashing X needs to be removed from the game.
You should just hold the button down
It's a nuisance and a headache
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Let them wiggle off. Chase them to an area where there are hooks and down them then hook them...... ta da...
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The devs never said that. They said they didnt like people DCing to give hatch. Which I agree with.
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No.Sometimes you have to suicide on the hook, like if teammates are just not doing anything to help you, if you are just getting camped and no one can save you or you just know the game isn't going well and you just wish to move on to the next match.
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Suicide hooks are fine, they are also in line with the "lore"
Survivor loses hope and kill himself, perfectly fine.
it also give more precious seconds to the other survivors, by the time the killer down them and take them to the hook.
and if they coby and let the killer hook them again, fine, more time. No one is saying you should be forced to play a match you dont like, just leave the way you should, hanginng from a damn hook!
100 times better than DC.
good job BHVR u_u
And if you are a killer.... just pressure the gens! u_u
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@Sairek That’s exactly it. It’s all about their ego.
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Not everything. Just the things they do that ruins the fun for everyone else.
When a chess player forfeits they lose the match. You can suicide on hook and still pip. You can suicide on hook to give another survivor hatch and ensure 2 pips. You can suicide on hook and ruin the game for 1-3 other people.
I never said give a timeout penalty for people that sui. I said ensure they are not rewarded for doing so.
Opening the exit gate is alot different than purposly killing yourself (when your goal is to survive). It works with perks, as well as creates a new enviroment to play in. Like today. I killed one survivor after the last gen went, slugged another, openened the gate so they had less time to save, then hooked the slug survivor. As I kept pushing the other two out the door they had no choice but to leave the last survivor behind. Hatch tech isn't that and is frowned upon by the devs. The hatches purpose was to stop survivors from taking the game hostage, not be abused for free wins.
Thats my point. The devs do disaprove of it. The hatch mechanic is not meant to give free wins. Which is why I wasn't scared to make this thread and have such a strong stance. Suiciding on hook you can do but you are penalize via rank as a result. If you don't care about rank - great! You remain inlw ranks where it doesn't matter. You do, then you don't suicide - ruining games or abusing free win mechanics.
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No they don't have to. If you don't like the game. There are others. I hear the director enjoyed CIV 4 when he took a break, maybe try it. Otherwise stop finding ways to force survivors into going through a 3 man and actually enjoy the game.
What doesn't slund within the lore. Commiting suicide to give the last survivor hatch. If you don't lime the game - read above.
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No thanks i am fine with the game, i never implied i didn't like the game, sometimes you have to suicide hook, esp if you have bad team mates. It isn't forcing them, and 3 man games are not bad at all to go through it isn't that difficult.
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@Pythonheir and perhaps stop telling everyone who has an opinion to go play something else, it's a little aggresive dude