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General Discussions

Very toxic community with very few people that respect others.

Most matches I've come across, my own survivor teammates super toxic to the killer, who didn't do anything wrong in my eyes. This one trapper, he was doing his killer thing. At the end of the game suffered teabagging and plenty of abuse in game chat. Why? All because he used Franklin's.. and because he used Franklin's, they lost their purple med-kit and purple toolboxes (maybe SWF?).. and they decided his mother should get ill.

Quite disturbing. Sure "it's the internet" or "don't be a snowflake", that's not an excuse, if you think it is, then you're part of the problem. It's pretty sad. I try my best to be nice to everyone, killer and survivor alike. But even I sometimes fall for killers or toxic teammates winding me up. If only everyone actually actively tried to be 'better'.

I'm expecting this post to get responses just as negative and miserable as the game chat lol. But who knows, maybe there are DBD players out there that agree with me. Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts. Feel free to ignore.


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  • Member Posts: 580

    Nearly every community is toxic, I don't think you can find any multiplayer game community that isn't toxic. Sure dbd is near the top with it's toxicity but that's due to the killer/survivor divide.

    It's a shame but it's not surprising sadly. Best thing to do is to kill them with kindness, you'd be surprised how often people change their tune.

  • Member Posts: 580

    It's more to do with Deindividuation which is why the killer is usually targeted.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Speaking on a personal level I tend to tunnel any survivor(s) being toxic and do every toxic trick I know to make sure they die. Even going as far as to (thank God they didn't have DS) pick them up and drop them far from the hatch or exit gate and then just knock them down again until they died on the ground.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Honestly I think it's just the loud minority being toxic, but I have to admit this is the only game where I have been told by survivors and killers to kill myself irl. And this has happened multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 442

    Every multiplayer game is competitive.

    People on the internet are dissociated from the fact that you are a real person when they make their comments. There are plenty of stories of people trolling grieving people who recently lost a family member on the internet. For whatever reason people just don’t follow the golden rule.

    I was on a Facebook post a few years back where a friend of mine shared a meme that basically said “Don’t worry about gun control worry about hungry 3rd world children.” This friend is in her forties and one of her sons died about a year before that in a car accident. Another poster who didn’t know her cane into the post and said how would she like it if one if her children was killed in a school shooting. She was informed that the mother had lost a teenage son in a car accident. She replied with “You deserved it”. This lady who said this is a realtor so her profile is meant to contact her. So I contacted her. About 2 minutes into our phone call she was crying hysterically and then she deleted her comments and apologized. It’s super easy to get competitive and forget that your playing against actual humans. DBD is not the worst and the toxicity basically just means that match’s can be super intense.

    As long as you’ve got a healthy self confidence the internet isn’t gonna hurt you.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    People have their personal biases, and in a game like Dead by Daylight where there are two sides, who are essentially playing a different game each, you're going to get a lot of ideological clashes.

    Some of us can just enjoy the game for what it is.

    Some of us can leave our biases at the door and look at both sides.

    Unfortunately you make a post about anything here and more likely than not someone from the opposing opinion will simply appear from out of the woodwork to assure you that you're wrong and just need to "git gud". It seems like in an age of near-total internet anonymity we forget that we're all actual people and not some AI. In 2020 for any future historians for when the robots take over.

  • Member Posts: 698

    I notice this too. And it sucks. It really sucks when people can't be civil or decent to one another. Especially recently, I had a string of bad luck games. Griefing and bodyblocking by survivor teammates, along with killer. And knowing nothing is actually going to get done about it either, with only having the hope that I wont meet them again... I had both killer and survivor working together.... tbags and bleedout +pickups to not let die... Just crazy. And then you have the after chat. A mix of just everyone yelling at each other and insults galore. Killers mad at survivors. Survivors mad at killer and/or teammates as well even. No one is safe from the venom that comes. And nothing will get done about the chat either. Why? Cause just close chat! "EZ fix". Instead of oh say... not hurling insults at each other, perhaps making certain words especially get censored automatically.... they have this in many games... No idea why not here. I.e. *types insulting word* *hits enter* * games says no! doesn't post it. * etc.

    Would be nice if we could simply just enjoy the game and have fun... Laughing together, making lighthearted jokes etc. Making friends even. Those kinds of games have become a rarity for me. I mostly look at the chat and shake my head. I can't believe people get so worked up and take certain things so personally. And you know what? They take it so personally, they stalk you. And this game lets them. They stalk your profile be it steam or find you on console and chat with you directly, to just tell you how they "really" feel about the game. And that's apparently okay as well. Because it's not directly within the game. Even though their entire access to you, is from the game. You get "stream-snipers" that are allowed, and people that literally see your name or profile and know it's you (Time to bring a mori!) and harass you on a daily basis.... it's crazy.

    Then you come and voice your concerns and discontent over this negativity and you get as you say, the "snowflake" responses and you are "just being sensitive" attitude. Like that isn't at all what it's about. And I completely agree with your "then you're part of the problem". It's so true.

    Like everyone get's worked up. Everyone makes mistakes and has bad days. Why not encourage players to do better and support each other instead of hurling around hate and malicious acts towards them. People get down, why not lift them up? There's no reason to kick someone while they are down.

    "If only everyone actually actively tried to be 'better'." I really hope for this some day. I'm glad you voiced your thoughts. There are people here like you say, but there are also nice, reasonable people as well, that do want to make the game a better place. To be honest some of my friends are toxic when playing too. It's been a challenge and a lot of lectures, but they are slowly coming around. Usually it is "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

    Some people think you can't change other's and if they are "terrible people" they will always be. That's not true. Look at the Grinch :P But seriously. You can't expect anyone to change their ways if you greet them with hostility or insults in return. You just fuel the flames of hatred. Be kind and respect your own self enough to not give into that attitude yourself. If you can't change someone else. At the very least focus on changing your own self and your own attitude. Be more positive and kind, and if all else just say nothing, and move on.

    Thank you for posting. It's nice to vent once in awhile. Was a very stressful day. And people don't realize the simplest things. We are all human beings on the other end.

  • Member Posts: 951

    People are using their experiences and frankly, 4 times as many survivors as killers soooo, more likely to run inti them, even if toxicity rates were even. (Personally i think its about a 60/40 split maybe 70/30

  • Member Posts: 471

    Killers are saints in this game. And the reason its brought up is because there are links between toxicity and gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    There are people that do the same on both sides. They’re either ignorant to how powerful/unfair something is because they don’t play the other side or they know and don’t want it nerfed.

    Also ignore the reddit. It’s hands down the worst community I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Looking at that I can now see why the game is full of so many A holes.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    1 vs 4 of course the four will often become bullies, it happens in schools, at work etc. But killers needs to wise up also they can play "toxic" and in end game chat/messages afters be just as rude back. It's about standing up for yourself.

    I have spent a lot of time fighting with survivors via messages on Xbox, and I have my facecamp list of toxic survivors in front of me when in lobby so I know if this game will be a normal game, or a game of hunting down a specific person.

  • Member Posts: 119

    I would love to live in a world where you can go anywhere online and expect people to be respectful and nice, but reality can be disappointing. There is nothing that is going to stop people from being awful to someone because since this isn’t real life’s they can hide themselves behind usernames to avoid consequences from being a jerk. There isn’t really anything, anyone can do to stop these people from doing what they do. We just have to accept that this is a thing that is present in all online video games and to not let them bother us so we can just enjoy the game itself.

    I know you didn’t what the “it’s the internet” excuse, but you just have to face facts that this is the reason. You don’t know how many people you meet in real life could actually be monsters on the internet. I try my best to not be mean to people in this game, because I know that this is just a game, and people genuinely just want to have fun in it. There’s a reason why you see so many people make posts about bad games they’ve had compared to good ones, because those bad games are the ones that ruin their fun.

  • Member Posts: 526

    People are toxic on both sides, in any multiplayer game ever. /thread

  • Member Posts: 4

    ''I would love to live in a world where you can go anywhere online''


  • Member Posts: 119

    Did you literally not read the rest of my post? Wow! I’m not sayings “ I wish to have all access to everywhere on the internet” I’m saying that the places I do go, it is unreasonable for me to assume that the people on all these websites and online games are all going to be nice and respectful people.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Hey man, just keep fighting the good fight. If enough people treat people with respect, maybe it'll catch on.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    There are actually several mature communities out there. Almost all of them tie to older games from early 2000s with community members who grew up playing games where you had do sit face to face and act like a decent human being or potentially get punched in the mouth. I dare not mention the games for fear azzhats from this community will go there just to show their immaturity and lack of decorum.

    I think players like @CrassardStreams and @ApeOfMazor are examples of the core problem here. Their first response is to attack a portion of the game community based purely on a misguided idea that their side is either on a moral high ground or a victim. The level of bias and vitriol throughout this game is sad because it could be a much better game experience for all if people treated the other players like they were human.

    I think that is why I get so frustrated with things in this game, the total lack of human empathy towards other players. Treating everyone like you are the only one that matters. It does not bode well for the future. Kids have grown up behind the anonymous protection of a computer screen and never learned the true ramifications of bad sportsmanship.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    Kindly explain how I sound like those people. While you’re at it, explain how what I wrote is a rant.

    Or are you the type of person who has zero sportsmanship and insults their opponent at the end of the match? Did what I write strike a cord within you?

  • Member Posts: 512

    I main Claudette (please don't be mad) but I don't play like a Claudette. When people decide to 4 man Claudette a lobby to "piss the killer off" I asked them to not because he's just going to Mori us. And low and behold, the killer runs mori, devour hope, and rancor. Like can yall not.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 2020

    Most matches when i play survivor, the Killer is super toxic to the survivor, who didn't do anything wrong in my eyes. These bunch of survivors, they were just doing gens and their looping thing. At the end of the game, they suffered from headshaking and plenty of abuse in game chat. Why? All because they did generators and used their perks properly.. and because they did, they lost their live to a toxic, tunneling, facecamping killer.. and he decided they are just a bunch of (insert any bad word you wish) and they should rot in hell.

    Trust me good sir, it is as bad, if not worse for survivors. Mori spamming, headshaking, extremly toxic chat abuse, tunneling and camping, this is pretty standard when you play surivivor.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I agree with you guy. It's bad on ps4 as well. I'm generally nice about things myself unless a killer/survivor(Depending on what side I'm playing) does toxic stuff. I main Legion here lately and I always try to honestly have a good time. I try to stretch the game out as long as I can so survivors have a good time as well.

    I main Claudette as well and I also try to have fun and do other things to keep the gen rushing down so the game will last longer such as, totems, trying to learn loops and 360s. I find it more enjoyable that way and I still help the team when I need too. It's just more fun that way. Wait times as killer is like 30 seconds. Wait time for survivor is like 9+ mins. in most cases.

    I find myself having long messages back and forth then getting friend requests in result of doing these things. I also started playing swf and custom matches with these like minded people. The game is more enjoyable now and I always want to play in result.

    I've noticed like you have that most of this community is a giant dumpster fire through games, messages and in forums. Most of it can be chalked up to kids playing and for some being toxic is just plain out fun for them. Idk. Just make some changes and how you play and respond if you want to see better results/community in mho.

  • Member Posts: 951

    My bad, tryin to say the reason people are complaining about survivors doing it more is cause mire killers v survivors are in thread and cause there are more survivors than killers they get more toxic cause +( with exception of good ppl) you are likely to have survivors gang up

  • Member Posts: 123

    As a killer, I just.leave immediately after the game so they can't be BMers to me. Solved.

  • Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    to be honest theres always toxic people but pc community in general is the most toxic, and youre extremely more likely to deal with cheaters, this is also why alot of people leave this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    I used to main Claudette when I first started, but because of how Survivors have caused killers to hate her, I play a baby Dweet in default clothes.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Being a person that trys to fix the issues with this community is my way of being I value your post. I always gg the killer and survivors I play against I also gg.

    Be the change you want to see.

    Yes I get negitive messages but I don't rise to them just offer happiness boops and ggs lol


  • Member Posts: 25

    Thanks dude.. everyone who says "that's how it is" is exactly part of the problem. Each person that chooses to be nicer or atleast just not say anything negative, that's one less person. It's something. There will always be the tiny evil few that really wanna bully people, but let's not give them fuel.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Yeah, a lot of people thought I was saying survivors are toxic.. but really my point was that both sides can suffer from it.. sure it's the internet and it's anonymous but still.. I'm British and we have a bad rep for being arses lol

  • Member Posts: 512

    I never understood why people HATED her until I got into a match with 3 other Claudette's that were so selfish, literally hid the whole time, hook farmed, and went into lockers the half second they heard a heartbeat.

    My friends finally told me that I don't play Caludette like Claudette and explained. That would explain all the killers who thanked me for not being a Blendette. I thought they meant my clothes, not being a complete ######### dick.

  • Member Posts: 40

    That's 90% of the survivor community when they die, like it's a given that they have to escape. They will cry about tunneling and camping and what not...with 3 DS's that were never used, kinda funny.

  • Member Posts: 603

    i see toxicity more from the survivor base, they are not minority and are the pwer role and when they get smashed what i get is toxicity. i never had a killer that send me a hate message on private or post game chat.

    but now being more fair in the forums toxicity is everywhere, people here misunderstand the posts and come only to hate you, and complain instead of helping or making suggestions they just say

    "it will not work" or will attack you personally and go away.

  • Member Posts: 906

    welcome to real life

  • Member Posts: 158

    Ive only been playing for a couple hundred hours, but I have literally never encountered a survivor or killer, who felt like being a salty jerk, that hung around for more than a one liner in chat.

    I have had more than a dozen people or so explicitly apologize because they thought they were rude in game. Just the other day a player, literally named for snoot booking, apologized for bullying and booping even though I killed him. Sweetest David ever.

    The only place I see -real- salt and toxicity is from the cry arse babies who come here to whine about whatever they think made them lose on a given day.

    Like, for real guys. You all get so tilted while the rest of us are out here having fun and killing each other.

    And when the game gets frustrating? I feel like most of us go have a snack or something...

  • Member Posts: 25

    I think you've been fairly lucky. Some of us deal with toxicity during gameplay, which does take out the fun. Like a killer slugging you specifically all game so all you do is crawl around the map. Or as a killer survivors being toxic. That isn't much fun as you're not able to actually play through the game as is. It may also be to do with when you play, which servers you connect to etc. But if you're having fun and not coming across any problems, then I'm happy for you, but clearly this post isn't meant for you. It's a request of being a little polite or by the least be decent to one another.

  • Member Posts: 25

    No, in real life, people can be decent. It's more like "welcome to the internet", but I still refuse to accept that we can't be decent to one another. But if you choose to accept it then as mentioned, you're part of the problem (not accusing you of being bad or anything, I'm just saying accepting it doesn't make a change).

  • Member Posts: 906

    most people act polite irl because they are too afraid of being themselves, not because they do care about somebody else. people are selfish and they act like beasts if they have the opportunity. an online multiplayer game only gives them the opportunity. is it sad? it is. will it change? nope.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Speak for yourself. Think or believe whatever you want, but I personally do not act 'like a beast' when I 'have the opportunity'. I stay as decent as possible, in person or online.

    I don't use what others do as an excuse to just think it's 'okay'. Don't paint every person as the same with your negative view of things. There are decent people out there, not because of a foolish reason like being afraid to be themselves. Them choosing to be decent is exactly what they are and some choose to keep that whether they are anonymous or not. I like to think I'm one of them and will always try to be. I'm not perfect and I'll fail a lot, but I'll keep trying cause if everyone becomes an arse, then maybe you'll truly feel miserable and see what everyone being 'selfish and beastly' is really like.

    I know what point you're trying to make and I'm not blind to people going beserk or beastly online since their identity is hidden, but not everyone is like that, if that was the case, the world would be a much much much darker place than you think it is. It's dark, but don't think it won't get any worse. Try not to add to it, that's all the OP asked for, instead of disregarding, disputing or shrugging it off, encourage what it's saying.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Because people don't read and this community is toxic, further proving the OP's point. They just don't see the irony in their own killer sided toxicity

  • Member Posts: 175

    100%. Each side justifies it because the other side does despite learning how that makes both sides wrong in elementary school.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Some people are heavily biased and don't play both sides enough to know how it is on both. Personally, I find that its pretty even on Xbox. Haven't played on PS4 in a while, don't want a Switch, and my PC runs the game like crap so I can't speak for those communities.

  • Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2020

    This is the ONLY game i have EVER had to turn chat off on. Ive been playing PC/Console games since the mid 70's. Yes, the 70's of the last century.

    Turn it off as killer. Save your sanity. The game is enough for high blood pressure people as it is.

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