Who do you think is the most UNDERRATED killer?

For me personally, It would probably be Legion. Relatively easy first hit, information on if people are on a gen nearby. After FF hit, can catch up to hit survivor, cancel power and get a simple hit afterwards.
Let me know who you think is the most underated killer in the game.
Wraith easily. I see too much people downplaying him. He has potential to be even B tier.
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The first killer I put anytime into learning how to play was Wraith as I loved two things about him: His lore and his add-ons. Wraith has easily the best add-ons in the game and can use many different builds which I like. Haven't played too much of him since I picked up Legion but I might go back to Wraith and get a conclusive analysis.
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Demogorgon, most people are bad at him so they think he's weak.
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Plague. If you don’t cleanse then you stay injured and make a bunch of noise. If you cleanse then she gets a bazooka. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Pig is also highly underrated.
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At the higher level, without add ons I'd say wraith. He's one of the most relaxing killers to play as without having to rely on any game stall/gen pekrs.
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Pig is the most versatile killer. She may not excel at anything, but good killer fundamentals and good killer instincts will carry you extremely far with Pig. Since she can do a bit of everything she's well versed and can be used at any rank to great effect with just a little practice. Yet most people call her low tier because all they see is a killer who is Low Tier and RNG dependent because they have had bad experiences with her or that's what people tell them without ever truely trying.
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Doctor. I don’t think people give him enough credit and they see him as a noob stomper when he really can do so much with a lot of diverse builds.
Now old Freddy was truly underrated. My beautiful walking pepperoni was seen as a gremlin among killers but to me, he was a real monster who had gen slowdown built into his base kit. It was beautiful seeing people get cocky because you were Fredward and then whooping their butts with your talons. I loved how he could see all: you were in HIS world and waking up was so important.
I like new Freddy and am relieved he didn’t get a trash rework like Symmetra from overwatch did, but old Freddy will always be my bae.
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For me it's the Wraith. I would go on a rant on how he is good and how the devs can make him better
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Oni. So underused in my opinion.
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I think hag and trapper.
They get hurt early game because they need time to setup. Trapper more so than hag but intervention helps with that. Majority of trappers suck from what I've seen. Same with hag. When I join a match and I see the killer is trapper/hag there's always that fear they might be the 1 in 5 that are actually good with that killer. I main trapper and when I face a good one I'm paranoid about every vault and tall grass.
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Demo or Plag
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Leatherface. Nemesis+PWYF makes him an actual threat and if played well can do some serious work. He is the best user of Nemesis+PWYF combo.
90% of Leatherface players have given him such a bad reputation with face camping that nobody bothers to see the actual power of the Killer. Also he’s very fun when you’re trying to unwind and not think about winning.
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In my experience, Demogorgon. Barely get them when I play the game.
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Cannibal is the most imposing killer imo. I see him charging his chainsaw or barreling through a cornfield makes me want nothing to do with him. Though his add-ons are confusing.
His most effective build from what I seen says it slows his chainsaw but speeds it up. The one that's supposed to reduce penalties against hitting objects. His base kit also needs some touching up. Slowing down enough to barely catch up to someone running a straight line is abysmal.
But otherwise he was my first adept when learning the game so, much love for Bubba.
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Not the most versatile, but more than people give her credit for. I think that a lot of people also forget that her RBT is not a killing tool. And a guessing game, rather than random chance.
She lacks early map pressure due to her slower crouch speed and has nothing to help in a chase, but her dash really helps get that first hit.
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The reason I say most versatile is because while she wont excel at anything Pig does a lot more in her kit then any other killer and has it on demand. That to me is more important than most other things. The only other Killer that imho comes close is GF and his power is too situational based on survivors skill and the cool down.
True her RBT is never a kill tactic if it happens I'll be hally because I rarely see that Game Over Score. People forget it's a in built slowdown.
I've never had issues with the first down honestly. Early game pressure in all honesty no Killer has it. While some alleviate this due to Map Pressure with speed. Those few precious early game moments are never in any killers control.
Her dash is fun you can do some neafty little techs with that. I recently learned the one on the grim pantry docks to go flying through the window.
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Trapper a 100%, you have no idea how many times I've heard Trapper is not viable on red ranks... Before re rank I was a rank 1 trapper main.
I 4k every game regardless of the map, if one leaves it's cause of hatch
P3 LVL50 Trapper: Agitation + Iron Grasp + Make your choice + CI. Addons: Darken traps and bring 1 or 2 extra
Wanna know the best part? I got sent from rank 1 to RANK 13 cause of the re rank bug... How do you think survivors are doing against me?
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i would have to go with Demogorgon, people dropped him really fast but ive seen some sick plays with him
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Trapper. When luck is on your side the snowball potential can be massive
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Myers or Leatherface. Most people are really suboptimal with both of them.
The first mistake many people make with Myers is putting on Enduring/Spirit Fury. Take that garbage off. Put on Nemesis/PWYF. Put on M+A. Put on Judith's Journal. Now get an Obsession every time you get stunned, 99% tier 2 as they run, and a PWYF stack when you already have an 8m terror radius. Then you find someone else, tier 3, down them, and you have the rest of tier 3 at 24m terror radius at least 117%ms, more with PWYF. It's beyond good.
I run the exact same perks on Leatherface. Pop/Monitor/Nemesis/PWYF. Engravings and charge time.
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Trapper lol there are some dirty spots traps can go ..I mean on Freddy’s map you can place traps at the school that can’t even be seen
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Based on my games, I'd easily say Freddy. Barely anyone plays him anymore. If I somehow run into a Freddy player, they don't understand either of his powers. No pallets, only using traps around a hook. No teleporting. It's weird. They may as well just play Wraith.
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I guess this shows it a bit more, huh?
I think Ghostface is rather underrated too. For a stealth killer, he's one of the stronger ones. Since his ability can also be used to Mindgame survivors at loops. Plus, he can t-bag! At times, it's also hard to snap him out of his ability, which helps you get free insta-downs.
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Wraith. With the right build and Addons he can be a downright terror to deal with.