What is a Skillbilly to you?

So I've heard the term Skillbilly quite a bit, but as I play Xbox and main Killer, I rarely run into them.
So to you, what is a Skillbilly? What perks do you normally see a Skillbilly using? What about add-ons?
Now, I know a real Skillbilly doesn't NEED meta perks or add-ons to wreck faces, but what do you normally see?
Skillbilly is just what people call billy because he doesn't really require any skill but people talk as if he does. The bread and butter is very simple for run Enduring , infectious fright , PGTW and BBQ or whatever. You can slug and all that other stuff and if you find a survivor outpositioned it's gg for them since his chainsaw is one of the easiest things in the game to use.
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Skillbilly is a billy that stop loop with his chainsaw which we call it flickbilly. At high level play he require a lot of skill but overall he is easy to play.
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Skillbilly is a derogatory term for the Insta chainsaw add ons because he just needs to walk into you for a down.
If he misses he just has to walk up to you and try again. Get outplayed every time.
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This right here:
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Never heard Skillbilly used in a bad way.
And Billy doesn't take skill? lol, whenever I try to play Billy the survivors teabag and tell me to uninstall the game. Insta saw maybe, but a lot of killers don't take skill if you use the best add-ons every game.
I've usually heard Skillbilly used to refer to Billies that only use their chainsaw, as opposed to Millies who use the chainsaw mostly for mobility and usually just M1 in chases.
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Skillbilly is when The Hillbilly believes they are so skilled, that they spam the chainsaw rev in a chase because they are so sure that the survivors death is inevitable
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Best response so far. To me, a Skillbilly is someone who has learned to use Billy to his full potential.
And he isn't easy to master. He's easy to use, and simple to understand. His skullcap is huge though. I bet the peeps saying he takes no skill, have 5 games as killer, tops. 😂
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No offense but you mean to tell me you actually struggle with him?
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I was just excited i finally got to see a space billy myself in game xD
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Why do so many people here think Skillbilly means the billy player is bad? I always thought it was a word used for billys that refuse to M1 survivors and only go for chainsaws.
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Imagine complaining about a killer that gets looped like everyone else. If you get caught outpositioned, thats on you, not the killer.
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Do you even play billy?
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Considering he sprints across at 230% speed, no not really.
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Ah, yes, because he can flick his chainsaw as much as he wants and you are forced to run in a straight line always.
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Its not "gg", because survivors have 3 lifes, DS, DH, Adrenaline, 99 pallets and 101 window. Its gg for killer, if survivors dont make mistakes.
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The context was his catching survivors out of position. Everyone knows it's a strength of Hillbilly that he can do that.
@FlyBilly What part of "outpositioned" do you not understand?
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I always thought it was used for double engravings with crazy curves. It's one of the highest skill-cap things in the game, imo. Probably one of the few builds where the skill-cap is higher than add-on-less, if we exclude the gimmick add-ons that every killer gets.
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LOL Billy joined the NASA program. I always knew he had the potential.
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Isnt curving the start to high lvl play?
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A Hillbilly who lives in the Catskills.
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He moves at 230% speed. Everyone knows HillBilly is good at catching people out of position.
I like how everything is always the survivors fault, but being "genrushed" is never the killers fault.
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Billy, Nurse, and Huntress are my worst killers. I play on PC btw.
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So if you get caught out of position (which is the only place a Billy truly has you dead to rights)...it's not your own fault?
Seems legit, I guess?
Impossible. Hillbilly is the easiest killer to learn and you should be 4king every game with him.