Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Fix The Totems

Hello, first off I would like to say that I am a killer and survivor so that everyone knows I don't play favorites. My favorite Survivors are Nea because of Urban Evasion and her punk style, and Detective Tap because of everything he has, his perks are so rewarding for being risky enough to be next to the Killer. My favorite Killers are Freddy because I grew up with him, The Hag because I lose placing traps, she eats people, and scares everyone, what's not to love, and The Clown because he's, toxic ;) but his add-ons definitley need a buff.

Now, the problems with totems is that they are too easy to deactivate, I'm not even going to bring up the ridiculous concept of deactivating the killer's most powerful ability when the survivor has nothing like that, don't you even mention Exhaustion because it's temporary. The totems represent the Killer's most powerful abilities but I have found that they are too easy to destroy and that survivors find them way too fast, sometimes spawning directly in front of them and oh look, it's right next to my generator! Once the one lit totem is found the killer is screwed for the entire match and then gets Tea-bagged at the exit. So I have prepared several options for possible fixes for the totems and give them a much-needed buff to make them fair.

OPTION 1--Disguise The Totems.

The totems came with the Hag but they look the same with every killer and on every map, I don't see The Doctor crafting a totem out of a skull, sticks, and metal and placing them around his Institute, I see his totems as Medical related. Perhaps a wheelchair that looks off compared to other wheelchairs, a gurney with candles, perhaps that static TV with metal claws. Basically, disguise the totems based on the killer or the map itself to make it more challenging to FIND the ONE totem that will utterly cripple the killer. When the survivor reaches this misc object they get the option to Cleanse this ''oh wow that's a totem''!

OPTION 2---Why Only One Totem?

All totem perks require the Survivor to cleanse the ONE lit totem on the map utterly destroying the Killer's ultimate ability leaving them crippled and Tea-bagged at the exit. But, the totem Thrill of The Hunt is different, it has one lit totem and several other dull totems and draws its power from them getting weaker everytime a dull one is destroyed. Also it's completely ridiculous that the weakest totem in the game is THE ONLY TOTEM that gives a notification that it's being tampered with, all totem should have that. Anyway, why not make it that EVERY totem needs to cleansed in order to break the spell?
Whenever survivors find out that the Killer is using a totem they stop what they are doing and go canvassing the entire match destroying every dull totem until they find the lit one then laugh at the killer when they do it. So, if they do this anyway why not make it mandatory? If they find the ONE lit totem and destroy it, it then switches to another dull totem until every last one is destroyed, slowing down the game, giving everyone more points, and make it more challenging.

OPTION 3---Curse The Defiler!!!

Once the Survivors realize the Killer is using a totem, and they aren't the Hag, they all go searching for the ONE lit totem laughing and skipping until they find it. When they do it becomes a babysitting match between the totem, the survivor, and the gens. Eventually, the totem gets dismantled and then the killer gets Tea-bagged, pointed at, and the killer is left disappointed that their super ability was somehow deactivated within the first minute of the game. The problem is that no one is scared of the totems so why not Curse whoever cleanses it?
What if the Survivor who cleanses the totem is suddenly Cursed with the full power of that totem? Everyone else is fine except that douchebag who likes to point. So if they destroy Ruin, that Survivor is permanently afflicted with Ruin for the rest of the match. If they cleanse Huntress Lullaby they no longer have noises before skill checks for the rest of the game. And if they destroy Devour Hope, well they get eaten obviously.
This one is my personal favorite because it changes the game, it makes the totems scary and punishes whoever cleanses it, the Killer still loses their ultimate ability but can still at least use it on one person which isn't as bad as losing it 40 seconds into the game because their totem spawned on the top of a hill and everyone sees it.

and finally...

No One EVER Escapes Death!

This should not be a totem, it should be a perk. The whole point of this perk is TO give the Killer one final chance to kill those toxic survivors who have evaded him the whole match by body blocking and giving him the runaround. Once the Gens are completed the survivors just have to open the exit and LEAVE. But once they see that the Killer has NOED, they don't, they run around the map looking for it and cleanse it BEFORE THEY LEAVE and TEA-BAG AT THE EXIT! They aren't scared, the Survivors punish the killer for using it, they don't leave, they stay in the game looking for this totem that can kill them and then leave, they prolong the game for longer than they should because they feel privileged and excited, the opposite of what that awesome totem should be making them feel, terrified. Why give us this ability and then make it fragile? Why give us this ability to punish the survivors for not leaving and then take it away from us? This should be a PERK, NOT a totem. and if you say it's not fair then you're an idiot because it does the SAME THING, either way it still insta-downs and that is all it is good for so making it a perk does not make it more powerful it makes it fair.

I love this game, I just started playing it two months ago before it was free on the PS Store and my friends and I feel that it is too survivor sided. I love this game and it does not help everyone when the Survivors are given more power than the Killers who are supposed to kill them. By Buffing the totems it will help balance things just a teensy bit for the Killer, and literally, all my suggestions should make it more fun and challenging for Survivors who destroy all totems regardless if the killer is using one, so there's that. We hope you choose at least one or several of these ideas because it would make those totems actually worth using instead of causing the killer anxiety that someone is going to find their One BRIGHTLY LIT totem hiding on a hill or next to a generator, or in NOED's case, next to the exit.


  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Great ideas I love them all. Just an FYI noed was a perk then survivors cried enough about it and made it a totem. Odds of it becoming a perk again are slim to none 
  • DemolitionDan
    DemolitionDan Member Posts: 21

    Survivors are the reason why NOED should be a perk again. If the game is "ending" why make a totem that forces survivors back into the game to hunt for something additional, or most often: why allow t-bagging survivors the opportunity to troll for 5-10+ minutes at the end of every match after they should've just escaped?

  • Unknown
    edited August 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • pokebro2000
    pokebro2000 Member Posts: 2

    I like the idea of the totem shifting once it's been cleansed. Maybe a delay between it being cleansed and reactivating would be useful, since it could give survivors a reward for tracking it down. (im killer, i reckon this would be fair.) Would also make running multiple hexes more risky, since they get less recurrence by virtue of less available totems.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Common sense says no killer would put a glowing beacon of power in plain view of his prey. At the very least they need to hide them better. 
  • Yrwenn
    Yrwenn Member Posts: 15

    As I read the post, what I noticed the most was "killer is poor guy bullied by survs every single time just by destroying the totem, every single surv tbags, is toxic etc...". Sounds to me like survs are toxic by destroying totem, by doing a gen... maybe just by being alive.
    --- What I just want to point out that not all survs are with ######### behavior, and your post looks like an idea that also promotes your "hatred" with them, even tho you play both equally. The post itself is nice, but it would be better without those pointless words on survs. Don´t take it as a hate or something, just a feedback - I hate such a surv behavior too :)

    1) It would be globally awesome if every map was special. For example you can hide under the bed on léry´s, hide in a broken car on autohaven etc... but all this would have to be balanced in some way, but I like the idea of "killer" or "map" special/related

    2) how would it work with more than 1 hex perks?

    3) I saw this idea somewhere before, and the question is: "Why punish surv for doing what he has to/should do?". I get that it some of a risk you have to take, but for the rest of the game... no, maybe a period of time. Maybe a random surv get cursed? Why punish the one who sacrificed his time to find it?

    4) As somebody said - it was like that before, most likely not coming back.