To everyone won't play killer anymore

Okay look if you stopped playing killer just because things have been getting "harder" for the killers (apearntly it's an actual reason for no longer playing killer multiple people said this) literally if u want to win almost every match just patrol the three closest gens, and hook survivors on your patrol route to help discourage saving. You should get at least 3/4 kills every time
They need to git gud
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People have stopped playing killer for other reasons not just because it's getting harder there are a few reasons that have led up to people stopping sounds have been bugged for ages and no clear sign of them fixing it anytime soon, then they nerfed ruin and it was the reason behind the nerf that pissed off a lot off killers, they want to adjust slowdown perks so they don't work well together i.e ruin if you run ruin you can't use PGTW with it, getting told on a Q&A just let the survivors have the 2 gens on the far side off the map if you can't get there quick enough.
Why would people want to keep playing killer after all off that when the devs have pretty much said they are making the game easy for survivors and less annoying i.e DR rework and ruin nerf, but when anyone ask them about making the game fun for killers they just ignore the question and move on to the next one.
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I’m one of those people who stopped playing killer. I still play killer after every like 5-3 survivor rounds and still reached rank 1 as killer. I win most of games but the thing is, it’s just not fun anymore. It’s just stressful even if you’re winning that’s why nobody wanna play killer in the red ranks anymore.
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They did not stop. But you know, write a forum thread, join the circle jerk, get attention. And then, go to the next game of DBD where you will get 4Ks before you finally get into a game where you lose, to post this game on the DBD-Forum again.
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There not quitting because it's challenging, there quitting because the killer keeps getting weaker and weaker, and all the bugs that don't even get addressed, let alone fixed(sounds, grabs, god loops/windows, bad map design, etc, etc.) Imagine if there was a glitch/bug to where you couldn't hear the killer standing right next to you,(stealth doesn't count) or your DS just randomly doesn't work even though you get the animation, or spine chills doesn't activate like it should. I bet survivors would ######### a stack of bricks big enough to build 3 new maps...
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Most people don't play killer because a killer can easily feel like you are powerless, even though you are the power role. This is mostly because the level of effort needed to put in to match the survivor side is so heavy for the killer-which makes sense, there are 4 of them and they mostly need to m1 gens and loop-
I wouldn't say being killer is hard...if anything being a killer has become more easy and less of a horrible experience but it can feel ULTRA sweat and frustrating as hell despite how well or poorly you perform. This is purely one fo those "player experiencee" things rather than hard stats,.
Although you can argue that the montonious, gen rush only nature of the game amplifies this feeling IMMENSELY due to second usage of each item. It's either time wasting or dead stops. This gets worse as the survivors actually try and coordinate instead of just scattering randomly at higher ranks and how much you can do without sweating your ass off becomes almsot intolerable.
In short. The game needs to equalize stress levels. I never feel stressed as survivor but as killer I get more stressed than most competitive fighting games even when I'm stomping teams.
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You will not win with this against any decent survivors.
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The fact that so many low ranked Killers get matched against red ranked Survivors is proof enough that Red Rank Killers have stopped playing.
The only way a Killer can get 4Ks is if the Survivors are bad. So if you're complaining about that, then you must be really bad.
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Yeah, and Red Rank Killers get matched with lower Rank Survivors as well. It goes both ways. Like, there are a lot of Streamers in my area and since they changed the Matchmaking of SWF-groups, I almost never went against one of them. Even if they are playing at the same time like I do.
The only time where I got a Streamer I played against on a regular basis before was Lefti a few days ago. Other than that - none. And they did not stop playing Killer.
"The only way a Killer can get 4Ks is if the Survivors are bad."
If you are talking about low Rank Killers vs Red Rank Survivors, this might be true. In general - no, not at all.
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Keeping hold of certain gens is certainly a good tactic. It doesn't necessarily need to be a 3 gen strat but you need to be mindful of which gens exist and which you're willing to let go and which you want to keep. I don't go for 3 gen strat straight away I usually do a few chases and as the gens go down I look for a good area with 3 or 4 close by or away from a god loop or in an area that has previously been cleared of pallets. You want to ensure the survivors don't get the last few gens spread mapwide basically. I do fine this way.
It only sucks on maps like mothers dwelling where even gens are miles apart no matter what (seriously that map is ridiculous).
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Yea, red rank Killers would get matched against low rank survivors on Weekdays when there are less people playing overall, or when the survivors are in a mixed rank group. From what I understand, matchmaking may put red rank Killers against lower ranking Survivors if the Survivors were in queue for a while.
And yes, in general, Good Killers can only win against Good Survivors of equal skill only if the Survivors screw up. If the Killer makes a mistake, they get punished for it much more than Survivors do if they make a mistake.
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Found the person that does not play killer.
A 3 generator strategy does not work, if the survivors play it smart. You will end up in a battle of attrition, which is in the favour of the survivors, because their repairing speed is higher than your regressing speed (even with Ruin up).
The only killers I can think of who can lock down 3 generators, are Nurse and Spirit, but thats solely because of their insane chase potential.
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Why do you think it got harder for killer? Just because they changed a perk that was cleansed within 30 seconds anyway?
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Nah, i stopped playing both side cause i'm already addicted to play other game
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All i want is to know if survivors which i gonna verse is SWF or not. That's all. Because all i get is miserable experience from playing killer
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Considering my killer que times on PC still suck, I don't think there has been a mass exodus of killers. I run into the same survivors over and over in matches, and wait way too long for matches, which tells me the ratio is still out of whack and there is proportionately more killers than survivors.
Killer is still the best way to grind BP and is waaaaay easier than it was 2 years ago. Heck, even a year ago.
There is lots of biased whining about a perceived survivor bias, but those whiners ignore the significant survivor nerfs over the past 2 years. It's nice not getting DS'd 4 times before your first hook. Or watching the survivor self care on the other side of the pallet because by the third one they are healed.
Yeah, killer is harder than survivor, but not that hard at all. 3I is still the average, possibly closer to 3.5k.
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I play on PC and I get near instant matches when I play after 7PM central time. I instantly get matched on weekend nights.
I have to wait when I play survivor, but it’s not as long as the people on the forums make it out to be.
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Patrolling a 3 gen from minute 1 and not committing to any chases might be the most boring way to play. Sucks for both sides.
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This is one of the easiest strategies to counter if they figure out you're doing it in time. You absolutely have to compromise and leave at times risking losing your 3 gen or the same thing will always happen. In the end game, you'll be left with all 4 survivors alive and your 3 gen setup. Then after realizing you always leave them alone when they get far enough away, the survivors will split up and keep rushing away from gens when you get close and right back to them on the 2 further gens cause there's plenty of survivors to do this with. As long as the survivors are moderately intelligent and skilled, you're most likely never even going to get a hook if you never leave your 3 gen.
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It sounds like it isn't something that should have changed all that much, but the speed of matches has clearly changed drastically. Like, matches where the Killer did not use old Ruin, were never over as fast as matches are now. Survivors just don't give a ######### anymore, and just get on those gens from second 1.
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A lot of the people who stopped playing wasn't because they were not winning, it's because they were not having any fun at all and found the role unfun and stressful compared to survivor, and decided to just stick with survivor.
Playing killer right now with the matchmaker as broken as it is, some people get bullied by SWFs WAY out of their rank range, and can lose like 10 or 20 games in a row with zero kills at all. That isn't "Not winning every game" that's struggling to even squeeze some success from any game you are in.
Then those ones are often stunned a lot, teabagged at every pallet, etc etc....
This assumption that people don't want to play killer out of pure selfishness is a bit of an oversight as there have been legitimate reasons and issues pointed out by people, in a fairly rational and civil manner.
(There of course people who ARE acting entitled , but that exists on both sides always anyways)
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ThEy ShOuLD JuSt pReasUre GeNs
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It is hard to understand for me, why so many killer player have these problems now somehow.. well not really tbh, but i am suprised that many of them dont realise what they are doing wrong, while it is so obvious. As a killer, I got genrushed once since ruin change (as Leatherface on lerys, and i wanted the Chainsaw so bad because i got bored), and that was totally my fault. I guess, people just want to fully tunnelvision every single survivor peacefully.
And this is not just my imagination or just a random assumption... the ammount of times where the killer is chaseing me for minutes is absurd.
How is Bhvr supposed to balance a game, when a really potent killer actually can have a almost 200 4K streak in a row when he is playing his role correctly? Some here say DbD is ballanced for potato or new players.. so why can good killers get 4Ks all the time, and not so good killers are coming to the forum and complaining nonstop that they can not get any kills at all? Makes no sense.
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Except that happened with DS and new doc and was fixed in like a week... lol.. meanwhile people have built in free iron will
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They also have built-in dead hard on console.
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You can get banned for that 3 gen strat if you drag it out too long or do it with a doc where it is nearly impossible to get gens done.
Imagine getting banned for doing what the game requires you to do. Stranger things have happpened
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As well as having to sweat your hide off to get even one or two kills. At two the game snowballs if you have enough gens left. But after sweating that much you need a shower after every game.
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Everyone just needs to split up when the killer three gens, this is always how I beat the strategy.
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I simply stopped playing killer because it is too stressful, and no longer fun. I shouldn't go to click on killer and my palms and face sweaty simply because the only way for a killer to have fun is to play in a way that pisses survivor's off. I think it's time to accept the fact that all the high rank and veteran killer's only play survivor or have left the game
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Survivors want to be in the power role v a single killer and thats why theres so much salt
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They are not balancing the game around rank 1 8000 hour youtube streamers who get 4k every game. They are balancing it around rank 20's thereby screwing most killers.
We at one point spawned in random places. Not any more. You get spawned in a group right in front of a gen on the opposite side of the map nearly every game. All 4 spawn together more often than not. This is so the gens can get done so they can get their objective done.
Granted it is an outside gen and if they do it they are only messing up if they ignore the 3 gen strat.
Its little things like this. Yeah its only one gen that gets done right away.
But then we have to listen to them tell us that now we should expect two gens to fly off before we even find anybody? Most of the time i have found somebody by the time the first gen gets done.
And with freddy the game can snowball quickly. I am a decent killer. But how do you expect the other killers to perform that dont have that kind of teleportation map control?
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People stop playing a role for multiple reasons. Difficulty can be a factor. But is unlikely to be a big one. Getting burnt out on it, or simply not having fun are the main two I suspect. I don't think most killers honestly care that much about the kills they get. I think they just to have a fun match where they feel like they did well.
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Maybe, but at first they need to have fun again.
Dbd is a game. Getting good in a game follows only if you have enough fun to stay in the game.
Despite what some guys in bhvr seem to think, play people killers not to serve for survivors as a entertainment ai.
Survivors arguing in nearly every killer nerf thread with their fun and that's ok, but some miss the point that killers also need to have fun.
My first game after a while was no fun. It was not fun to get insta blinded by 2 survs with flashlights and the fact that the devs resist to make my fav killer fun again (and I say here fun, not balanced or unbalanced) is not the right way to persuade me or other people in similar situations, to come back again.
Should be easy to understand but sadly we life in times were less and less people understand it.
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I've talked to several killers over the past couple of months. We've come to a conclusion that it depends on what region you are in, and how messed up match making has been. I am in the Midwest NA region and tend to wait 10-15 minutes in peak times, sometimes as low as 5 minutes (I love those!). I also have either instant or as long as 3 minute survivor ques when playing 2 man SWF with the wife. I know a few other killers in the NW NA region who have instant ques, but long survivor ques. NE NA region also had longer ques at times, but had longer survivor ques too. Whereas my buddy in Texas has upwards of 10 minute killer ques and 5 minute survivor ques, but it lowers to 5 for each on weekend at peak time.
In short, it is all over the place. I still run into a lot of the same survivors over and over, whereas I rarely run into the same killers. Could mean my region does not have enough survivors, or matchmaking is a mess. I'll lean towards matchmaking as the issue.
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I admit I used to think similarly to some of the comments here, till I stopped expecting to get (or aiming for) a 4K in each and every game, which I think it’s sort of an entitled killer mentality honestly. Dbd is such an rng based game that it’d be pretty silly to expect consistency. Just an example some maps are really good for certain killers while being terrible for others (think Lery’s with GF as opposed to Billy). The thing long as you can kill someone or have two survivors on death hook while the first 3 gens pop the game will lean heavily in your favor. That’s NOT that hard even at red ranks. Also choose your perks according to your own flaws as a player rather than trying to copy your favorite streamer’s build. Learn when it’s beneficial for you to slug (not just while you wait out the DS), and above all remember you’re playing against human persons who want to have a fun game as much as you do. Not every team is in it to bully the killer, and most swf teams you just can’t beat ain’t that complicated boys dbd is just not a competitive game. Skill doesn’t always correlate with match results and that’s part of the game whether we accept it or not. Just focus on memorizing tiles and mastering mind games and the game will be much more enjoyable than eating pallet after pallet because of your 1v1 tunnel vision. I feel your pain and frustration but being a salty killer won’t change the game mechanics unfortunately.
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I think bhvr should come down from there "holly what a killer needs horse" and also sometimes think "what would make fun for a killer player".
Players that have fun are happy customers and they also play usually nicer.
If bhvr would allow more killers to have fun, it would be better for the whole community imo. No matter what some survivors saying to specific killers, or abilities.
Playing nice happens in the most cases just if a killer is in the mood for it. If the killer feels pressured by match making, gens, or if playing killer feels for him more as a chore, as fun - he will be most times anything - but not playing nice.
Buffing certain killers was for me always not only a question of balance, it was also with having the game health in mind and I think in this point has bhvr to learn a lot.
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This, completely this. With rank reset being bugged, I wound up playing people closer to my own amount of hours and rank, rather than 10K hour squads of rank 1's.
I didn't tunnel, I didn't slug, I didn't rage, I wasn't salty, and I had a really good time. Didn't have to deal with EVERY survivor running DS, DH, BT, Adrenaline. Didn't have to deal with two gens popping before my first hook, nor did I have to deal with the doors being open in 5 minutes.
People are probably thinking "Oh you're only happy because you 4ked every match", but no. I got two 2K's, a 3k hatch escape, and a single 4K. I had fun because I wasn't sweating my butt off against perfect survivors with far more experience than me.
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I had yesterday play a game as GhostFace. Was my second game after a long break.
2 survivors were 7 ranks above me, 1 surv 1 rank and 1 surv 3 ranks. I haven't mind since I have play the game a long while before the break and so I had anyways more experience as the rank I was wearing.
1 of the survs dc'd after the first hook - don't know why - I hadn't play toxic if I think on the surv. rule book, but at least now he had 5 free minutes to think about his toxic behavior, so I also don't mind that.
The whole game was for me relaxing and so I had let 2 survs go. I would have let 3 survs go, but sadly I wasen't aware at the moment I were hooking that survivor, that another one had leave the match.
Just things happen by me also only if I am in a good mood. If those 3 survivors who were left would have been toxic towards me, I would have them hooked, despite the dc'er.
Besides that, the majortime of my playtimes had I play the second-worst killer in the game for a long time, without addons. Just for fun. Had with him a ton of great matches and also endgame chats.
But in both examples it was always because I had not feeld myself pressured and I had always the feeling that I was with my killer in the power role and I had of course fun while I was playing the killer I was playing.
The 2 survs from the example above would for me have been easy to kill. Very easy. But who cares about kills, if he had fun? As you and others have already mentinoed before^^.
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70% ++ kill rates
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Aaaand that says what? o_O
If we talk about fun - depending on what we understand under it - say 70% nothing.
I had a long time play a killer with a.... What was it? Around 30% killrate... I had with him much more fun as with the killer he is today, were he has a ca. 55-60% killrate far as I remember.
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65-70% is where killer needs to be, that's a 2-3K every game. I understand that 70% sounds so strong, but it's still less than 3k per game.
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Exactly. This game is called dead by daylight. Not escape before daylight. Anything less than 4k is a failure of the game.
The target balance is 4k3m (4 kills under 3 minutes)
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This isn't even quality bait.
Imagine posting this.
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There is no god loops left, lol
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What times do you play? I found that morning/noon (Cali, West Coast), I have longer killer queue times. Past seven, they're near instant. This was before crossplay, so I can't say what they're like now without a few more weeks, but the last few days, my times have been near instant pops. And this is rank 4. My survivor times, though. . . bleh. Ten minutes isn't rare, even at rank 13.