If you guys could create one killer/ability/3 perks and one survivor/3 perks....

What would you create? Would love to hear the ideas of the community


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I never did manage to come up with a good power proper for The Trunchbull...

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    I posted a Chucky Body Swapping power I thought was kind of neat but I never did any perks to go with it. Survivor would have to be any of the adults from the movies. Probably the mother from the original if given a choice.

    Survivor Perks

    Mothers Instinct: You are able to see the aura of any survivor that you take a protection hit for. Healing is increased by 50/75/100% when healing that survivor. You can only have this effect on one survivor at a time.

    Call for Help: When you are injured by the killer, your aura is revealed to all survivors for 10/20/30 seconds.

    Together We're Stronger: When a Survivor takes a protection hit for you, you acquire one stack of Together We're Stronger. For every stack you gain an increase of 5% to all actions up to 2/3/4 stacks.

    Killer Perks

    Wanna Play: One person is randomly chosen to be the obsession. After downing the obsession one survivor within 16/24/32 meters is selected to be the new obsession. When an obsession is switched you can see the new obsessions aura for 4 seconds.

    Friends till the End: One person is randomly chosen to be the obsession. When the exit gates are powered, the obsession can not leave the match via door or hatch unless all other survivors are downed, hooked, dead or have already left. The obsession is able to see your aura when you are within 24/20/16 meters

    He wants you: One person is randomly chosen to be the obsession. While the obsession is within 4 meters to another survivor, their action speed is reduced by 8/9/10 percent.

    I came up these pretty quick with a simple pattern in mind so feel free to critique. They're certainly far from perfect. I'm interested to see what other people come up with. ^_^

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You'll generally find this sort of thing in Fan Creations.

    Personally, I've done 2 killers and a survivor. One killer is a mafia enforcer, while the other is a mountaineer with ice powers.

    My survivor is an Australian "mechanic" since there's only scrap and shortcuts to keep some things running in the desert.

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Dude these perks sound awesome! Love the creativity. This is why I opened this thread was to see all the creative minds out there. Props to you for this work of genius

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Damn I'm kinda new to the forums so I didn't even know fan creations was a thing. Appreciate you pointing that out I'll have to check it out. But I would love a mafia enforcer. That would be badass

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, needs tweaking. Power is kind of like Pig's in that it happens AFTER a chase, but I made his terror radius smaller. Probably should just rework it entirely.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2020

    I always wanted an original killer being born from The Entity itself. Like time to time Entity like to join the show instead of watching.

    So my Killer name would be The Malice.


    Realm disortion:Allow to the killer to put black areas.When a survivor is on the Terror radius and close to the area its activates and block it. Same as the entity blocking windows but certain area like close to a pallet.

    If the area is close to a survivor near a gen you can see survivor aura during 5 secs and teleport directly to that area In that case black area are destroyed in that case that survivor gen a cue notification.

    You can only put 10 black areas.

    Seek suffering: Each time you enter in a chase you gain a 3%/4%/5% Haste speed per 20 secs Can only be activated each 40 secs.

    Dreadful presence: Your mere presence make tremble the heart of your victims. When a survivor is healing or reapiring they will face a very difficult skillcheck if they fail 10% of the progress will be lost and you can see the aura of the survivor during 5 secs. Can be triggered each 40 secs.

    Hope fades: Survivors chance of escape are but a glimplse.Each time a survivor is hooked get a token All survivors get a 5% penalty per token repairing till that survivor is rescued.

    Survivor :Benedict Baker

    Know your enemy: Being in the fog for a long time gave you some information about your enemy At the start of the trial you will see the aura of the killer during 1/2/3 secs.

    Together will survive: Each time you finish an coop action you will see the aura of the other survivor during 30 and secs. Effect doesnt apply if the survivor is inside the terror radius.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    How about a killer that is a sniper.

    32m tr

    4.6 m/s

    Ability: the sniper can press the active ability button to enter the shrouded assassin state.

    While active you sheath your machete and switch to you sniper.

    Your slow to 4.2m/s

    You have the undectable status effect.

    You can crouch and lean

    You have 3 bullets these bullets have different effects that you can switch between at any time.

    Armour pirecer: these bullets apply deep wound to healthy survivors and go through thin walls such as killer shack or jungle gym walls (add ons increase mend time and pierce)

    Toxic rounds: these shots apply madness to survivors for 60s and the effects vary with add ons.

    Tracer rounds: when a survivor is hit their aura is revealed for 10s have oblivious and hemmorage for 45s(increased with add ons)

    Hitting a survivor with any shot deals 1 state of damage.

    Head shots instadown

    Fire rate is 1 shot every 1.5s

    Missing a shot or downing a survivor will cancel your power.

    Power recovery is 60s(reduced with add ons)

    Alternatively you can sling your sniper to start a 30s timer where you are 4.6m/s and are undectable(essentialy ghostface 8ncase you get lerys or Hawkins)

    Iridescent: semi auto sniper

    Magazine now has 6 shots.

    Fire rate increased to 1 shot every 0.5s

    Missing does not cancel your power

    Headshots don't instadown

    Iridescent: long barrel

    Hitting a survivor outside of 24m will always instadown and does not cancel your power

    Magazine reduced to and capped at 2 shots.

    3rd iridescent or purple? Thermal scope

    While aiming survivors auras are revealed to you within a 32m range



    Kicking a generator causes all generators within 64m to start regressing at 150% rate.

    Mangler :

    After hitting 3 survivors the perk activates.

    The next survivor you hit will cause the survivor that heals them to become injured and broken for 30s


    Hooking a survivor causes all healthy survivors outside of your terror radius to be exposed for 60s

    Cooldown of 60s after the time has elapsed.

    Tell me what you think

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Scorpion from Mortal Kombat

    Power would be "Harpoon" which would allow him to hook and reel in the Survivor.

    Perk 1: Agility- Gives the Killer the power to rapidly scale obstacles in the environment for 60 seconds

    Perk 2: Teleport- Instantly teleports the Killer to the front of the nearest survivor within 25 meters. 60 second cool-down.

    Perk 3: Incendiary Touch- Causes one Survivor to catch fire. Survivor will not be hurt but only be slowed by the flames and any other Survivor to come in contact with them will get damaged.

    OP? Yes, but I want my Ninja!

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    That harpoon would have to have a long ass cooldown lol, but imagine Oni scaling a wall with that agility perk. That'd be a sight to see lmao

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    This sounds a bit one sided lol. Killer is op, survivor not so much. But the creativity is a 10/10

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Speak of the devil, destructible walls are coming to the game! Not quite the sniper you were looking for but it's something! Would love a ranged killer like a sniper if they could find a way to keep it balanced.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    The better forum.

    Look for anything that says "chapter submission" it usually has tons of lore and character drawings it's a neat place.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Imagine looking up and seeing Michael staring at you from above

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    There was an old meme about Nea being the Entity. There was some kind of bug with her model that really warped it. Watch Saminations Dbd parody on YouTube to see how hot and powerful she is.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    I only have a killer perk for my own killer "the zombie"

    Undying rage: You're rage is unmatched even by other beast from the fog. After searching a locker if you don't find a survivor you furiously slam the locker shut, breaking it. While a locker is broken it is unusable. Lockers can be fixed but take 15/20/25 seconds

    "The question is not will you survive, it's for how long"

    Sorry he's a work in progress

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    I really like this perk. Once you finish the zombie I'd love to know the full package. This perk has real viability as an actual in game perk though

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    Thank you Pepega, glad you like it. And I'd love to share the "full package" when the zombie is completed. You do make a good point on the perks viability. Honestly I just thought it would work well with BBQ&Chilli

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I swear I was thinking the same thing when I red the details of the new patch! I am now going to try my powers with the lotto tomorrow.