There's definitely a reason for these killer buffs
Let's be honest, there are too many cool things for the killers. Like, look at the Plague buff, it could have been added AGES ago but they decided to do it now. My theories why devs decided to add some buffs:
1) After the Ruin nerf killers had lost the opportunity to have an early game so survivors had been fixing gens hella fast and that led to insane drop in killrates.
2) Too many killers quit playing, that can be confirmed by recent matchmaking issues when red ranked survivors were playing with green-purple ranked killers.
3) Devs actually listen to the community and they decided to do something really good.
You thoughts?
Plague is already one of the strongest killers. You get almost perma tier 3 myers for just touching the survivors with the tiniest amount of puke, and can slap on thanta for an easy 16% slowdown on top of it. Or you just puke on generators and don't even have to see the survivors to get your perma tier 3.
Her red puke is ludicrously overpowered in the hands of a skilled player, and that's why nobody ever cleanses at the high ranks.
If you wanted to use her power, you could bring an apple, and those are readily available since they are both common and uncommon add-ons.
The fact they are going to be indirectly buffing wallhacks plague is hilarious, and shows they don't know how to balance a competitive game in the slightest.
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I'll believe it when I see it. Killer is still not fun and I'm skeptical about killer buffs actually doing anything to combat the issues killers face.
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Is this sarcastic or are you really calling The Plague strong.
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Yeah, downing people in a single M1 is pretty strong. It is unfortunate most of the killers on these forums can't land a single M1 hit and cry for buffs instead of getting better at the game.
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No actually, often survivors will run to a strong loop, and you now with no power in the chase to end it quicker. She is practically a ghost face that can't hide her terror radius.
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Because they work on Behaviour time which means they'll do it anywhere within 6-12 months. It's probably coincidental that Plague got buffed around this time.
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You have to remember in any game the forum is a vocal minority. Due to the way this game splits roles it becomes very Alliance vs. horde real quick.
I've never noticed increased queue times for survivor or killer and if you accept the roles for what they are a lot of changes aren't a big deal. When you play killer and only killer you never see how other people playing that exact same killer play. You stagnate. You need to play survivor to be a better killer and you need to play killer to be a better survivor. That's just a hard core truth.
Trapper is my p3 so I'm happy for anything he gets, but ruin always popped quick so I think any effect it had was highly placebo unless the hex never got broken. Just my two cents.
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*Cries in Clown not being touched for one and a half years*
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I think overall killrates suffered
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Game develpers are usually months ahead compared to the live build, and those changes have probably been worked on for a long time. Any "value" in relation to the community is pure speculation.
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I feel If this was the case then clown would have gotten a buff
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The apples are uncommon and rare, there is no common apple. Also the black incense is an ultra rare add-on, which when I took her to P3 50 all perk I got 16 of in total.
She has a unique playstyle which is rewarded by people understanding how to play her, I think you're overreacting a bit.
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If Plague becomes viable then there is what, 4 killers that are viable vs decent survivors?
Sign me in, I'm glad to face more variety.
I have to disagree with Plague being strong at current state, but she sure might be after buff.
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I don't think this were reaction changes. These were planned and coming but needed ruin among other things changed first.
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Most loops and pallets are completely safe against Plague when she doesn't have Corrupt Purge. She's super tall with a 32m terror radius. I'd argue she's the most loopable killer in the game outside of Oni and Wraith.
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Since when Plague was one of the strongest killers lol.
She was upper mid tier since forever, under Spirit, Nurse, Billy, Freddy, Huntress and Hag.
Wallhack Plague is OP, but so is Bead Spirit, Iri Huntress, Mint Rag Hag, Tombstone Myers and more.
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Going with number 2.
The only buff I saw was breaking walls and thats only one map until they get around to retrofitting older maps.
The three killer changes are QoL and side grades imo.
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I'm pretty sure the reason is simply that they're always trying to do what they believe is best for the game as a whole, and in this particular update the majority of the community happened to agree. So number three would be the closest, but I don't think the community outcry was a huge wake-up call or anything - they surely saw that coming and as others have said, these changes have probably been in the works for a while now.
People tend to forget that there is actually a long-term plan - the team don't just sit down at a table every six weeks and go, "so guys, what should we nerf in the next update?" (I mean, they could, I don't know that for sure, but that's not how game development usually works and it's not how I believe the DBD devs work based on what I've observed of them personally).
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Please tell me this is satire or nah?
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I don't think one is associated with the other. They are constantly working toward balancing the game.