New killer, slight buff...

I really like this chapter; especially the killer, the killer looks amazing; she has this unnatural vibe to her and she's something that actually freaks me out in game when playing against her with survivor.
But, However, when playing as her i find one major issue with her. The recharge time it takes to get your phase back is a bit too long, about 20 seconds, which is practically about 3/4th of a gen completion.
I'm not saying make it where she can see survivors and such in her second phase, i'm saying i would like it if it was buffed to at least 15 seconds instead of 20; because lets be honest in those remainder 20 seconds your waiting for recharge; your practically useless until those 20 seconds are up, that means gen rushing, pallet looping, so on and so fourth.
Don't get me wrong her ability is great and all, and you can do some serious damage with her if you use it correctly in SOME SITUATIONS, not all, but SOME; and if her power can recharge a bit faster, she won't feel completely useless if your going up against a squad of gen rushers and such.
Im really sure there is one or another add-on for recharge time. In first levels i just saw addons for longer time in phasewalking mode, but i cant believe that devs wouldnt add this ability as an addon. But youre right, in that 20 seconds, her power is useless and u just run around like any other killer. But with any buff she can be OP really fast. Finally the devs created a killer with 100% invisibility and the ability to instant strike at a survivor. not like ghost and Freddy. she can pop up at a gen and grabble survs away while they didnt recognize she is coming. I looking forward to all the jumpscare clips at youtube xD
I would like the option to activate the phase walk at ANY time, even if the recharge is just at 50%. So the phasewalk time is bit shorter of course, but in some chases it would help if you dont have to wait until its reloaded to full level.