Entitled Survivor thinks Legion OP

Endgame chat never dissapoints. I(yellow) was playing survivor too and this person couldnt understand how Legion works. Keep in mind, Red name was rank 8.
Bruh moment
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Imagine hiding in a locker across the map from a killer, and acting like Legion is the problem.
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That's what happens when clueless people play only one side.
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I mean
Devs Legion op plz nerf
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Need to block those names. No name and shame policy on the forums.
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I won't be surprise as survivor were too easy to play or even get into high rank before understand most game mechanic.
I meet red rank survivor that doesn't know crouch and torchlight can counter hag trap, throw down safe pallet before getting chase, getting destroy immediately while in jungle gym-> never look behind. Hide in corner doing nothing entire time while killer chasing others, and hooked person had kindered which should give them enough information should go for safe or not, doesn't know forever tier 1 Myer can see their aura, and more.
Hell yeah red rank survivor with only know repair gen.
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This type of survivor is the cross we have to carry as killers.
It's sadly nothing new. The worse thing is, they will sooner or later write nerf threads and the even more worse part is, bhvr will do what they demand :|.
Old Legion mains can tell stell whole storys about that.
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No "whatever" to it. Mods have enforced this in the past. Read your forum rules.
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Exactly. I used to be the same way with doctor when I started.
"How the ######### does he ALWAYS KNOW??!?!"
Playing killer and doing research goes a long way.
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Doesnt matter. Its naming and shaming per forum rules.
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Honestly, have no idea what trusted status means or requires, I've just been busted on multiple forum rules in the past, so im trying to point out why someone may get in trouble for it.
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Lol calm down
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What are you talking about? I responded to someone who thinks posting names while belittling is not against forum rules. Told them to read the forum rules.
Thought the response was rather calm already. Did you read it in a way it was not written? Or are you just adding drama where there is none?