How am I sooo lucky to not get toxic killers/survivors?

I mean, it’s happening to some people in 90% of their games according to these forums... killers slugging all four players with five gens left and then waiting for them all to bleed out.

Or whole teams of survivors running infinite loops over and over with no intention of actually doing gens. Or four blendettes trying to see how long they can hide til the killer DCs.

Im not saying since it doesn’t happen to me it never happens, but how unlucky so you have to be that these poor people are running into almost every game?


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The people that complain on the forums represent a small percentage of the player base. I don’t see the stuff you mention as much as people like to cry about it either.

    Most of them come here because they didn’t win and it couldn’t possibly be their fault, that it was their opponents fault or the games fault and everything needs to be nerfed. Personal responsibility is a scary concept to many.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    No, no, no. Lmao. Misconception. It’s happening to 90% of players on probably 10% of their games.


    Team gen-rushes, so game lasts say, 5 minutes. Killers response in forums, “toxic gen rush”.

    Killer slugs, facecamps, tunnels. survivors response in forums, “toxic killer”

    The odds of this happening more than maybe 2-3x in a row are slim. I’m red rank survivor/killer and I don’t even encounter toxicity that much tbh. It’s just negative games stay on your mind longer than positive games.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Some people are just unlucky. I doubt not their experience, even I can't confirm it by myself.

    It doesn't matter if you are a nice/toxic survivor/killer - you cannot predict which people you will have in the game.

    To go further with the topic - compared to the ingame experience, in the endgame chat you can try to make it "nicer" for everyone if you are nice there. Shouldn't be a surprise if you insult there someone, that the people bite back. So it should be avoided. Not saying that it works everytime, but after my experience it works most of the time.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2020

    I find it goes in cycles. Yesterday, out of 10 games, 8 of mine had really unpleasant co-players (more unpleasant killers than survivors, which is unusual).

    Some days I get loads of unpleasant fellow survivors and chill killers, sometimes everything is chill. I think a person's mood influences their interpretation of events too. It's all okay, whatever people need to do

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Even when I face “gen rushers,” as a killer I think 4 out of 5 teams just give me a ggwp in chat... only rare teams does anyone insult me with EZ GET GUD or anything similar

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well... It has also always something to do with what a person sees as toxic.

    I saw a guy up there writing about infinite loops - is nothing I see as toxic. The only thing that gets me to a very high chance is body blocking if I carry a victim to the hook, or by the hook itself - but for that I have MadGrit on every of my killers equipped.

    Flashlight spam can get me also if I am in a bad mood before because of rl stuff, or so... But the rest I don't see even as toxic. Doesn't mean that infinite loops as example make me happy as killer, but the devs have build them in and we better have them, before survivors flood the forums again with nerf threads.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It has gone down. It used to be really bad when I started around 2018. I find killers more toxic now.

    It's mostly swf that run OoO that are the most toxic.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The infinite loops aren’t “toxic,” I mean as a survivor/killer player I understand that they are the smartest place to run. It is annoying when someone clicks and immediately runs to that building over and over thinking they’re a great looper somehow.

    If you keep your cool and focus on the others in weaker spots these players aren’t a problem at all, if anything they annoy me more when they’re on my team because they almost never actually do gens

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    I have just take it as example.

    Because you can only write about a toxic thing, that you by yourself see as toxic. Guys who are easy to trigger will probably see more things as toxic, as someone who is more chilling and so they will also write more likely a thread about it.

    Like you have already said it.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    Are you using the Chalk Pouches? :D

  • QuitBitching30
    QuitBitching30 Member Posts: 13

    People on the forums are toxic in themselves. All over exaggerate and lie about being red ranks. For me the only toxicity I get is face camping. Besides that all killers and survivors are generally pretty good for me. Killers give hatch, survivors will risk end game to save me.

    To sum up don't listen the the people hear. Most complain and blame others before themselves.

    BTW for those wondering I usually sit around purple ranks.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The lies and exaggeration are so ridiculous, everyone is a rank 1 who’s been playing since alpha so their opinion has more weight

  • QuitBitching30
    QuitBitching30 Member Posts: 13

    IKR half the complaints are just excuses to justify being bad. Everyone needs to grow a pair.