All the world's a stage story is just about political correctness

Why do you gotta bring political correctness into dbd, leave politics for the real world not dbd
Everything is political, dude. This is the real world because we’re already living in the real world and politics are apart of everything and impact everything.
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But this is dbd, a video game
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No, this is Patrick.
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Does this have to do with the new chapter?
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Not sure what you're referring too?
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It sounds like it's about someone's lore in the archives. I have no idea what this guy's talking about though
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It's about Jane Romero.
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No, we elect idiots who say one thing and do another. Time and time again.
Todays example. Canada's serving government campaigned on environmental issues. Then also, quietly, increased emission allowances %13. What is it going to be? Less emissions? Or more? We dont want more.
So they increase it quietly so the sheep who elected them wont know. They have short term memory loss anyway.
This is your real world.
An official adviser to the UK governments highest minister, boris johnson, is quoted as supporting forced sterilization to, get this, remove the ability for the poor to perpetuate an "underclass".
Exactly this is what the NAZI's did before the outbreak of ww2. But not only were they doing forced sterilizations. They figured out it was just quicker to gas them and then lie to the relatives.
This is the same guy that said blacks are less intelligent. Somebody show this buffoon who neil degrasse tyson is.
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Probably related to the Social Justice Warrior thing in the lore.
And if it is about that, idk OP wouldn't just say that instead of basically subtweeting and beating around the bush.
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That ain't about the new chapter, so meh.
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If you go into the archives and select the story "All the world's a stage" then you will figure it out.
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I just read through it, and it's fine. There's not even anything remotely extreme, just a Latino fed up with stereotypes and stuff. It's really not worth complaining about
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Aka "Please only write stories about things I agree with"
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No, I just don't want politics being brought into the game. Even if I agree with it or not
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Is this the Krusty crab?
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I don't really like it either, it wasn't bad or anything, I just didn't find it compelling enough honestly.
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On the subject of political correctness can we stop body shaming The Clown?
There’s nothing wrong with his jiggles!
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Exactly! He is the most attractive person in the game!
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Mmm, he's so thicc I want them cheeks
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I know I was annoyed it’s a horror game. We don’t need that in here it’s a boring story
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Imagine being this fragile LOL
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They don't sound fragile tbh they sound like they just think this lore chapter is stupid because it's focused more on political correctness than an interesting story. Which if true would be kinda stupid.
Thing is I haven't read it yet myself so idk, but I would still agree with the other folks- just ignore it and don't bother with them then. You don't have to read them, it isn't like they are actually important or anything.
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It's not even that though. A lot of people use videogames to escape the real world politics that we all see and deal with every day. Don't bring them all together again.
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Exactly my point
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Sorry, but I couldnt care less if you or the opponent I face in a match supports hitler, trump, illuminati, pastafarians your mom or whatever. Its a game. Nobody cares.