Do you feel that the developers' changes and choices are in-touch with the fanbase?

Levitika Member Posts: 226

Not dev-bashing with this question, just honest feedback from the fans: Do you feel that the dev team are connected with the community, based on the choices they make for the game's balance and other decisions? Explain your vote.

Do you feel that the developers' changes and choices are in-touch with the fanbase? 50 votes

Yes, I feel the devs represent the community well
PuggyMohawkFoggyDownpourInjiShirokuroKarl_ChildersHailohRullisiPigsterTaigaBrucecastro81TodgeweihtYanthegamer558AzgarthusLarikal 14 votes
No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community
Hail_to_the_KingGibberishBlueberryBlade92VolantConch1719MiriamGSpacingLlamasJacoby2041silverwolf4455HellCatJaneTragicSolitudeIhitscenekids23LirulinielRatDBDAhoyWolfMrsGhostfaceYung_Sluggaydavidking[Deleted User]GlamourousLeviathan 36 votes


  • RatDBD
    RatDBD Member Posts: 68
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    The devs seem to have a surprising lack of communication with DBD player base. I mean sure, they've held surveys, and have PTBs to gain feedback on their new releases, and changes, but I'm seriously not sure how much of it is read or even taken seriously. I don't see many suggestions from user feedback that reflect our thoughts, in-game. I don't feel like we're listened to enough. I used to have a decently active discord server with plenty of Dbd fanatics who felt the same way, and to no surprise a pretty large portion of my friends abandoned Dbd due to the lack of communication and the negative changes in-game.

    I'm not saying all of the changes the devs made were bad because they didn't reflect the community's suggestions, because there have been pretty damned good changes. Examples: Exhaustion nerf, Doctor rework, the recent Freddy rework, the emblem system (as it wayyyy wayyy to easy to double pip back in the day), pallet vacuum, vault vacuum, insta-blinds (for those of you who were around back in the day), etc. Though a lot of bad decisions and failure to patch simple and frustrating bugs tend to outweigh the good, and the pessimistic side gets the best of me.

    In short, the devs are disconnected with the community and have no doubt about that:

    Playerbase: Gen rush is horrible, pls bhvr fix

    BHVR: LeTs MaKe It WoRsE

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    There isn't a clear-cut yes or no answer to this question. I wish you added a "Kind of" answer.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2020
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    For high rank players (actual high rank players, not the baby meg whose in red ranks because she got boosted there by David and Nea), not really (unless it's a complaint), especially killers. However, with the precious boosted ranks (green and up), yes, but not with killers. The devs do make some quality of life changes for killers but not enough to actually balance the game, they keep it around a grayish area which leans more toward the survivor side. To give an example:

    Killer complains about survivors being OP: He gets lynched by the community and the Devs label him as nothing more than a whiny entitled baby with no valid suggestions to offer.

    Survivor complains about killers being OP: Every single detail of the complaint is thoroughly read and taken into serious consideration and will most likely be put into effect. The Devs will never tell survivors to stop complaining or to get better, they will make necessary "changes" to ensure that they are having fun and to make sure the killer isn't over performing as to ensure the survivor isn't having a bad time.

    Ruin nerf was a clear example of this. They also gave Doc a buff (a big enough buff that he's now B tier) but that's just to compensate for the ruin nerf. Again, they try to keep it in a gray area but it's always leaning more towards survivors. As a red rank survivor, if I make a suggestion on how to make things more challenging, such as making the objectives harder or to not buff per se, but to at least revert the nerfs to killers, my suggestion will never be taken seriously, it never will be. However, if I make a complaint about the killer over performing, my complaint will catch a few eyes in the balancing department. It's honestly just a big mess. Any time anyone tries to show the Devs what's wrong with the fundamental issues such as game mechanics and RNG, they brush it aside and only look at complaints which would require nerfs and/or buffs because that's their solution to everything. Nerf nerf nerf and maybe a little buff here and there. They'll never address the fundamental issues, which is what causes everything to be wrong in the first place. Survivor objective is too easy, even with No Mither and no items, and killer objective is too hard, especially with weak killers and with weak perks. I as a red rank survivor frequently run No Mither and blast music while playing because that's how easy the game is for me. With killer I have to absolutely focus and raise the game volume and constantly worry about every single move I make in green ranks (because matchmaking is broken and I get paired with red rank survivors who most of the time are swf). Anyone who has an easy ride at high ranks with killers is constantly going against boosted potatoes who don't belong in high ranks, plain and simple. No one is telling me with a straight face that going against a 4 man swf with 1000's of hours of experience is fun. But hey, according to the Devs it is fun, right?

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    Sometimes they do good, other times they make... questionable choices. They're kind of on the right track, but not quite.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399


    I feel there's only a portion of the fanbase involved in changes. I know you can't please everyone with every update, there's always going to be someone displeased. However, I believe the changes related to "listening to the community" are more aimed to less experienced players/new players.

    Ruin is proof of that, most """pros""" or veterans said they had no trouble getting through the great skill checks or just looking for the totem, but the complaints mostly came from low ranks or people with not enough experience or time in the game. Hence Ruin got reworked and is now a completely different perk. Less annoying for survivors? Yes, maybe. But it doesn't have the same impact, and it's waaay less of a threat.

    This is not always the case of course, but most of the time, changes seem to be more in favor of people who haven't played the game as much as others have.

    So my final answer is a mix of yes and no.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    Oddly just made a poll similar to this.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Yes, I feel the devs represent the community well

    Its just hard to please everyone.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    I do apologize if it seems I was copying your idea, but it validates the point even more.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    Not at all I just posted mine and I saw yours pop up. I just wanted to know people's opinions of the current state of DBD and stumbled onto it. I just found it amusing and decided to mention. No bad intentions just amusement others are thinking similar.

  • Larikal
    Larikal Member Posts: 54
    Yes, I feel the devs represent the community well

    Hmm, interesting. Bcs i clearly remember survivors whinning about killers face-camp hooked survivor... and devs said "its one of the possible tactics", so i cant take seriously your point about "surivor cries killers are OP : devs nerf killers". Why they look more into killers than survivors? Its simple - each killer is different, each survivor is exacly the same. So if many people complain about nurse blink-spam till death then yes, they will look into it (and possibly nerf it like they did by adding 3s cd to the power). But when someone complains "omg, claudette is broken, nerf her" - how you could take it seriously knowing that without perks all survs are IDENTICAL? So sure, they will ignore this one and blame you for crying... bcs that what you just did :)

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    We've been wanting the devs to change certain things with Legion for over a year now. They still ignore that feedback and continue down their own path. Took them over 6 months just to make Legion move fast again. This next patch better have changes to their addons.

  • MutaTirsat
    MutaTirsat Member Posts: 23
    No, I feel the devs are disconnected from the community

    I think what they are doing now with the polls in game is the right way to do it but there should be more of them and they should be more in depth for example if they were to ask the community Is generator speed fine at the moment i think they should do a follow-up question like Should we increase the time that it takes to do a generator or Should we add the survivors more optional tasks

    i think that Old School RuneScape does it almost perfectly

  • Pok
    Pok Member Posts: 100

    It's impossible to say, even the community itself is constantly arguing with itself. There are definitively efforts from the devs, with their live Q&A, and the recent studies they gave us.