Killers please stop bringing noed

First off I’m a killer main myself and while I personally think noed is a crutch perk I don’t begrudge anyone for using it usually is thank you guys for making survivors want to cleanse totems again, but recently I’ve been trying to run devour hope to see it’s effectiveness on different killers but because survivors don’t want to get hit by noed every game pretty much has someone with a map key or detectives hunch and with how bad totems are already it is more than obnoxious to be losing this after 1 or 2 stacks especially because after 1 chase 1 or 2 gens have already popped and I need to get on my slugging game
Noed is a must for me, so no :3
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Stop bringing DS.
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I don't.... I bring bloodwarden. I never used this perk until recently, but watching them tbag moments before i move in for the kill is the best thing in this game
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I don't have a decent forth perk unlocked yet on my Wraith, though. . . and I LOVE it on my Plague. Think you can cleanse in the endgame? Think again!
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cleanse totems bruh
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You know what else is fun?
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I have a feeling you didn’t read the post
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Did you read the post
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you're right lol i only read the title
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I did, and it's all a bunch of self-loathing masochism. Why use Devour, something you have to defend all game, when you could use Noed, something you don't have to defend because of survivor laziness?
Plus, your title was very clearly bait.
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sorry to tell you but playing killer is already the greatest form of masochism right now
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I'm a rank 1 killer main (yes, rank reset just happened, and I'm rank 1 already). I'm aware; but it's healthier than pleasuring myself with sandpaper.
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Agree but I started running Inner Streantgh too. Its just insane how many noeds are outside atm^^
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And I dont even run NOED, but just no lmao.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on12 -
Ok clearly the title was too much bate what does inner strength have to do with this
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I’d say if running devour is like sandpaper then being rank 1 already is like full on sounding
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That’s generally how this forum seems to be. People pick one word out of your post, assume they know what you’re saying and start typing a pre-determinded defence of whatever it is you’re writing about.
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Not to seem rude. but just because you want me to not bring it. I will now start running it hope your happy.
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Not to seem rude but I’m gonna spit on you is basically what you just said
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No it’d be like walking to work everyday then seeing me and driving just to tell me to walk
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Question for you why shouldn't killers bring it your pretty much asking every killer not to use a perk because you want to test something, sorry but if i want to use NOED i will, here's another idea why don't you pay us not to use NOED so you can do your test.
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Killers can use DS?
OP is a killer main, says so right in the post...
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Someone only read 1 post.
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Survivors, please stop gen rushing
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Literally the second comment under the original post. What is said in other posts is irrelevant to this one.
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How's about no. NOED is highly necessary now to teach survivors a lesson for bitching. And crying about unnecessary nerfs they made their bed and now they are gonna lie in it. Most of the killer community will run NOED until all nerfs are reverted.
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chill out dude just bring corrupt instead of ruin you don’t need to be so serious
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Sorry but Games are just too Fast now and Noed at it's worst when it gets destroyed adds almost a Generator worth of time and at best when it's still up gives you a shot in end game (which is survivor sided) if gens go too fast for you to do anything about.
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I don't agree with OP. Ever since the Ruin change, I've been able to get Devour Hope up to level 3 in 75 - 80% of my games where I'm running it and that's even with some very obvious spawns next to gens/shack. It seems people don't even bother to look for totems since Ruin has been changed. They only start looking for it after I instadown someone and they get notified it's active. People are just smashing gens as fast as they can and getting out. Inversely, I haven't been able to get Haunted Ground to get cleansed at all. The last two times I ran it, it stayed up the entire game. I did not have it paired with another hex perk FWIW. I was using one perk Spirit because I started leveling her up
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Nah ive been using it alot since most of the survivors ive gone against are using prove thyself and toolboxes. They're in such a hurry to do butt dancing at the exits that they forget to check totems.
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Do bones, kid.
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When sWF's and running coms stops, NOED stops...
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Tell the survs to stop being their purples into the match. Yeah not very likely so...
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It was Ruin that made people proficient at totems. And it was Inner Strength that drove the rest of the nails into the coffin.
There's also zero downsides to breaking them besides Haunted Grounds.
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And it’s fair that Mikey has a add on that kills you before you even get your first hook? Nah bro start looking at your addons and stuff you killer have every advantage you just get caught up in a moment get preassured and ######### when your ass get handed to you
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I’m a devotion 5 level 80 right now and that’s just on my one console on my other ps4 I have a devotion 3 level 89 I have played many hours in both roles so yeah
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Because inner strength is the better version of self care and will actually give you a reason to cleanse totems. Survivors are not required to cleanse totems to escape. Only generators.
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I’ll come out and say it noed should work like a ebony Mori instead of giving you the insta down you have to hook the survivor atleast once in the trial to get the insta down on them at the end as a survivor the worst is going into a game maybe doing a totem or two do gens if your lucky go the whole trial without being noticed then bam at the end your trying to Idk help save take a protection hit ect. Point is it rewards you for doing nothing but either wait for it to be useful or play like garbage and destroy endgame regardless it’s not fair to new players who have no idea what their getting themselves into
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I brought NOED on the "two endgame collapse kills" Rift. Boy, did i feel like a hunk of garbage.
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Guess what! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more NOED!
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and you close the chat!
NOED is LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Noed is a crutch for baby killers devour hope and blood warden absolute victory and hilarious when people teabag and realize they can’t leave
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Noed and end game is very important nowdays so it's a must for me. Many games that looked like a four survivor escape have turned into 1-3 kills thanks to Noed. The perk is simply too good to leave out.
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NOED is the new Hex: Ruin.
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Why would you assume that the poster is a baby killler?
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I try not to use it every game (i love devour hope myself) but I still feel it necessary on some killers, especially m1 killers. If the game didnt go by so fast then i would definitely consider using it a lot less.
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I see no reason not to. The gens are flying, and so NOED is too.
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They wrecked ruin, so noed is the next best thing.