Camping isn't bannable, right?

Hi, how's everyone doing? Been playing this game for a while now, first time on the forum.
So as for some context as to what happened, deciding to play some Hillbilly (I main Trapper and Pig), in the pre-game lobby I saw all four of these guys had toolboxes, so mentally I prepared myself for a genrush. One of them sent us to Ormond as well.
The funny thing is that they tried repairing gens in front of me (namely the Killer Shack one), and weren't too nimble at getting out of the way while contesting it to get smacked.
At one point the Billiam Overbeck player ditched his toolbox for a flashlight, blinding me once. I knew he was going to keep trying that, so to get the Feng to the hook, I decided to go backwards.
Tow Mater style. And it worked.
Sure enough, he tried for the flashlight blind when I was doing that. And failed.
So once it was like, all gens done, I had Billiam on the hook and Claudette (the salty shitter you see in that postgame) downed, and I was watching Feng, almost daring her to open the gate since it wasn't too far away from us.
Then Kate rushed in, and that's when I started getting juggles and kills.
They could've just opened the gate and left to leave me with a 2k. But no, they wanted to be altruistic, and all three got themselves killed, while the Kate who was just at the exit gate wisely decided to leave as I was coming over.
Now I'll openly admit, I'm far from the best at this game, but I'll only camp if all gens are done. In any other situation, I won't do it since I view it as a waste of time.
Nope, you're in the clear.
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Nah you did nothing wrong.
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No, but i hope you reported them, that abusive behavior is reportable.
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No it was at the end of the game, no camping once the gens done is really toxic by any means. The only person toxic in this scenario was that one survivor in the post game chat, no one else.
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You did nothing wrong ether way.
EGC you can CAMP because gates are ready to go one unhook and you lose all endgame pressure.
And camping is said to be okay by the devs anyways
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Erm grasping at nothing are we?
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Not at all, but it sure sounds like you are getting "triggered" from your own lack of understanding of the situation lol.
He did absolutely nothing wrong or toxic. Period.
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If i remember correctly any way of winning as killer is reportable
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In the OP:
So once it was like, all gens done, I had Billiam on the hook and Claudette (the salty shitter you see in that postgame) downed, and I was watching Feng, almost daring her to open the gate since it wasn't too far away from us.
Then Kate rushed in, and that's when I started getting juggles and kills.
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The rules of killer made by survivors?
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Oh, you've read it too?
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I hope you reported them for verbal abuse, you did nothing wrong, camping is fully legit strategy. Dont be stressed by these animals, they are just frustrated kids. Play any style you want, you will never get ban for camping, ignore all salty survivors 😉😉
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Usually whenever I get salt in postgame, it's from players who got sacrificed. It's rare whenever it happens for some reason when I play. Sometimes whenever the survivors are legit or get out of a tricky 3 gen, I give credit where it's due.
And for the record, the only times I ever get 'stressed' is when latency kicks in at a bad time. I don't see why I should get mad at the players.
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The folks here who said camping is not bannable are speaking truth.
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What would you know Almo? You're only a developer after all... :^)
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Its like asking if gen rushing is bannable, its just part of game
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Logging on is reportable :D
Actually, I'm already been repor—
User banned
Just kidding, I'm just playing around!
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I am personally tired not of the camping remarks because i don't do it because normally it's not productive... i will do it if i need a kill like when i had one egc kill needed so i camped to get it and the other two left (one gave up earlier on hook). but the gripes about tunneling. I've had survivors cry "you tunneled me all match and never hooked me!!!!" I had to laugh because that match i kept running across the david and at that point i was just trying to have a bit of fun.... so I kept after him when I saw him. lol but that was the dreaded tunneling.... I've had survivors whine about tunneling when they get off the hook and i come from across the map to try and find the unhooker or see if anyone stuck around.. hey! there's the same one working on a totem... still injured... what am I to do???? let them go? lol still it is time that the harassment stops. sure it's not fun but stop calling people names, stop calling them derogatory terms! if you're pissed drop a message about it and leave it at that, stop wasting the dev's time for silly reports... oh yea stop thinking that reporting that to twitch will get a twitch streamer banned. lol
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Who hasn't?
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Funny thing about dropping messages. Twice in the past I had people leave comments on my Steam profile accusing me of lagswitching (even though I didn't know how to lagswitch at the time). I told one of my friends about it and he decided to take matters into his own hands, leaving this on my profile:
"Imagine being so bad at a game that y'all decide to blame a person who doesn't know anything about lagswitching instead of taking responsibility for your own death.
I have yet to receive any more salty comments on my profile since then.
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I put a message on mine that says something close to "I will delete salty messages on my profile and report the poster to steam because these do not belong on there and it is considered harasment" I get a couple messages every so often but you are right. though those messages are not reportable to behavior as they will not do anything as steam is a 3rd party site really which I understand but STEAM will act!
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His report will go right where it belongs.
The trashcan. 🗑
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So animal or kid? Maybe a goat?
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Animal kids 😂
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Yeth. A bebe goatface
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Dont listen to them. They want you to play the game they want. Not the game you should be playing. If you play by their rules the game turns into this:
After hooking make sure you go to the other side of the map and face the wall till they come and unhook.
If two are at the gen and one is injured you go after the uninjured one.
Respect pallets enough so we can slam them all in your face. And gets lots of points ( i am beginning not to care about getting slammed as it gets rid of the pallet even faster)
Respect the kobe. (sometimes i do - my fault )
Last person gets the hatch. (screw that, you failed to do the gens so failed at getting out)
No NOED. No tunneling. No devour hope. No Fire Up. No BBQ. No Franklins. No new nurse, if you are good. No insidious bubba cos he can camp pretty damn well - bring marshmallows next time. No Freddy cos we cant see him and he is OP. No Billy cos he is just too damn fast and i cant do my sucky wannabe be ochido 360 ( and then fails to do a 360 entirely ). No Spirit cos we dont know where she is when she does her thing and i cant counter that so she is op and needs a nerf. A fat one at that. Did i mention no noed? No Brutal Strength cos i need time to get away after my flashlight blind - the third or fourth at the pallets by now. No downing survs after they jump down things cos the killer should not be able to get back on his feet faster than me. When we do T and L's you always go the long way round cos running in circles is part of the game and how gens get done.
See where i am getting at?
Screw survs and their mentality. Kill them all. Tunnel them and eat the DS but then catch them and slap them on the hook. Then proximity camp them if you want. One sucker is always there for the next hook. Or just straight up camp them if they were hard to catch and there is no point in leaving them. You should have done other things but sometimes good long chases are worth it as it teaches you a thing or two. They are necessary to progress and learn even at the cost of losing the game. Cos next time you will be better. They make you a better killer.
I feel the urge to play the game i swore i was going to put down for a few months.
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Those three sound like d bags, sounds a lot like they got what they deserved
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Someone should ban you for being toxic! Lol jk
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You had no choice I did same thing camp if all gens are done.
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No. It's just shady gameplay.
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No it not bannable especially if you are downright smelling the hook.
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Your fine bud. Camping is a huge part of endgame for the killer. Your kinda forced into it. They can report you as much as they want it won't do anything. The devs have even openly said that camping will not be a bannable offense. Don't let troll comments like this one get to you. No need to respond, it's not worth your time 😁
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There's 2 Sides.
First side is "Players opinions". Which you don't really have to face care off (no offense).
Second is rules set by Devs:
Rules say, everything from Game given is allowed. Facecamping/Slugging/Tunneling...
That's all that matters. If you decide to play so or not, is up to yourself. But the rules do not say any word against this.
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It would be a really bad game design if you could get banned for something that the game let's you and sometimes even kind of encourages you to do. Camping, tunneling, all that is not bannable. They're strategies just like any other, period. Something that survivors can't see and I never understood why. You can punish a killer for using those strategies but survivors are too entitled in general I guess. (I'm survivor main btw)
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Its not bannable but its frowned on by the community try to not camp but please report people to are toxic. We dont need trash like them in this community
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Camping or tunneling is just another word for winning mostly. They dislike losing. Just report them and continue play however you like. Camping is not that fun to do but it's useful sometimes and that is what matters.
If survivors are angry after the game that means you did something right.
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Nah, you dont need to worry about it, you didnt make it wrong. But ……could you use your print screen button on the keyboard next time?My eyes.......
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Who hurt you bro.
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I'll camp a hook for a bit if the survivors are constantly rushing those unhooks while I'm still really close to the hook. People have sent me salty messages and said they reported me. Nothing ever came of it because it isn't something you can get banned for (I believe) so, you're fine my guy. Good call on your choices in the game, keep fighting the good fight.
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Pretty soon killers killing survivors will be bannable. Better keep an eye on the updates.
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This camping is conditioning from the actions of hook bombing, so its less like camping and more along the lines of "wasting the hook bombers time"
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Terribly sorry about that - in game it's alt + prt sc in Steam games, right?
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uh, actually it's F12 for steam, if you haven't changed it yet.
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imagine being the only person here that people don't agree with
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Camping is a legit strategy.