Killer mains, which survivors are the quietest?

I main Steve right now, but I also like Nancy (love stranger things). Which one of them has quieter grunts when injured?
(I know Steve sounds like a fire alarm when he screams)
Right now they all pretty much are. But when the sound is working, it's probably Ace
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They all make sounds so Nancy is your best bet as she is smaller and the p3 cosmetics are kinda hard to see or there’s always blendettte who is more invisible than wraith at times
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Nancy is the quieter of the two, but overall, the quietest survivor is Ace by a mile.
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Here's a video Otz did on survivor sounds. It doesn't have Nancy or Steve unfortunately but it's an interesting little watch.
Edit: On Topic, Nancy seems like she is a bit quieter. It doesn't seem like she moans in pain as often as Steve does either.
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people always mention Ace, and he is the quietest, but everyone keeps forgetting about Tapp. He is also an extremely quiet person.
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Dying Survivors are the quietest, unless dead Survivors count.
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The ones running iron will. This perk makes me lose so many survivors.
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Kate and ace are the quietest.
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Any with iron will so it is a mute point.