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Suiciding On Hook Should Be Penalized



  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2020

    Hook suicide penalty is a bad idea. Can't count how many times I've been playing, struggling on hook and a wild lag spike randomly jumps out of the tall grass and guess what? No more living.

    Also, sorry to say this but if face camping and slugging are legitimate strategies to win, so is suiciding on hook so your buddy can jump out of the hatch.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited February 2020


    Not this guy and not you either. The devs do.

    So until they decide to do anything about it (if they even will) the survivors can kill themselves on the hook if they want.

    It's pretty much same as killers who farm. Do they get banned for "not playing the game properly"?No.

    If it was that big of a problem the devs would address it. Seems it's not.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    It's funny though. He expects people to only agree or not say anything...His avatar fits him lol

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    The only way to do this is to remove the struggle mechanic completely and allow people to attempt to unhook themselves with no penalty to their time on the hook.

    Then they would have to DC to leave the game.

    Having said that, I would rather have the option to suicide both on the final hook stage and when Hillbilly has slugged us all.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @Sairek - I actually agree with you except for the Chess analogy. Chess isn't a team game so knocking your King over doesn't hurt other team members.

    I would be happy for Chess to become 4vs1 though.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Here's a scenario for you.

    Match starts and someone used a shroud so we will start together. We start in the killer shack. Survivor 1 runs to the pallet and throws it down, then crouches in front of it. Survivor 2 blocks the other door. Both teabagging. Survivor 3 and 4 move to leave through the window. Legion shows up as survivor 4 is making his way through the window and survivor 1 and 2 are using the point emote at 4. Killer thinks 4 did something wrong and goes for him. After he is hooked 1 and 2 run up and take turns engaging the unhook animation. They do this into struggle and block survivor 3 from the hook. Survivor 4 gives up and dies.

    Survivor 3 goes to gen and starts working. Survivor 1 and 2 run over and throw down pallets nearby. Survivor 3 ends up in a chase with Legion and is ultimately caught. Survivor 3 does not give the other 2 a chance to repeat their earlier actions and suicides on hook. Tell me why he should be punished?

    This happened to my wife and I last night. After the match, in which 1 and 2 hppoed in and out of lockers until caught, they laughed claiming to be killer mains who are sabotaging whiney survivors.

    And this is yet another reason I prefer the killer role. You don't have to depend on idiotic strangers for success.

    No, between that experience and toxic killers, I don't agree with penalizing hook suicide.

  • BlacktheMew
    BlacktheMew Member Posts: 15

    No one needed the DC penalty. This isn't a competitive game. If you don't want me to DC don't include the button. Hatch tech is just something that we have to deal with just like how we deal with unbalanced ranks and horrible hit boxes.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    They don't disapprove of it enough to actually try to discourage it with mechanics though, unlike things like disconnecting (DC penalties), "mindless" camping (emblem penalty for camping with no survivors nearby) and so on. The hatch does let the final survivor get out when they probably wouldn't have otherwise, but in that situation that's still 3 kills.

    Killer emblems being very demanding in high ranks is silly as black pipping or even depipping with 3 or 4 kills is just not right in my opinion outside of extreme cases like a killer slugging everyone right away and letting them bleed out, or somehow getting all 4 while camping in a way that punishes their emblems. But that's a different discussion.

    I guess we might just simply disagree there, as I don't inherently have anything against the idea of this sort of "free win" - I just want a 3k + hatch escape to be consistently recognized as a killer win as well as it really is exactly that.

    And the other way to escape through the hatch - keys - is quite simply just a pretty dumb item that should be changed in my opinion. Maybe if they make them do something else they could get rid of the hatch spawning before it's ready to open in general, which in itself would "nerf" the whole suicide on hook to give hatch thing. Because then they couldn't just sit there waiting on the unopened hatch and it'd more or less be down to luck.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Let's wait for the D/C penalties to settle before we launch into the next 'great' idea unless you want a dead game?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's why we report players for not participating in normal gameplay.

    The developers can only go so far with punishing DCs, now we as the community should do our part by reporting players who attempt to bypass the DC penalty. 😁

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Yeah, cause lag spikes never happen to people with good internet....

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I agree but only during the early game.

    It's frustrating to see a Survivor hook-suicide before the first minute simply because they got caught early. Punishes the rest of the Survivors for toxic reasons.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    You can't penalize people for suicide on hook because there's been plenty of times as a solo survivor that I see nobody is coming to get me and everyone is about to leave so I try to unhook myself and if it fails I let myself die since I don't want to spam space bar for a few extra points. You shouldn't be penalized for that.

  • itsmyghost
    itsmyghost Member Posts: 214

    Lately, I have periods of frustration (few bad matches in a row) where I get into a match with the mindset that if I get tunneled again I will let myself die on second hook just to get out of an un-fun match.

    However, I do let myself die sometimes (even for random people and even on first hook) if I want to give the last person a chance at hatch. I only do this if the killer played ugly (slugging etc) because such killers don't deserve 4ks in my opinion.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2020

    I am fully in favor of punishing hook suiciding, but it has to be more lenient than the DC bans. You shouldn't actually get punished at all unless you demonstrate a consistent pattern of hook-suicides as soon you are put on the hook super early on. One-off dying on hooks is not a problem, suiciding late in the game when the game is lost or when you are trying to give the last person the Hatch is not a problem, and those shouldn't be punished. The only time it should be punished when it is consistently and repeatedly done early in the game as a form of ragequitting.

    Being AFK is already listed as a reportable offense, so if you penalize people for hook suiciding, their only option is to "pretend to play badly."

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    This is why I’ve switched to killer only now. Not worth playing survivor anymore.

    Only toxicity that bugs me is getting coldwind offerings every couple of games but in that case I just play toxic myself and camp.

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    I tried going back to killer, after a bunch of 4k's the game decided it needed to match me at ranks sometimes 5+ levels higher than my own.

    I had some fun then, but then started thinking if my games were that easy previously, that they needed to do that to balance the game for me, they can give me something more than just #reasons or just you know, make killer harder.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Bad idea.

    Just remove the struggle mechanic or make it automatic.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    The hatch shouldn't be available tbh.

    If you fail you fail. Take ur death, letting ur entire team die means you did nothing to help any of them. No protection hits or hook saves or hook breaks to help them wiggle you didnt flashlight or pallet stun them during carry... if ur team is entirely dead that's entirely your fault.

    If you simply must have the hatch you shouldn't be able to open without 110 charges on generators and at least one safe hook.

    I wont say you have to do a gen and a half but 110 charges is the equivalent I think so you can at least say you progressed enough even if you got pressured off.

    A hook suicide or first hook kill should grant killers full points so it doesn't effect there gameplay. Survivors can be penalized for this in my opinion because there is no reason whatsoever you cant sfw. Make freinds, join a lfg, send messages to people who help you escape. Idk make freinds. It's not hard.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I love how people spread their opinion without thinking for a second about it

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    At release, people pulled their cable, BHVR says wrong bad, you will be punished.

    Fast forward a few years and BHVR says its wrong bad to leave games, you will be punished.

    Give it a few more years from now and BHVR will say suiciding on hook is wrong bad, and you will be punished.

    The reasons surrounding these issues haven't really changed, meanwhile BHVR doesn't really know how to push back on the killer community. They've created their own frankenstein because they failed to push back on killers in any meaningful way until recently and the killer community has LOST IT.

    I lost track how many times people quoted that entitled Tru-talent streamer saying he was quitting, despite him getting 4k's game after game.

    Survivors will be punished for suiciding, because the killer community won't let it go.

    Mark my words.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Dude what are you talking about? You can be the best survivor in the world. If your team are idiots they'll die. The killer should not get full points because of a hook suicide. They didn't earn those points. And just got handed an easy win.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    Killers want so much about survivors. You can not muscle in on what survivors do. Seriously, it is becoming annoying. Killers want so much without looking what they can do. "You can not DC, you can not ######### on the hook bla bla...". Please do not take this game that much serious. We do not have to play the game to the end. Killers can tunnel,slug and camp, so survivors can kill themselves on the hook I think it is really fair just as what killers do. It may be a tactic to give the hatch to another survivor. We may have emergency situations or phone call, we may just wanna get in another match... So you should not force people to play if they do not want. You will get what you need to get. I mean hook bloodpoints and kills. It is better way than they DC. But people do not get that DC penalty is useless about suiciding on hook. I mean we can understand from here that nobody can force someone to play the match if it is getting boring for them. Even you bring DC penalty, people will go AFK or kill themselves on the hook. The problem is deeper about these kind of things I think :P So guys please stop requesting people to penalize everything like SWF, Gen Rush, NOED, slug, camp, tunnel, suiciding on the hook. It may better to learn how to deal wtih them instead wanting penalties.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339
  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Why are you playing with bad teammates?

    The killer successfully found, chase, downed, carried you to hook. Even tho survivors have 70+ perks for second chances.

    Why would you choose to play with bad teammates?

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I like how people come in here thinking I am saying that I want to put a timer penalty on suciding on hook


    Not to mention it's stupid of you all to assume that - who in their right mind would do that. I just don't believe it should be a play that is rewarded, because it ruins the games for others, or is a frowned upon strat for hatch mechanic which is already broken to begin with.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Sounds like a bad survivor player decision that the killer shouldn't be penalized for.

    Dont play online games without teams

    Dont play ranked games without teams

    Dont play team based games without teams and expect to win

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    love how video games are a job now

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I switch between them, so I see the issues on both sides - and on both sides it can suck when someone suicides on hook. If you are playing Killer and a SWF or Solo (which I included in the original post) suicides on hook to give hatch mechancic. Then they simply can't rank up because of it. A fair trade.

    If you are survivor and people are just suiciding on hook left and right forcing you to have bad games like as if they dc'd. It's no better than if they dc'd for the survivor side. Killer get's their points from a dc now, but survivors still have to deal with the 3 man - which was the most important reason for the dc penalty in the first place.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    One example of me usually suiciding is let's say if there's a mori and my teammate ends up getting instantly tunneled then moried 9/10 I just suicide on hook when I get caught because I know they use mori's that way

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    No. Sometimes $#!+ happens and you gotta go.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    As long as you don't do it every time, you should be fine. You wouldn't be punished for doing it once or twice.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    So you want every game to be swf? Yeah, that would end well.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    This honestly made me laugh. How can someone desire a 4k so much that they actually need to complain and be this petty. Most matches a survivor never gets hatch anyways.

    Most people have reasons to suicide on hook taking that away

    Then I better not have to mash a button to survive. I normally just screw it part way through in second stage.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    This hoenstly made me laugh. Could you imagine someone playing a game they are just going to suicide in anyways? Why bother in the first place?

  • geishroy
    geishroy Member Posts: 139

    I would laugh for suiciding on hook being penalized, not because it would be a dumb idea, but because I know the monkeys would code it in such a way that if you are the last survivor left and get hooked and instant killed because you are the last survivor, the penalty would still apply to them because they can't code to differentiate a survivor intentionally doing it and an actual problem with the game. Similar to how the DC penalty works today.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Because it's a game. If the survivors or the killers not having fun why would you want to continue. Either it being Survivor Or Killer Toxicity, Bad Lag in the server, Carrying a team, ETC. If someone's not having a enjoyable experince they should have the right to leave. There's hundreds of reasons why someone's gonna be "nah peace out I'll go enjoy life in my next match".

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's a multiplayer game. So no you don't just "have the right to leave" whenever you feel like it. Especially if it effects the other players in the match. That's why games like these have DC penalty's. If you don't like it, then go play a game where leaving doesn't effect other players and doesn't have a DC penalty.

    At the same time i'm not saying give a timer for suiciding, it just shouldn't be rewarded. Suicide all you want, but you won't be rewarded for doing so. Suicide to give someone hatch, cool - you just won't be rewarded for doing so. Saving someone else is your reward in that instance.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    There are too many variables to punish suiciding on the hook.

    What if the player is new and genuinely doesn’t know. They see “attempt escape” and they try to pull themselves off the hook because they don’t know they only have a 4% chance of doing so.

    Real life situations happens and people have to go.

    The server lags and you die because of lag.

    The last person is hatch camping and not coming for the save.

    Your finger slips while mashing spacebar.

    Sometimes the teams are ONLY doing gens and nobody is going for the save or it is a team of bush hiding Blendettes who crouch with the killer nowhere in sight.

    And maybe somebody just has had too many Doctor games and they’re bored as hell and wanna move onto the next match.

    The game can’t distinguish these differences. There is way too many variables.

    They’ll probably de-pip anyways.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    You started this off strong, then lost me. If a real life issue is your concern, take the DC - a 5 minute penalty is nothing when you're gone to an emergency.

    Server is an issue.

    That's still not a reason you should suicide. Hatch Camping is frowned upon by the majority of the community that plays solo, and a legitimate strategy apparently.

    Yes it would be very difficult to balance between when you actually do fail to escape, or struggle on hook and when you're actually just suiciding on hook.

    Then it's even more important for you to remain on hook. If the survivors are only doing gens unabatted, then that usually means the Killer is camping and the best move against camping is rushing gens and collecting all other points, then attemping saves before you leave (Depending on the circumstances).

    Not wanting to play against the Killer, Map, or simply because the game didn't favor you in the beggining is not a legitimate reason to leave any online multiplayer game where a team depends on you.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited February 2020

    Not gonna lie. The amount of responses i'm seeing of people just going "I shouldn't be forced to play in a match i'm not enjoying" is surprising. Have any of you played online multiplayer games before? Is this your first time? Stop being selfish, and roll with the punches as much as the other matches - it's not all about you, or just your fun.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I was just listing reasons why people suicide on hook. Not claiming that all of them are good reasons, but the game cannot distinguish one reason from another.

    Well damn if I’m on first hook and the Blendette is on the way other side of the map camping hatch not coming for me what am I supposed to do? Sit there for a minute while she doesn’t move? No. I’m wasting time. I’m gonna try to pull myself off the hook and if I fail then oh well. I wasn’t getting off anyways.

    I legit had a dude do a gen on the pier above me like five feet from me and let me die while the killer was nowhere in sight. Do you think I was gonna struggle and keep playing with him?

    If you don’t like the killer or map it isn’t a legit reason to leave. People will still do it. You can only go against one killer but so many times before you’re bored out of your mind. I had to stop playing survivor because I was so damn bored getting Doctor 80 times in a row.

    It’s more-so killers that DC because of maps though (Haddonfield, Ormond, Yamaoka).

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,841

    You cant stop me from wanting to leave a match, in any case there is already a penalty which is pip's/ or for me the rank update error.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Oh would you look at that - a title lacking context, used as clickbait to attract people to participate in a discussion. Unlike you I have some experience in forums, and you learn how to attract the masses. It's not my fault people didn't read the description and immediatly jumped to getting upset in the comments.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    If that's what you think, then probably single player games are probably more your speed.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Man y’all always have to find a reason to punish players

  • B3tt33whit3
    B3tt33whit3 Member Posts: 22

    Okay but what if I told you that rank in this game is meaningless and the majority of people don't care to rank up after they've done it once anyway.

    Not to mention there are perks that give you extra chances at attempting to pull yourself off the hook. If no one is coming for me and I'm not being camped and I'm gonna second hook I'm calling it and moving on. Period. I dont care if I depip or not I'm already red ranks going against level 15 killers so it doesn't matter.

    And as far as hatch game it's already hard killer sided as it is so if I'm on hook and a survivor is being chased I'm ending it. They're not gonna get me.

    Why this community is so whiny I'll never know but grow up. Having a survivor Suicide sucks but oh well. In most cases they aren't gonna pip up anyway so none of it matters.