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General Discussions

Sarcastic thanks for the dc penalty

Member Posts: 1,920
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Survivor main who has been abandoned by teammates more times than I can count, who has had a very good amount of killers dc too and lost who knows how many bloodpoints because of it.

This sucks. Two games in already and it's every toxic behavior that makes survivors dc. First game, a teammate dc'ed as soon as he was downed, about 30 seconds into the game. Meh, it happens. It's still possible to play the game and have fun, even if we survivors are at a huge disadvantage and ultimately don't escape. What's not fun? That killer decided to camp the next person they down, and then slug all three of us. I spent about 3:30 bleeding out on the ground, and was the last to die on my first hook. FUN AND INTERACTIVE.

Second game, a facecamping Bubba. Shocking. I saw what he was doing, knew I couldn't do anything about it, and tried to get as many gens done as possible. One teammate finally went for the save, got downed and then slugged, and then the put the first person right back on the hook. Then he facecamped the person who had the save. Two of us made it out that time.

I'd rather be in a game with a person who might dc or even in a game after a person does in fact dc than have killers gleefully play the most toxic way they can now. As for all the killers who dc, it made me laugh even though I lost out on BP. If this is how killers are playing now, I will be done after this tome. It's not about being salty, it's about being bored. I want to play the game. Facecamping and slugging is not playing the game, especially as a solo survivor.

I hope the penalty is going better for everyone else.

Third game: I was the first one downed, the killer came straight back and ignored the teammate who unhooked me to tunnel me. Decided to see what the penalty was for one DC. Five minutes, for anyone wondering. I'm done playing DBD now. I should have known the tunnel was coming. It's the toxic killer trifecta, after all.

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  • Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2020

    I totally agree! Night before last i was playing in a full party with friends. 1st game, I get hooked by a hiding bubba with insidious. He facecamps and shakes his head no to any survivor who sees he is camping. Game ends of course with a 4k for bubba...2nd game ghostface stalk camping the 3rd wraith invisible FC. 4th perimeter camping doctor. Walked enough away but only far enough shock can still reach to hook. Tunnels....good times. Slugs even better! After 4 trash friends say they hate this game thats the same crap all the time. Annnnd they all go play another game. Long lobbies, toxic killers, hitboxes sooo bad and pallet and unhook lag. = not worth it to anyone who enjoys a good game. I and at least half of my dbd friends have been playing other multiplayer games. Kinda nice to get away from the bullshiz. So anyways good job ensuring toxic killers get those oh so deserved points and ruining the game. Now the camping is worse. Like literally every game cause they know we cant dc without penalties. Smh. First end game for killers now this. Also exit gates sooo close...its endless the dumb crap that is wrong with this game. Have fun dbd and those who will eventually do as so many are now. Leaving behind a toxic game because nothing is being done about a complaint thats been complained about for yeeeeeaaars! After tome is over, so is my desire to play this game.

  • Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2020

    Now if something were to be done like:

    Camping. If killer is within 32 meters of hooked survivor and not in chase the entity will bind the killer for 15 seconds. It will give a auditory sound in game to alert all players the killer has been binded. Each time it adds 5 seconds. Then tunneling would'nt be a issue because the hooked survivors get a dayum break for a moment...issue fixed.

    Exit Gates Spawn opposite sides of map. EZ fix.

    Pallet and unhook lag. Why does it take so long to pull someone off a hook? Killer swings misses and i go for the save. Pause starts to unhook, killer pulls me off survivor...wth? Dont make since.... literally watched a pallet scrape across the killers face before they swung forward and survivors still getting hit through pallet... this is such a huge issue. I hear everyone complain about this a lot. Also window vault hits...smh...jump through, killer swings from angle and you are 2 steps away from window. Killer swings from side to side and somehow hits through window... i dont understand how someone swinging from side to side doesn't smack the window...i seen the blade go through both sides.mean these were created to keep the killer from hitting yet it doesn't...

    Really not hard to fix and implement all this. I will come back with friends in haul if these are addressed. If was a good run i guess. But disappointed.

    Post edited by IcallBS on
  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Oh please. Like killers didn't dc too. And I didn't even care when other teammates dc'ed as a survivor. It happens in every game and always will. What do you care as a killer if a survivor dcs? You lose one of your BBQ stacks? Must be tough to only get a 75% bonus every single game.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah I'm going to try to struggle through this tome but I don't know if I'll make it. All my friends have quit playing long ago and I'm not far behind. I agree with all that you said - same stuff, nothing changes. Survivors already had a penalty for playing survivor at all with the queue times, this is just absurd. All it's going to do is promote even more toxic play and drive away people.

  • Member Posts: 1,920
    edited February 2020

    Fourth game: facecamping Myers. It's been slugging, tunneling, and face camping in every single game with this penalty now. I guess all I can do now is run every gen rush perk available with toolboxes because the first hook is game over for whoever that unlucky person is. Congrats, Behaviour. 1000+ hours in this game and I'm done when the tome is complete, but dogshit killers are thriving.

  • Member Posts: 71

    First game of the day, killer just slugs everyone and they lay there bleeding out for 4 minutes. Now this is gaming!

  • Member Posts: 8,757
    edited February 2020

    I feel like you dont know how big 32 meters is. The Game map is 64 X 64, so if you hook someone, the majority of the map is gonna be in that area. Hook someone in the middle and that 32 meter range your talking about is gonna cover over 78% of the map, and unless your gonna sit in the literal corner until they get rescued...

  • Member Posts: 899

    In another post didnt you say you had 1500 hours in in a month or something ridiculous? Now it's your first game?

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Solution: run the bandaid perk gang! DS, BT, and Unbreakable.

    Enjoy the salt and the addition of more camping and tunneling killers complaining about them on reddit.

  • Member Posts: 71

    I wrote that I've been playing for 7 months, not one month, and it's the first game of the day, not the first game ever.

  • Member Posts: 119

    The way people play isn’t a reason to revert the change. There will always be scummy players who do scummy things wether there is a DC punishment system or not. I’ve played a lot of survivor since the DC penalty’s and sure there are the killers that do things like camp, slug and bring moris but It’s not every game like what others are making it out to be. Maybe you just were really unlucky with the killers you got?

  • Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2020

    um no smart one...i would bleed out before a hour. Lets talk realistic, or do you actually have something enlightening to say cause your comment was ignorant. Js...stating the obvious.

  • Member Posts: 471

    You deserve everything you get when you play cheat with friends. You should be happy killers even start matches with you.

  • Member Posts: 61

    stopped reading when you mentioned two games in and every toxic behavior that makes survivors dc.... the killer makes survivors dc.... actually "makes" survivors dc....

    You lost me there. How exactly is another player making you dc? Really? I'd like to know how the killer "makes" you dc. Sweat much?

  • Member Posts: 562

    How about the fact if a survivor DC I can't get hooks for emblems and I don't pip or depip. It also makes the remaining survivors play stupid.

  • Member Posts: 339

    You can usually tell if there's a lag going on; like getting the Stun sound, getting smacked........ Then they get stunned

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    I meant that it is hard for the game to compensate for latency.

  • Member Posts: 3,536


    and thats why if killers keep slugging to force survivors to disconnect or sit there with nothing to do for 4 minutes there will be consequences.

    Everyone already complains about unbreakable, why do you think it got buffed recently rather than nerfed?

    If people want to play toxic and it affects the playerbase then expect there to be consequences.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Well... You can always play killer if you think that the gras is greener on our side.

    After my experience it is not.

    I have play today my first game after a long while and I had direct a team infront of me that pressed hard on gens with 1 toolbox and 2 flashlights (1 has go in with flashlight, 1x found it in a box inclusive the famous instant flashlight bug - yaaay :|).

    Did you think that game was fun for me?

    I could nearly do 1 chase, because I needed always to damage the gens first by the speed they were repairing with.

    I can understand killers who just slug to take a bit the speed out of the game.

    Currently can the game for both sides terrible. Say thanks to all the nerf crying kids for that, that couldn't stop to complain about killer strength's and killer/survivors perks.

  • Member Posts: 74

    I know the change might suck for alot of people right now. But I have faith that it'll get better sometime soon. It's still new. (even though they tried it before) We gotta adjust to it first.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I played last night for the first time this week. First match was a proxy camping, tunneling freddy. Completely ignoring the person doing the saving. I was the 2nd victim. The first one dc'd. ( Wish I would have ), because those kind of matches aren't fun, and the game is meant to be fun. ( It's a video game, hello!!! ) DC penalty is crap in my opinion. My conclusion from last night is that killers are going to be bigger a-holes now, because they know that survivors are forced to tolerate shady gameplay, or be put in "time out." When you play to relax and have fun you don't want to have to deal with that. So, no it's not just you...

  • Member Posts: 2

    I'm 100 percent tired of people complaining about slugging. There are perks that allow you to counter and on top of that if your non stop being downed every single game you need to learn how to loop better. I play both sides equally. I promise you survivors play more toxic then killers. Yes you will have some games where a killer camps. It's part of life. If survivors would gen rush while someone is being camped instead of crouching behind a box waiting for a miracle to happen then the killers would stop camping. They won't pip. They won't get bps

  • Member Posts: 312

    I agree no one can make someone DC. It's their choice. Survivors aren't asking killers to follow some imaginary rulebook. They just want honest matches against solid killers that played them fair with skill. Matches that win or lose, live or die, you had fun. When I'm playing survivor ( I play both roles ), if I get a solid killer, and I'm alive at endgame. 90% of the time, I'm giving you a free kill, because you have earned my respect as a player.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I didn't care when my teammates DC'ed. It's possible for me to have fun playing a game even if I don't get a win. What's not fun? Slugging, facecamping, and tunneling, which is happening even more now with this system. Yes, I have DC'ed before. I have more than 1000 hours in this game. I bet a whole lot of people who have played this game have DCed on occasion. "Abused the system"? No. It takes long enough to get survivor games, I don't care if my teammate has DC'ed before. And I didn't really care when killers DC'ed even though I lost BP.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I knew there would be some BS comment like this. Hey, guess what! People play games to play games. When a killer slugs, and tunnels, and facecamps, that person isn't playing the game. Pressing x or spacebar while you're facecamped is not playing the game. Bleeding out for four minutes with five gens to go isn't playing the game. There's literally nothing survivors can do that take away the ability for killers to actually play the game, so quit it with that survivor rulebook bs. And when I do play killer? I don't play like a scumbag because I know how ######### it is.

  • Member Posts: 1,920
    edited February 2020

    I do play some killer, though I'm a survivor main. There's nothing survivors can do that take away your ability to play the game, even if they are "gen rushing" or even just plain better than you. However, when killers facecamp and slug and tunnel, that survivor's game is over. Plain and simple. The fact that that crappy play is happening even more now that the ban is in place really says something.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    UWU what about all the BP I've lost from killers DCing when we power the gates? People are still going to DC. If they don't want the timeout, they'll die on the first hook. I can't imagine that's great for your pipping. And if they DC and get the timeout, some will go play other games. I know my survivor queue is long enough without people quitting the game

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    The only perk that counters it is a 1 time use.

    Also interesting how killers always say "just genrush" and "bring unbreakable" yet they spend their entire time on this forum asking for genrush to be addressed and for unbreakable to be nerfed.

    You can't have it both ways.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    There's nothing survivors can do to take away a killer's chance to play. Slugging, camping, and tunneling all do that to survivors who are already in longer queues, and with the DC penalty, will probably be even longer.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I love when killers complain about the "gen rush." It's how we win the game - doing gens. If you want cooperative gameplay, play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 21,146
  • Member Posts: 28

    I already have 2 hrs ban ). Genrushing = DS from me automatic. To many pallets loops etc. Its my credo. If i dont have fun ,then nobody have in our session. Chill. Killer main

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Well, face camping was for me always just a tool to punish a very toxic survivor. I have never use it in a regular gameplay.

    I also usually don't slug, even I can understand it in the current situation, bhvr has put killers in.

    All the killers that have always play with ruin have now to learn new, how to play without it and slugging is one tactic to do it.

    Tunneling on the other hand I don't find so bad. Especially if it only happens rarley in a match.

    I use it by myself often 1 time in a match to bring the survivors in the "rescue-spiral" and to give me a little bit time to breath. After all, 1 survivor on a hook and 1 rescuing him means that I can destroy in peace some gens and search the other 2 survivors that hang somewhere on a gen^^.

  • Member Posts: 562

    If they suicide on hook I at least get credit for that. It is still a whiny survivor move though. And Idc about survivor fun. What fun is playing killer if 2 gens pop by the time you walk across the map. You say the killer still gets to play, but not in that scenario.

  • Member Posts: 137

    I haven't dc for a long time until today. It's like open season for camping, and all the other survivors are either dc or hook suicide, so I just gave up. It's a bad day to play lol

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2020

    Why people so mad at slugging? Lol camping I get its lame boring and takes very little skill. Slugging though I don't get it has perk counters for a reason. On top of that I pretty much assume everyone has ds at higher ranks. If your unlucky enough I run into you again and I can't remember how long its been since you were unhooked. I think tunneling is way to broad and overly miss used term. I get messages calling me out for tunneling when I'm juggling all 4 survivors with 2 gens left. Sorry if you got unhooked and stumbled into me again but I'm not letting you go. I just don't get it. I play both sides pretty much equally and the only thing that bugs me as a survivor is a well hidden insidious camping bubba. I get slugged and I get tunneled just like everyone else it happens to everyone. I don't get on the forums and complain about it. Its game don't take it so seriously folks. Its bad for your health.

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