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why do you use self care?

can someone explain to me why so many red rank survivors like to self care in a corner of the map? wouldnt it be more efficient if you were healed by someone else ?

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  • Member Posts: 961

    Because my teammates are usually potatoes. That or they're swf and only care about each other.

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  • Member Posts: 458

    I dont anymore. I used to have it on every build but Inner Strength is a way faster heal and is now my go to perk for healing.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Self-Care, Botany, Resilience, Spine Chill + Green Medkit with Surgical Suture and Abdominal Dressing.

    That is all.

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  • Member Posts: 763

    Because I dont trust teammates to do anything properly and they could be using that time to do gens. Half the time they can't even look out for themselves let alone others. Last thing I need is a surv failing skill checks to reveal my location.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I play solo a lot and I don't use SC anymore. One of the best decisions I've made in this game. It really isn't needed. I love using Bond, resilience, Prove Thyself and DH.

  • Member Posts: 882

    I'd rather use Bond + Leader.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Personally, I just use self-care when playing Claudette because I like keeping everyone's three starting perks on their load outs. Though, Claudette is the survivor I play most of...I'm not usually hiding in the corner of the map if I know I don't have time to heal myself and save someone. I do play more altruistically though, because I feel bad if I don't help a fellow survivor out, even if they don't return the favor.

    Though, to me self-care has helped me in certain occasions. Like during the end-game when I need to heal myself and go help a survivor on a hook if it's just us two left, or sometimes I can't depend on my teammates to heal me because they're busy being chased or other things of that sort.

    However, I haven't been part of red ranks for awhile now. I mostly stay in purple ranks, sometimes I make it back to red if I play for hours. But, it just seems like red rank survivors are in it for themselves and not for the "team" if this happens often...?

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I dont, its a waste of time

    Inner strenght is better and can be used to make some sweet jukes

  • Member Posts: 526

    Only bad survivors use it. Bring a medkit.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Self-Care has infinite uses, isn't affected by Franklin's Demise and uses the same total player time to heal.

    Inner Strength is limited to maximum 5 uses, and requires you to be vulnerable in a locker. And tied to a DLC character.

    I dunno about you, but the maths is more favourable.

    I've run Self-Care and I've run Botany+Medkit. Honestly prefer Self.

  • Member Posts: 139

    You can just use a medkit and addons. Let me guess, you use urban and sb too?

  • Because they think they are the most important player ever and every killer will drop everything to hunt them. They need to run to the corner of the map and heal themselves while their allies chase them down trying to heal them.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Self care fricken sucks, it wastes so much time, you could be working on a gen or saving someone from a hook, you know how manytimes ive waited till im almost dead from being firat hooked because people are worried about healing themselves, so what if its risky its better if anything to trade hooks, its better for the overall health of the match, on a side note its also annoying when all my teammates use the fountains over and over again against the plague, idiots...

  • Member Posts: 23

    Why would you use a med kit if you have self care on, and you definitely should not be using self care if you have spine chill on,, come to think of it this is the worst synergy i can think of, spinechill and resilience i get it thats perfect, while injured repair faster and wait for spine chill to pop off and run away, if you were joking when you wrote this then i apologize for sounding hostile cause it is funny

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2020

    Well, I wouldn’t need to heal myself that many times anyway because I’d rather spend my time doing the objective. Being injured is not the end of the world given the abundance of strong loops.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    If I could loop like a streamer, then sure. I'm also not running Iron Will.

  • Member Posts: 984

    To help the killer slow the game down. Bonus points if they have thanatophopbia, sloppy or both!

  • Member Posts: 736

    Self care is bad I never use it

  • Member Posts: 312

    Same. And since cleansing totems activates it, you're doing 2 things at once.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I just use it if I play solo survivor (what I usually never do) and dont have any medkits (which is very rare). So basicly never xD

  • Member Posts: 179

    I thought about running it but I often find myself finding a health pack in a chest or am able to get gens done quick enough that I don't have the time to sit around and heal when my resilience pops and get out of there 9% faster.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2020

    Rank system is not working. That is why. It makes no sense that you can pip up +2 but not -2. That creates imbalance in rank.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Or just did a gen instead of healing themselves. Increases the chances of survival by a great deal. Healing in corners is likely to get everyone killed

  • Member Posts: 984

    With experience you'll find that there are very few situations in a game when you actually need to be healed.

    When you start spending more time being injured you'll eventually get more confident in chases and see that it's only really worth healing if you need to make a play, like for example rescuing a hooked teammate against a campy killer, or recovering when you have 2+ slugged/hooked teammates (I. E. If you get caught it's game over). Even in the second scenario most times unbreakable will benefit your teammates a lot more than spending time healing.

    One of the most important things as survivor is to be aware of your surroundings and know your escape routes at all times. E. G. You know where your closest pallets/windows are and you know how much distance from the killer you need in order to get there in time. Just avoid stealth, as that increases the likely hood of getting caught out of position.

    Good perks to help you get better at chases/staying injured are iron will, dead hard, object of obsession, reselience, spine chill, unbreakable, adrenaline.

    And once again, if you want to get better at the game, avoid stealth and prioritise getting to a strong tile/position. Stealthy play is the best way to get caught in a weak position where you're forced to take a hit.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I rarely ever had to use it, because I always ran with a regular 4man squad ( WITH PRIVATE CHAT ). Sorry killers. I had to say that... however, I used it religiously on the rare occasions that I did run solo, but realized that I was getting dependent on it, as well as some other perks. I want to be able to rely on skill. Don't get me wrong, I always run perks. I just try to use different ones so I don't become reliant on certain ones..

  • Member Posts: 98

    I don't run self care but the one time I had to cause I was playing Dwight I tend to find it really efficient at endgame or when your teammates are being complete Di cks. Self care is also good for distance because you can 99 your heals the only disadvantage I see with self care is when dropping pallets Idk If this is just an xbox issue but it's something.

    But yeah I find self care a bit over looked I can see why people run it but no one ever runs it for the right reasons.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I just got downed.... Why are you not on a gen ?

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Cause you can’t be trusted to do the right thing.

    and by you I don’t mean you I mean the other players.

  • I honestly hate selfcare, i rather avoid using it at all, as i usually see it as a waste of a perkslot. Except it isn't. Playing solo is awful, since you can never rely on other survivors to help heal you. Therefore i always bring selfcare anyway, IN CASE i need it. Usually i don't, but there have been times when it has been useful. Inner strength is honestly better, but you can't always rely on that everyone haven't been cleansing totems. Which sucks.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I play solo and it became habit after not being able to trust my "team" to heal. After getting unhooked, I don't have to follow some dummy to anywhere either.

    Running to a corner to heal while someone is hooked is straight up trash.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    I use it because I am a solo player and I never play with a SWF. As a solo player it's hard to communicate with your teammates. Sometimes I try and motion them to heal me but they either ignore me and self-care in a corner or work on another gen.

    If it makes you happy I always use BT when playing survivor because I'm one of the people who actually cares about myself and teammates survival. I allow myself to loop endlessly so my other teammates have time to save the hooked person; doesn't always work but sometimes does. It's a huge variation in this game.

  • Member Posts: 85

    This, always. Wasting a perk slot for self-care isn't worth it. I'm almost always capped for BP anyway, so getting more med-kits is never a problem. Self-care is slow, almost unbearable with Sloppy Butcher (which a lot of good Killers use these days).

  • Member Posts: 352

    Because paired with no Mither it's overpowered

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I don't want to rely on medkits and my teammates since they are probably rank 20 Claudettes hiding in bushes -_-

  • Member Posts: 651

    It's a good perk which is why you see it at almost any rank. I like to use it when playing solo since you can't depend on teammates.

    It has unlimited uses and is not affected by FD.

    Speed is slow, but 32 seconds solo is the same as 16X2 (Not to mention the time finding another survivor)

    Inner strength is good, but there are only 5 totems, plus you have time in finding cleansing them.

    During EGC it is great to have because the killer is mostly likely going to be camping. Not to mention that your medkit is probably gone, some survivors could be gone, most totems will be gone.

    I am in no way saying it is the best perk or that everyone should run it, but I don't get why there is so much hatred for it. I think it is just because you see some survivors run across the map to heal, but bad survivors are just bad survivors no matter what perks they are running.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Basically since im still at yellow rank literally 70% of people are never gonna heal you and its a waste to use a medkit but honestly i find selfcare amazing for solo queues (but occasionally i do run botany knowledge and a green medkit with fast heal add-ons)

  • Member Posts: 299

    I refuse to count on others. Some will miss a healing skill check causing the killer to make a bee line straight to thanks. I'll heal myself.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    I usually dont, but if I do it's when I'm solo and trying to survive. If I dont care about escape, I dont care about healing.

    Side note: why do people self care, while their bear trap is halfway timed out, and have 2 teammates hooked?

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    The healing speed is insane. It's a meme build, but I love it. Try it out, its fun being able to heal at a loop XD

  • Member Posts: 494

    When i first started playing i never used it. I could never get away from the killer. So no use carrying a perk that i could not use.

    Then i got better and started carrying SC cos i got away from the killer more frequently.

    Then i realized that i am spending far too much time self caring when i could get others to do it faster.

    Then i also started just saying screw it, fix a gen while you are injured anyway and take resilience to make it faster. Cos by then i was spending far too much time being injured and less on gens. And if somebody comes to the gen they can heal me.

    I am seriously starting to think that the game is only tuned to the latest perk set. Healing in a locker in 8 seconds compared to a medkit which takes longer and requires you to have one in the first place. Compare this healing in a locker to another surv healing you as wll.

    Or the no blood drops perk after slasher legion with sloppy's was introduced.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited February 2020

    Because, believe it or not, it's possibly more efficient to heal yourself than steal generator time from a teammate in most situations

    Ponder the following...

    Self care is at 50 percent heal speed, assuming my memory is accurate, that's 36 seconds of heal time.

    Having a teammate heal you takes 18 seconds

    When 2 people work a generator together, they only work at 90% efficiency each.

    So ask yourself - is it better to let your teammate work a generator at 100% effency for 36 seconds or have him off that generator for 18 seconds then the two of you can work the generator at 18 seconds at 90% efficiency each.

    By my math, the former actually gets you more generator progress. Generally, I use Bond... and if I see everybody is on a generator or being chased, I'll heal myself. But if somebody is being useless and not doing a generator, I'll seek them out and let them heal me.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Exactly this, when I play killer sloppy butcher is my first perk I want it just screws self care players and punished them heavily and makes the game so much easier.

  • Member Posts: 107

    Because it's reliable and fits my play style.

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