Who is your survivor main?

So I have a question for all of you, what survivor do you main, I know they are just skins but I would like to see.
My guilty pleasure, I main Claudette
I don't have one.
I switch between Nea, Meg (mostly these 2), Jake, Bill, Feng. And lately I've been playing more often as Yui.
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Ace. But I am wanting to 50/50 Ace and Steve, since I absolutely love Stranger Things, and Steve has (in my opinion) 3 of the top 5 best survivor skins. (however, Steve isn't even level 50 yet, so oof.)
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I played L4D when I was young, can’t let him go
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Nancy <3
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Also Nancy ^ because 1. Something about her character interests me a lot and 2. I'm a fan of Stranger Things.
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I got 2 and I'm not picking favorite. Feng and Dweet
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Dwight! I love how wimpy he is and his cosmetics are funny and good to mix and match with.
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Jeff, because he looks alot like me and wears outfits that I would wear.
Or Kate, because she is nice to watch run.
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Yeah his cosmetics are great!
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Quentin is my favourite.
But I also love all of the males and Nancy <3 especially Ash, Steve, Jeff and Bill
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Nea i played steve for a bit but the drawback i got for my love of nea was too great plus i like her skins