This rank reset makes me feel so bad

I'm a constant rank 1 killer and I was set back to rank 10, I've been going against grey and yellow ranks all day and man I feel bad. I know this is a bug but still.
I've gotten to the point to where I'm letting 1-2 survivors escape if I can tell they're new . does anyone else feel this way ?
I hope they can fix this and reset the rank back to what it should be.
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I doubt it was a 'bug' in the first place. Now that everybody is ranked back, this'll give the devs a week or two of breathing room from the 'your ranking system is broken' flood.
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Let's be honest.
You were probably going against gray and yellow rank players this whole time... they just made it to red ranks since it's so easy now ;)
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A-MEN, brother.
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I feel this way on both sides, but how I look at it is if you just do you best and just destroy them, on survivor or on killer, you will double pip more and get out of these ranks faster. I know that the devs did this so new/green ranked players and killers would quit complaining that they were going up against red ranked players, but what has happened is being this low (ie high purple low green) to start, I've still been going up against the same Green/Yellow ranked players (as survivor).
Again, just destroy them now and climb faster. If it makes new players quit, then devs deserve it for doing this again. You can't have rank reset normally for months, then one reset when the community has been crying for weeks about the ranks/matchmaking, and just claim it's a bug. As ######### as the coding is with this game, that shouldn't fly with anyone.
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I just killed a true baby dweet I didn't know I didn't know!!
Rank 20 no perks
I'm going to the piggy corner of shame
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This is so much fun as survivor. Your teammates go down in about 5-10 seconds per chase. Then killer just rushes back to hook to tunnel them over and over again. Tunnel and NOED. These same people no doubt go online to cry about DS then. Shame the rank 17s im getting put with dont have DS unlocked.
None of these survivors can hit skillchecks either. The whole game feels like a stupid farm. Do a gen, get 2 unhooks and a little chase then you’re free to die. You’re not playing for fun, you’re playing just to grind up to a rank where the game might be enjoyable.
This explains why I’ve seen so many give up on 1st hook when I play killer.
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Me right now 🐷
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It's been crazy on Xbox. I was on a gen earlier with a rank 15, and every few seconds, the Gen exploded. I just stopped and stared at them. I felt my characters glare was enough to get a message to them. The killer of course came over, smacked them down, and they suicided hook. But I hope they remember my pixelated anger!