
So how many of you can't help but hang around a door and t-bag as a survivor and wait for the killer, yet when you play as killer it is just a chore of the game to have to chase the survivors out because they destroyed you in a game 😂 This happens to me at least once a week and it's just like a circle of karma I swear. So who all else has this in their plain of the entity's reality?


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I just don't and leave.
    Nobody ain't got time to wait.
    I even oftenly let my teammates to die in the round even tho I could save them, since for me, they did their job : they allowed me to escape, and I'm very thankful for that :D
    I come back at times, when I feel like I could earn some efficient points without too much risks.

    Teabagging tho ? nah, kinda pointless.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    @Vulipus13 said:
    So how many of you can't help but hang around a door and t-bag as a survivor and wait for the killer, yet when you play as killer it is just a chore of the game to have to chase the survivors out because they destroyed you in a game 😂 This happens to me at least once a week and it's just like a circle of karma I swear. So who all else has this in their plain of the entity's reality?

    Well, I only do that if the killer camped or tunnelled. Most of the time I run circles with Neas head looking up like a derp until the killer comes along & some killers do it with me xD lol

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    I grab a last minute chase for the sweet 250 chase pts.

    But I don't see the need to teabag. I do teabag teammates who are downed though. Just because it's funny.
  • Vulipus13
    Vulipus13 Member Posts: 28
    Well 1. You don't do it anywhere else than at the very edge where you can leave on swing. 2. That's terrible that you'd leave your mates. I don't t-bag unless everyone is out and I'm 100% sure everyone else is getting out. 
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    Vulipus13 said:
    Well 1. You don't do it anywhere else than at the very edge where you can leave on swing. 2. That's terrible that you'd leave your mates. I don't t-bag unless everyone is out and I'm 100% sure everyone else is getting out. 
    One day you’ll meet the myers who has the evil within 3 mori add on 😂😂
    Post edited by ThePloopz on
  • Vulipus13
    Vulipus13 Member Posts: 28
    Already main Myers and I never let him get me. At the gate. 
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Michael_Myers said:
    Better hope you don't make a mistake, cause I had a couple of survivors that did, and they payed dearly. Popped evil within 3 and got some extra kills lol. Most satisfying feeling ever.

    Never :)

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    why is tbagging so offensive lol

    like for me its just me bein silly and im like haha taste my butt i dur u and some people get so fed up with it

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    I remember a video of Truetalent waiting by the edge of the gate and myers pops EW3 and uses tombstone xD I can't find the video though

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @GolgiNea said:

    @Vulipus13 said:
    So how many of you can't help but hang around a door and t-bag as a survivor and wait for the killer, yet when you play as killer it is just a chore of the game to have to chase the survivors out because they destroyed you in a game 😂 This happens to me at least once a week and it's just like a circle of karma I swear. So who all else has this in their plain of the entity's reality?

    Well, I only do that if the killer camped or tunnelled. Most of the time I run circles with Neas head looking up like a derp until the killer comes along & some killers do it with me xD lol

    This is directly for you since you have such an issue with killers camping.
    This is straight from the devs before the game came out.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502
    When I first started the game, I noticed a large amount of players that would wait in the exit for the killer.

    I asked them, why do you wait? Why, when everyone left is here?

    Thier reply was: "It's only fair to show the killer where you are, before you go."

    That's odd, I remarked. But explained why they kept throwing pallets down and vaulting.

    Another answered: "because I have to show the killer I won."

    Leaving, I thought already accomplished this.

    The last one just said: "I'm just messing around with them."

    I suppose there's one in almost every group.

    It's a strange thing indeed. Unless I know there's a good chance of saving someone, I don't wait around.

    There is no reason to "tbag" that I can see, unless you want to watch your character twerk.
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    @Twix said:
    I remember a video of Truetalent waiting by the edge of the gate and myers pops EW3 and uses tombstone xD I can't find the video though

    I would love to see that.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235
    edited June 2018
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    @Twix said:
    @steezo_de Skip to 4:35 lmfao https://youtu.be/npBidm4PcWU

    Hahaha. Thanks. He was a good sport about it too.

  • dev20
    dev20 Member Posts: 2

    tbagging btw

  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47
    edited June 2018

    Keep Tbagging at exit gates and one day you'll face Blood Warden. You won't ever do it again trust me

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83

    I ignore them and find pallets to break. If they wait for me to chase them out, I send a report for holding the game hostage and farming bp/shards.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @Vulipus13 said:
    So how many of you can't help but hang around a door and t-bag as a survivor and wait for the killer, yet when you play as killer it is just a chore of the game to have to chase the survivors out because they destroyed you in a game 😂 This happens to me at least once a week and it's just like a circle of karma I swear. So who all else has this in their plain of the entity's reality?

    IF I play a survivor, I just leave. As a Killer, yes I've had to "show myself" or "make an appearance" to expedite survivors leaving. I don't tbag, doesn't award points, and my ego is healthy enough that I don't need that last little bit of insignificant "in your face".

  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118
    edited June 2018

    I once indulged with a friend in the practice of teabagging a killer at the gates...I felt like a horrible human being.

  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    I don't ever teabag at the exit gates. I have waited at exit gates when I want to know the fate of the other survivors and if I can help them escape but the moment they do something stupid like stand at the exit gate or go back out to look for the hatch I leave. Once you've been safely at the gate and chose to wait then I've one my part and leave.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    I will only ever teabag if the killer was a camping tunneling douche.

  • DrSoda
    DrSoda Member Posts: 10

    What is this t-bagging I am reading about? All I know is victory crouches. The only time I give victory crouches is to one of my buddies in survive with friends, or our private kill your friends lobby.

  • Vulipus13
    Vulipus13 Member Posts: 28
    DrSoda said:

    What is this t-bagging I am reading about? All I know is victory crouches. The only time I give victory crouches is to one of my buddies in survive with friends, or our private kill your friends lobby. (This is beautiful and I'm going to use this forever now)

  • ArchangelVakarian
    ArchangelVakarian Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2018

    I never t-bag, but i do wait at the exit gate to let the killer get a free hit, usually messaging them after a minute or 2 if they don't show up. If i'm injured or it's Billy/Leatherface/tier III Mike i'll just leave, sometimes i do anyway.

  • Vulipus13
    Vulipus13 Member Posts: 28

    I never t-bag, but i do wait at the exit gate to let the killer get a free hit, usually messaging them after a minute or 2 if they don't show up. If i'm injured or it's Billy/Leatherface/tier III Mike i'll just leave, sometimes i do anyway.

    That's cool xD
  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106
    i usually do wait at exit gates and let killer get one more hit. when i crouch it’s usually a “thank you” 
  • Vulipus13
    Vulipus13 Member Posts: 28
    Idk, I'm sticking with victory crouches. Yup. I like the sound of it. ~"Victory crouches"~