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What’s with everyone wanting NoeD nerfed all of a sudden?

Member Posts: 13,036

This perk is completely fine and punishes survivors for ignoring totems. You failed to cleanse the totems, you pay the price.

This perk isn’t even good to begin with either, as it can be taken out before ever being put into use, while other perks in the hex category are far better and Devour Hope literally gives out a greater reward. So asking for this perk to nerfed is gonna be like Freddy 1.0 all over again to be nerfed, asking for someone who wasn’t even op to begin with to be nerfed because you want an easier game.

If you throw out the stupid “ThIs pErK iS oNlY cOuNtEReD eAsIlY bY sWf”, then use small game or detectives hunch, as those 2 perks, and even detectives, counters every hex perk in the game pretty much.


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  • Member Posts: 529
    edited February 2020

    The only requirement I would add to noed is that a survivor is only given the exposed status effect at the end game if the killer hooked them at least once during the trial. That way the killer would have to do something to get its full benefit other than being a complete camping potato or a killer who tunnels one survivor the entire game and then cries about "gen rushing."

  • Member Posts: 529

    That's not a good excuse. All you have to do with any hex perk is clean the totem but all hexs still require effort on the killers part. All hexs except noed. Even new ruin requires killers to put pressure on survivors. That's one reason devs changed ruin because it was too passive; requiring little to no effort on the killers part to get its benefit. This is the reason no one complains about devour hope. That perk is actually stronger than noed but it requires the killer to actually do something. It doesn't come for free.

  • Member Posts: 298

    Dedicated server, hitbox, more bug, more glitch bug vs.

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited February 2020
  • Member Posts: 3,842

    If there's 4 survivors with 3 of them near a gate, then that's sound logic.

    Doesn't happen enough for people like me to have my opinion on changing it to be less infuriating in more situations. You can tweak a perk without destroying the core of it.

  • Member Posts: 312

    They shouldn't have changed it to begin with. It was fine in its original state.

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    It’s obviously a response to all the constant crying about DS and BT. The forum has been loaded with that lately, both but more DS. It’s the reactionary thing, “you want this nerfed?, this should be nerfed too”. It’s not wrong though as there really should be a requirement for the killer to proc NOED aside from a single dull totem.

  • Member Posts: 529
    edited February 2020

    What's funny is killer mains who think having any requirement on the killers part for NOED is a huge nerf. Just goes to show the type of baby killers that run NOED are. Hanging a survivor once during the trial as I suggested really isn't that much to ask. If you are even semi decent at the game that should be an easy given majority of the time. But asking the killer do anything besides being a complete potato and all these killer mains cry out in horror of the thought.

  • Because people stopped running ruin so now they run noed instead lmao. Still not an EZ game for plebs.

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    And the NOED complaints can be legit. Survivors complain about camping? They are told just do gens. Survivors complain about NOED? They are told don’t be lazy and do totems. Don’t you see the conflict there? That’s equally as legitimate as any DS complaint. A killer who does nothing should not get that power, especially when the survivors have no choice. I mean, if you’re going to tell me you cleanse dulls against a camping killer, I’m just going to laugh and not believe you whatsoever. Both perks have issues, I think DS should be disabled if another survivor is hooked, but the timer should be removed. THAT becomes the timer. With NOED, only survivors who have been hooked become exposed. Campers likely get no benefit. That’s fair.

  • Member Posts: 62

    Agreed and most survivors would agree you need to earn your insta down not just given it for bad play I’ve been seing a lot of killers not care about the gens and just use noed to destroy end game

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    Dont believe you at all, sorry. Nobody cleanses dulls against a camper, come on now. I’m sure the guy on the hook REALLY appreciates you running around not on gens while he’s dying. And Im sure if you are camped, you are thinking “come on guys get that totem by the shack!!” Lol. Let’s be serious. Ok , well DS can be 100% prevented outside of the guy crawling to the gate at endgame. Don’t pick them up or open the locker. So it only needs to be looked at after the gates are opened according to your logic? Are we conceding that? Otherwise, you are not forced to pick the survivor up.

    If you’re going to fail to see the flaw in NOED, then I’m going to ignore it with DS.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I always lul when somebody uses NOED, even when they do get a down with it, cleanse the totem, rescue and get out.

    The perk is so garbage but i know now that the devs have laid the bar for survivors to the point of "oh well we can not expect you to hit a great skillcheck" everything is possible. 😂

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    A comment like this admits defeat, have a good night.

    I hope one day, I can be your teammate while you are camped. I will not touch a single gen and only look for totems...if I was on a SWF team I’d also tell them to go find those bones while you die. When you cry I will tell you i was trying to counter NOED. You will probably have suicided on hook and left anyway though. All the while at least one more will have likely died because of the time wasted. You can’t win...look for totems against a camper? At least one more is probably going to die. Don’t cleanse and he has NOED? At least one more is probably going to die. A shame you are being biased and don’t see it.

  • Member Posts: 444

    Because the first primary objective for survivors is to do generators so they have a better chance at escaping. NOED does not reward the killer for survivors not cleansing totems, it rewards a killer for sucking at the game. It’s not a fair perk because the killer can tunnel a survivor for 5 gens and then kill everyone last second who didn’t deserve to die all because of 1 perk and the sad thing is the killer feels like they did something or actually won the match when that happens.

  • Member Posts: 807

    Really? A comment like "nuh uh I don't believe you" also admits defeat. I win.

  • Member Posts: 515

    Problem is any beginning Hex perks when people see it will cleanse it fast but not noed until they know you have it.

  • Member Posts: 515

    I need to use noed now on all killers because that beat the ranks 1 survivors that annoy me so much.

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited February 2020

    You have no counter argument. You said NOED is 100% preventable, even against campers. I told you outside of crawling to the gate, DS is 100% preventable. Both are incorrect by any logical player, but we are going by YOUR logic. You 100% have the option to not pick up or grab the survivor who may have DS... just as you say 100% the survivors should have to cleanse all the dulls to prevent NOED no matter what...even against a facecamper. (You should adamantly speak out against “just do gens” btw, as I guess 99% of players are wrong saying to do this, you are the 1% who looks for dull totems to cleanse them all). Now let’s see you continue to show bias and not acknowledge the issue. I have already admitted how DS can be problematic when it comes to hooking someone else. Unlike you, I’m actually seeing both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    All of sudden? I thought baby Bubba campers with NOED were there for quite some time...

    So why nerf NOED? Well not really nerf it, just nerf it for campers, bad players and no one else.

    Simple nerf:

    NOED can be used only on surviviors you have hooked before.

    So basically this will be a nerf only for killers who cant even menage to get 4 BBQ stacks. And if you get only 3 stacks, then thats still 3 people you can use NOED on.

  • Member Posts: 17

    As someone who plays both killer and survivor pretty equally I think noed is in a good place right now you can say "it takes no skill!" And it's op but really the only people it's op towards or swf or super altruistic players if you see someone get hit with noed then leave immediately and if you're the one that got hit then just eat the lick just because you died doesn't mean you lost and you shouldn't get upset about it because noed had no factor in the game until the Egc and it took up a perk slot for the killer that they could have used the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Its because at end game, if survivors were good, the killer would have gotten only like, 2 hooks and looped for all the gens in that time.

    If the killer was playing "fair" IE not tunneling recently unhooked survs, not slugging, not bringing a mori to play by their namesake and actually friggin kill people, these situations happen even more often, play by their rules, and You Get #########. If you play killer, you need to play dirty, then at the end game, when the last survivor gets their Lone Survivor movie ending, you did your job.

    Not the killers fault really, it happens often. With BT, and DS on just 2 survivors and unbreakable on 1, even NOED can be countered at the end game, and from green ranks upwards, they Have those meta perks.

    I've tried noed, didn't work, especially against Nancies, they love bones, didn't even activate, I had a game against a SWF and right after the first down with noed the totem got broke because the Claudette was waiting for it. I've recently picked it up again, and let me tell you, survs don't look for bones anymore, the ruin nerf unintentionally nerfed survivors bone detectors, they completely ignore them! Half the time I get 2-3 kills before the gens get done, and that to me is a win as long as I black-pip, even with 2k you can get that darn entity displeased, feelsbadman.

    NOED is a perk with a name and a meaning, No One Escapes Death, end game is reaping hour, you either gtfo and let steve die on 1 hook. Or you YOLO that #########. You can soft counter NOED with 3, sometimes 4 perks, DS, BT, DH, and If the killer slugs, Unbreakable. You can hard counter it by doing a bone inbetween gens, keep track of how many you cleansed, if you cleansed 2 during that time, you can look for the others before the last gen is done. Or bring 1 of 2 really great totem spotting perks, a Map, or just not being a blind M1 robot during the game.

    Even with rift challenges, you can still cleanse, you don't need perks to polish some bones.

  • Member Posts: 306
    edited February 2020

    Everyone? If grey rank survs crying about NOED on forum it means "everyone"? 

    Oh, wait, for "devs" it is. 

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    It’s not all of a sudden its been requested for years. Barely anyone asked for Ruin to be nerfed. If you have survivors a choice between Ruin and Noed for the nerfhammer they would have picked NOED everytime.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    These people don’t play survivor so they have no idea. They expect survivors to play perfectly, get all 5 gens done and all 5 totems cleansed within the 2 minutes it takes a survivor to die on hook because in their mind all 5 gens really can be done within 2 minutes.

    They’ve never played solo and had other survivors sandbag, vault pallets to try and get the killer to kill you all because you cleansed dull totems and post game they rip into you that you were wasting time with it and not helping the team. Because for some reason there are a number of survivors out there who take offence to cleansing dull totems.

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2020

    Eh. Nah. Noed is OP in the sense that it requires very little work on the killer's part and almost never does a team fully clear every totem. it's easier just to reach endgame and then if someone goesdown, find noed on one of the many dull totems you came across on your travels and cracking it then. Killers are dumb if they think survivors should go through cracking literally every totem every game for 1 perk that not every killer needs. it is a baby killer perk 100% in that it will help you get at LEAST one down at the end should u happen across someone, and if they dont FEEL LIKE searching for noed you get a single kill. If that's worth it to you then I'm fine with that, I'm of the opinion that usually if you're running noed, you're probably bad and you need it but that's just my opinion. Rarely do actual good killers depend on noed.

    So nerfing it is a no from me but just assume I hate you and your training wheels.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Lets not forget the "echo chamber" effect.

    Once one prominent person mentions it EVERYONE needs to be on that train.

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