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How to encourage players to play killer role?

Member Posts: 156

Lack of killers is the critical issue at the present. Do you have any ideas to encourage players to play more killer side.

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  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Unbalanced maps rework, legion, bubba and clown rework.

    As a rank 1 killer (trapper main) AND survivor, I have to say I put way more effort for a 4k than I do for escaping as survivor, meaning, if I want to chill I play survivor, if I want achallenge I play killer, don't get me wrong, I get the 3k+ every game, but it takes more effort for me as killer to get the kills than as survivor to actually do my objectives or loop the killer.

  • Member Posts: 599

    Well, fixing killer related bugs would be a start. Nurse disabled ability, wraith infinite burn, hag teleporting back to old spot for 0.5 sec. You know, little things that didn't get attention for months.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Do we even have a reliable source to see how many killer players there are? I see people saying that there's like no killers and it's an issue, but the only thing we have to go off of is queue times.

    From my own personal experience, when I play around 3-8 PM CST, I always get different killers for every game. Even at red ranks. The only time I get the same killer is when I'm playing super late at night around 3 AM or so. So unless the killer count is so low that survivors are playing against the same killers over and over, what's the issue?

  • Member Posts: 599

    If you have the same killer all the time it means that there is enough killers, actually. That means that there is no other teams waiting for a killer.

    Question isn't how to encourage more people to play killer, it's more like "how to make more people to play killer consistently". There is enough (if not an abundance) of killers in low "I don't really play that role" ranks.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I love playing killer more then anytime ever. Getting superfast lobbys all the time instead of long queues is great. Gaming experience is also amazing for me.

    Honestly, I dont understand why people dont like to play killer right now. I guess most of them are still salty about ruin change lol. Probably the the same people that came to the forum in the past and complained about ruing beeing useless because it gets cleansed within 30 seconds.

    The best way in my opinion to encourage people to play killer is actually to make it harder to rank up for survivors and a little bit more easy to rank up as killer, so the ranking will finally fit.

  • Member Posts: 392

    How to encourage people to play killer? Fix the damn balance and get the game where it needs to be.

    People, by nature, will not wish to take a path with greater resistance. It is easier to work with a team than it is by yourself... so survivor is a go to pick for people.

    Not to mention SWF groups exist because of multiple people. The only way you’ll have a SWF with a killer would be if you yourself have multiple personality disorder. That’s about as close as you are gonna get there.

  • Member Posts: 299

    I honestly think it's more fun playing killer now. I've figured out a different strategy with the new Hex Ruin. It forced me to switch up my gameplay and I'm okay with that. Plus, zero wait time as a killer...

  • Member Posts: 259

    Give extra points for facecamping.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I turned off chat as killer. I play quite fair by survivor standards so I get a lot of ggs and sometimes I'll check and give them back but most of the time I ignore chat completely. There is a large amount of toxic shitheads that it's not worth responding to them.

    Not even going to comment on what he said because it goes without saying that's wrong, but the fact that he says Huntress is the easiest killer really shows this is someone very ignorant in the game.....and ignorant in life in general.

    Hopefully he got a ban.

  • Member Posts: 59

    I am new to game and play killer, and it is fun at first but the further up you move the more toxic survivors you run into. Getting mismatches with players way more skilled than me and then just getting played with all game by survivors looking to embarrass the killer is not fun. I have noticed I have not been playing as much because of that.

    Removing the toxicity would go a long way. How? Make the killer the power role like they should be. Survivors should be scared of the killer, not the other way around.

    And thank goodness I play on console and can't get abused with the chat afterwords. That just gets ridiculous.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    edited February 2020

    That doesn't really make any sense. If there are no other teams waiting for a killer, then you would get a different killer that is waiting on a survivor team since they would be in the queue before the killer you played against. If there are no other killers in the queue (such as what happens late at night since fewer people in general are playing), you'll get matched against the same killer you just played against since they are the only opponent at your rank.

    How is getting the same killer repeatedly an indication that there are a higher number of killers?

  • Member Posts: 88

    Currently? There is no way. Once new killers get past the yellow/green ranks where they destroy noobie survivors, they will get dominated by experienced onces.

    Once that point is reached, I doubt many will continue to play killer. I know because I've just stopped playing killer as well, I just do my archive challenges and go back to survivor these days.

  • Member Posts: 5,897
  • Member Posts: 3,047

    My reaction when people tell me Hunting Horn is bad for players then i dominate the Hunt.

    Stop nerfing killers because the average person can't hold down more then a 20 second chase if that. If you base the game on low rank play then of course the results for high rank play with be twisted in so many directions with no actual Intel being useable.

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    Killer was playing Pig, and apparently this guy thought they should go after their teammates and that the RBT should act as a sign of "your not allowed to chase me".

  • Member Posts: 178

    That's a really big idea.

    I sometimes doubt they play the same game as me....

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Eh if matchmaking was fixed and didn't put me up against rank 1s and 2s every game at rank 8 then I'd consider playing killer more

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    Makes sense that the people who wouldve ragequit instead are reaching the endgame chat to tell you whats on their mind.

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    People get pissy and lash out for anything unfortunately. I had a game as Bubba where I actually played him normally and didnt facecamp (hold your applause, I know im amazing, lol). I remember killing my 2nd survivor and coming back across the map towards where one of the last 2 survivors had recently unhooked the other. Saw scratch marks against a wall, followed by the explosion of a fast action... Was pretty obvious it was the Jane darting into a locker the moment she heard my TR, so I was wary of a DS and also a head-on. 2 gens left to go and only 1 survivor NOT in a locker directly infront of I waited abit with a revved chainsaw before yanking her out and throwing her on a hook. This was the chat afterward.

    No head-on, but good to act like its a possibility, and of course...the DS. She wasnt happy.

  • Member Posts: 62

    I think the fun factor of the game excluding gen speed is how the survivors threat you... I tend to care less about losing against a chill group than against a group that rushes, flashlight flick and tbagging.

  • Member Posts: 599
    edited February 2020

    Sorry I'm late. Because when you join queue, there should not be anybody in it for you to get the same killer, otherwise the killer gonna join another lobby that was waiting before you.

  • Member Posts: 49

    More blood points for playing killer at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Maybe make more than 4 killers actually usable against survivors with brains lol. Any m1 killer is just gonna get bullied and looped by competent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Eliminate the pressure of the tryhard "git gud" mindset and focus on having fun and learn the game. Accept that its ok to suck, and with time and effort you'll get better at your own pace.

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