Hey, things are things are tough for Killer these days. Let's add Speed Sabo!

What is the thought process here? A sabo time of 2.5 seconds is going to make coordinated SWF even more of a nightmare. It will even be a challenge against solo survivors who want to use it. Not only do Killers have to deal with flying gens, now they have to worry about hooks dropping right in front of them.
I have no idea what the dev's were thinking. Sabotaging was fine, and now they gone and made survivors more broken than ever. Like don't even get me started on making Toolboxes EVEN FASTER, they were fast enough. I was saying that I had my hopes that the Dev's did care about the Killers having fun in the game too, and that they were going to - in time - balance killers to be the power role again after nerfing ruin, but clearly I was wrong. They only want to make the game more of a bully simulator than it already is.
10 -
Well, at least they won't be 99'd any more. This'll also be great for that one Archives challenge I've got to do for sabotaging hooks.
2 -
Where does the dev update say you'll be able to sabo hooks in 2.5 seconds?
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To make coordinated SWF hell to go up against and to make sure that new Survivors won't have any trouble at all.
0 -
Thank you. I guess I'll just slug even more then.
2 -
Peantis confirmed this in a different thread. Just when I thought the devs couldn't possibly get worse, they came in and proved me wrong. Sabo/Breakout/Unbreakable is about to become the go to combination for the bully teams.
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They have to be near the hook, and have sabo equipped, I don't see the issue.
2 -
Sabo was an underutilized mechanic and only really useful to full swf sabo squads. They want it to be more accessible to more people and I'm guessing give survivors something else to do other than generators.
2.5 seconds does sound very fast and sabo squads can be infuriating but I'm sure if it's OP it will be nerfed. Gonna be a rough period between the updates though if it is OP ๐ฏ
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*completely omits the hooks being sabotaged for a significantly reduced time *
14 -
Yes the sabo time is hilarious but the community should wait and see how many or which hooks can be sabod .
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You don't see the problem? Am I the only one that plays quality survivors in this game? First off, the hooks are already a good ways apart, plus there are offerings that put them even further apart. Second off, survivors have body blocking options, so all it will take is a single hit to give them the 2.5 seconds they need. Combined with breakout, flashlights, and ubreakable, it will be abused so hard.
There will be no counter to this unless they remove killer collision while carrying a survivor.
6 -
Yes! :)
0 -
It has limits. Toolboxes have limited charges, perk has a cooldown, and killer already has perks to carry people longer.
Just a matter of how much mileage you get out of all those factors.
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You think recovery is 2.5 seconds? lmfao, and you get to hit all the survivors at the expense of dropping one? Oh for shame, all that pressure to save one hook state? Sounds good to me, have you ever thought that maybe you're not playing quality survivors, you're just not actually that good at the game? lol
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The hook will be down long enough for the survivor to struggle free. That is all that matters.
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Weโre going back to the days when Iron Grasp was meta.
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lmao we complaining about Sabo now??? Sabo has been useless for a long time with the number of hooks and the distance in between hooks on some maps. Like literally on the Plague's level, I've been hooked less that 5 seconds walking distance from another survivor. Saboing against that is useless because the killer always has like 5 hooks within walking distance.
1 -
Are you kidding me? There's a 3 second delay after landing a successful attack. You pick the survivor up, you get body blocked, you hit the blocker, your hook is saboed.
Typical survivor main, can't argue the point, so you attack my skill. I go against rank 1's with 2500-4500 hours in the game.
13 -
"Wait and see" was the sentiment of some when the Ruin nerf was announced. It panned out just like the naysayers predicted.
- Ruin is rarely used and often useless when it is
- Gens fly and games go by very quickly
- Killers are forced to camp, tunnel, and slug to stand a chance
- Survivor queues have skyrocketed
17 -
You forgot that toolboxes are extremely limited on how many hooks they can sabo.
It's not like you're going to see many survivors attempt this because a single sabotage will likely drain most of your toolbox. ๐
I don't see the problem, either.
2 -
It should be a warning that I of all people am saying this.
We really need to see the numbers in order to see if it's a balanced change or not.
There's a lot we don't know.
How long will it take, how long do hooks take to respawn, how many hooks can be sabo'd with toolboxes and their addons?
Not to mention, we as killers already have the very fun Basement build with Iron Grasp, Agitation, and Mad Grit.
It's only until tomorrow. Let's see what it feels like then... and then mock the devs for their decisions afterwards ;)
3 -
I mean...how often do you actually run into a team of swf that just go around Sabo-ing hooks? I've been playing the game for a few years and have only come across it 3 times. And more often than not, there is another hook in range. Sabo-ing hooks is an underused mechanic to begin with, and now it can only be done with good timing since hooks can't be 99'ed anymore. So ya'll need to calm down.
1 -
I mean, everyone was asking about a secondary objective and they gave us one. Sabo at the time was THE secondary objective, but it was nerfed so hard nobody bothered using it.
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I didn't forget, it just wasn't relevant.
1 -
It is relevant because OP is saying sabo is going to be too powerful due to generator speeds (personally, I don't have a problem with generator speeds).
Just thought I brought it up because you won't see this often if sabotaging takes a lot of your toolbox durability and had plenty of counterplay from the killer. ๐
People just need to give it time, in my opinion.
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Guys let's see it in action before jumping to conclusions? If people are trying to sabo then they aren't working on gens. This is a good idea as it brings sabo back to life, something that was left behind.
2 -
This. Everyone pissed and moaned about Doctor (well..survivors trolled and gloated while killers pissed and moaned) getting reworked...cause on paper it sounds like a bag of dicks. Turned out to be a really good change, and a buff. Now survivors are the only ones pissing and moaning about it xD
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Let's just ignore the fact that the hook will respawn almost right away unless they have breakdown, or let's ignore the perks killers have to see survivors near the hook, or how about we ignore iron grasp or agitation, survivor perks are the only ones that exist right? Jesus I love the killer salt that appears after every update. You could make it so killers move at 300% speed at all time and they would still ######### about something
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Do you know who Anton Ego is?
He has a scene in Ratatouille that I reference often on this topic.
I don't like DbD. I LOVE it. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't offer the harsh criticisms of the game, the devs, and their decisions.
Anton's monologue at the end about being a Food Critic applies to my own position as a critic of DbD.
4 -
The fact that you think iron grasp and agitation are viable or will ever be viable is absolutely astonishing and that statement alone just proves you don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, at rank 20, using agitation and iron grasp will be better than using no perks for people who have just started leveling killer. That's it.
1 -
time for the good old agitation, mad grit, and iron grasp build with the addition of the new hangmans trick!
seriously tho depending on how long these hooks stay broken and the actual time of saboing a hook this could be problematic.
3 -
Im honestly glad, just because hook saboing is a barely used mechanic and it finally have some light shed on it and good use. Im sure it will be annoying as killer but just be glad there adding something to spice up gameplay. It will most likely cost survivors more so too cause theyll always be going for it instead of gens
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Need For Agitation time is coming.
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from what I read it makes SWF way stronger while destroying solo play which will make me a killer main
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Tool boxes will get consumed way faster, like always, no precise numbers, but before it took almost no charges to sabo, now it'll be a ton apparently. They said you'd only be able to sabo a few hooks, so I'm guessing maybe 6, although that's more than just a few. They also said sabo hooks come back way faster, and that slugging for a bit would actually be effective, which i don't really understand. It would have to be like 30-45 seconds, and even that seems unlikely with these devs. Also, you can't 99 anymore, so if you really want to stop the killer from hooking, everyone is going to have to be ready to start saboing, if it's as short as they say, premature sabo won't work unless you go down instantly, and if you're right next to a hook, no one can save you unless 1 takes a hit and the other sabotages
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Cry more about your useless perks, that's what killer players do best. Cry until they are "the power role" again. Such egotistical freaks it's honestly quite amazing to witness
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Not time, killers need to actually see it before complaining, honestly, i have a hard time seeing people pulling this off more than once or twice in a lucky match. Congratulations to the SWF that finds a consistant way to pull it off while still doing gens and getting out. Even now sabotage doesn't affect the killer unless all 4 run it, 99% hooks, and then no one's on gens. Sabo teams are just free wins after a doubly long game. This is to be better for 1 person to annoy the killer, while still not really doing gens.
0 -
Because ruin change was obviously trash, a perk removal, not a balance change and very few argued for it. I'm not saying this is a good change, but i think it's a pointless one. Sabo was trash before, it's going to be trash now. Except it takes more of your toolbox.
0 -
You forget they're making Toolboxes have less uses. One use on a hook is less they have on a generator.
Plus, they've reduced the time for hooks to regenerate. Meaning its a temporary setback to stunt the killer in the moment, not destroy hooks throughout the match.
Its like you didn't bother to read the patch notes, and you just saw 'fast sabotage' and came here to rage about it.
1 -
Way to look at one change and ignore the rest
Hooks respawn faster, only a small amount of hooks can be sabotaged with a toolbox and 2.5 sec of sabotage means that you will most likely be able to get a hit on the sabateur too
Can we wait with the riot untill we actually know the numbers and playtested with it
1 -
Hook respawn speed is completely irrelevant when a hook can be taken down in 2.5 seconds. We do not know how many charges a toolbox will use. Even if it eats them up, the Sabo perk no longer has a speed penalty. It has a cooldown, which again is irrelevant.
Here is what it comes down to. A killer picks up a survivor and heads to a hook. Another survivor can see what hook the killer is headed to and the killer has 2.5 seconds to either get to that hook or completely change course. If the killer does not make it to the hook before it is sabotaged, which it probably will be, the survivor will likely wriggle free. If the killer changes course to a new hook, the survivor also has a decent chance of getting free.
To your last point, no. You can look at my post earlier in the thread. People expressed concerns about the Ruin nerf prior to PTB. They proved to be accurate. Devs did not care and went ahead with the changes anyway.
1 -
If the sabo perk cooldown is the same as AnyMeans Necesary it will mater a lot
What most likely is going to happen is that you will go to a hook see a survivor sabotaging it and that you will drop the survivor to chase the other one
You lost a hookstate but put pressure on 3 survivors or 2 if the downed one has unbreakable
It's really not going to be that big of a deal
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Can you guys just wait the ptb to see how things actually are? You are so used to complaining that you do it preventively ๐๐๐
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The ratio of time spent sabo'ing to hook speed regen is the EXACT SAME as with old sabotage - 1:12 or 2.5s:30s
The difference is that instead of a survivor being locked in place for a significant amount if time to get this 12 fold payoff, they can now get it after 2.5s.
It'll be interesting to see how being able to easily lock out the killer objective for 30s for 2.5s of effort will effect the game, although I'm doubting it will be positive.
Even if every brown toolbox only has 1-2 sabotages in it, it's still a huge ability.
0 -
You run mad grit, their timer gets paused, the hook returns shortly after.
0 -
30s is more than enough time to wiggle out, even after hitting someone with Mad Grit.
The hook is literally gone for the equivalent of half a hook state.
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Hit 'em twice, drop the other guy wait for it to return.
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"Ah, I see you have Mad Grit and possibly Agitation...allow me to stay close by for a second hit."
If you're able to down someone while carrying a survivor, you're not in a game where sabotage will effect the outcome, either way.
0 -
*aggressive comment attacking your opinion*