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The dark times of dbd

Dbd is in a weird state right now, with the current meta. Noed is a must for certain killers, Freddy/nurse/spirit/Billy are the only ones that stand a chance against good survivors, swf are on their peak now that ruin got ruined,half the community is still furious with the devs ECT. This is one of the lowest points in the dbd history. I genuinely believe that playing killer,even in green ranks, is the most stressful thing in dbd, at least imo.

How about you? Do you agree? Let me know down below.

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  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Everyone is mismatched in rank and nobody is allowed to quit.

    So a lot of games now are either survivors giving up on 1st hook or killers going afk.

  • Member Posts: 1,208

    It's not always the case but there is high potential for a game of killer to be a miserable experience.

    Game has been out a while. Too many good survivors around...

  • Member Posts: 693

    Killer isn't strong enough to deal with an optimal meta SWF team unless they get a lucky map, then they might stand a chance. Survivor has too many time wasting options, combined with lightning fast gens. If survivors press the issue, there's not a player alive that can pip against them. Not otz, not tru3, no tofu, not monto.

    Rank reset booted me out of low purple and into yellow, which I'm now back to green, and I am having a lot more fun. Heck, just not seeing deadhard every game makes me so very happy.

  • Member Posts: 520

    Tbh since i started playing this game it is so rare to have games with 4 man swf, And even if it is not always they are good they maybe just friends wants to have fun times together. Usually solos or 2 man swf.

    It is dark times i agree, but because the DServers not any other reason.

  • Member Posts: 776

    Wish i had your population.

    It is mostly swf for me, the same teams over and over and over. mixes of 2-4 man, but all are equally annoying to impossible to go against.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Idk about those being the only viable killers, I usually play legion and huntress (and sometimes if I'm really bored trapper) and i feel like i do really good. sure I'm not 4king every game but I'm still getting them all to death hook.

    I think its really all about the perks you put on the weaker killers . and how you play them, for example since the ruin change I've started to lean towards more of an aggressive trapper build and not setting up as much as I would with ruin .

    And as for legion, I like to run slow down perks such as thrilling and pop. I would run thana as well but I dont have it on him yet.

  • People think this is bad for killers? You should go back and look at the time of instant blind and loops the you could never catch the survivor. Go back to the start of the game and look at each patch and how it effected the game. These are dark times my ass...

  • Member Posts: 369

    Right now this state of this game is in a very bad spot.

    Nobody wants to play killers because its just frustrating.

    Queue times for survivors are too long.

    Let's see if next update will fix that. (Probably not, not even ds nerf lmfao.)

  • Member Posts: 339

    Glad you felt the need to convey that completely unnecessary response to a Discussion about Opinions

  • Member Posts: 4

    Killers are just resorting to playing as BM as possible now, they are camping hooks, tunneling, using multiple 1 hit/kill items. Definitely not fun to play atm, either you breeze through a game like its nothing or you gotta worry about mass mori's, devour hope, make your choice. It is not fun to play on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 496

    I agree... tho this latest dev update gives hope. It has some good changes for both sides and as long as the numbers are good I'm excited.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    I don't think its really anything other than matchmaking. Changes were made that I may not agree with but I have given the ones that were big a chance and I'm waiting to see what happens with the ptb. Personally, since I mostly solo que, most people just bottle up a lot game after game and decide to take it out ingame through bm'ing or on the forums (steam or website). Obviously that isn't healthy but I've had multiple games tonight that were fun and engaging with almost no toxic actions at all. Perhaps it was because I was running no mither without dead hard. No idea but I think its just something to keep in mind that this is a game :)

  • Member Posts: 278

    The game has always been hard on the killer. Nothing has come easy and I dont think that will change honestly. Killer mains that are still playing this game have persevered if nothing else.

    I have enjoyed the games a little more since rank reset. I'm a ps4 r8 killer. But the SWF on consoles is next level. I'm hoping the upcoming changes help with the loops. If you dont want to rework maps. Atleast let me break these loops in half.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I have stressful matches here and there as killer but I really do not experience the high level of stress that's talked about here on the forums. It's like two separate realities. I get more stressed out playing survivor because things like I get spotted 10 seconds into the match or my teammate does and runs the killer over to me so the killer then targets me or my teammates just generally suck or the killer is a hardcore camper or tunneler with an ebony mori, etc, etc.

    Even if I have a bad match as killer I usually get a ton of BP and queues are near instant so I'm onto the next one immediately.

    With survivor queues can be 5-7 minutes long, probably 1 out of every 5 games somebody gets disconnected in the loading screen so the match gets canceled, and I get multiple lobby errors which extend the queue times. Then I finally get into a game and I barely make 5k BP because the killer camped and I got hook farmed and then instantly morid or hooked again.

  • Member Posts: 1,776
    edited February 2020

    I added my Opinion, which was completely necessary, in my Opinion, because it's a Discussion about Opinions. I'm glad you felt glad. KTHXBAI.

  • Member Posts: 283

    People have literally been saying it's the "dark times of dbd" since 2016 lol. The problems you listed right now are nothing compared to how it was.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    My god, another one...

    Wanna know how i feel about this?

    Yes, DBD is in a weird state right now.

    Killers have 70%+ Killrate and they complain. Killers get insta heals nerfed, and keep their moris... but they complain. Recent maps are all killer sided, but they complain. Killers might be able to break walls (LOL!) but hey, they already complain!

    Why do they complain?

    Because Ruin is chanced, a perk that was trash anyway (hey remember, it only lasted for 30 seconds...)

    Because Nurse is nurfed, a killer that was totally broken and is STILL way to powerful.

    I get it, killer is stressful, i dont deny that. But killer is defintily not the weaker side.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    It's kinda better true,but there are still problems that need addressing. Thanks for posting about your opinion:3

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Eh. If these are dark times I can’t imagine what the beginning of DBD would be called. Killers have it much easier today than when the game first launched.

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited February 2020

    i wish that devs let people that complain about killer side on game version form 2016 or 2017

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes there are some problems, but 100% not that killers are underpowered or even weak. A few might be a little weaker then others, but even those are strong enough that i considere them ballanced (Clown, Legion, Bubba for example). Or am i really a god gifted killer player that somehow can pull off 9 out of 10 games a 4K? I dont think so.. It is more that nobody wants to adapt his playstyle to the given situation and everybody blames the game for his falure. And devs have to do something since they can not expect that those babys will learn how to actually be good at a game they apparently want to be good (otherwise they would not complain).

    It is also not a problem of DbD only, it is a problem about this time we live in. I am around for 25 years now playing games in my freetime when i find time and i must say that the way people deal with problems to their gameplay has totally changed. In the past, they tried to get good, now it is only the fault of everyone and everything else. And i can not stand this mentalitly anymore tbh.

    Buff killers even more, i dont mind, i love playing killer aswell and it will only make it more easy to stomp, but please people, dont be so delusional and say that it is a problem of the game or the community when many of you fail. Keep in mind, that good players can pull it off, all i say 170 4Ks in a row... with a by many considered a bad killer... But instead of trying to learn from these people, you guys come here and act like it is impossible :O

    By the way, the real problems of the game are: Hitboxes and Servers, To easy to rank up, especially as surivors, gamebreaking stuff like red moris or absurd addons or items like iri head or keys.

    The rest is more or less fine. The game is in great shape.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I can't say I don't disagree,but I must say that the current dc penalties actually hurt the game more, instead of fixing them. I also do address the good aspects of the game in previous forums that I post,but I decided to make a forum that explains why I believe the game is in an unbalance state. UwU

  • Member Posts: 420
    edited February 2020

    No one should be allowed to quit a game that can only take 7 minutes to play... or less if you just let them win.

    There is absolutely no way the DC penalties hurt the game..

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    Things have been pretty bad recently, but the Dev update has me so excited. Plague, Doc, and Trapper buffs? Toolbox nerf? DC penalty finally on Xbox? BREAKABLE WALLS THAT GO WITH DEMO AND ONI'S POWERS!? These two weeks can't pass fast enough.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Yeah now this post is pretty much outdated. Tho,it was a pretty rough season

  • Member Posts: 403

    completly disagree this is probably the best state dbd has ever been also the most balanced it has ever been cheers

  • Member Posts: 736

    The dark days have begun... the dead by daylight republic is over... there will no longer be peace in the fog

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I would argue the opposite. I actually told my wife that I'm done with survivor. I only play it when she wants to, but I can't even do that anymore. The amount of toxicity and the level of camping and tunneling is out of control. I have zero enjoyment in any survivor match.

    On the killer side, I find the suicide and DC rate to be higher than ever at this point. Since the DC penalties, I see a lot more 4-man SWF than I did before. I'm for the punishment, but not sure if it is having the effect we hoped for. Toxicity is also on the rise on the survivor side as well.

    That said, I still find my killer matches to be much more enjoyable than survivor. I ran a dozen matches this past week with the wife. Got barely 200k bp, camped and tunneled like I owed money (not even including the slugging). Ran a dozen killer matches last night and got near a million BP. Faced 5 SWF 4-man groups. Got a 3k or more in 3 of them. Got my arse handed to me in one, and only a 1k in the other with 7 hooks and nearly a 35 minute match. Still got 60k bp with Chili and a black pip. The rest of my matches were pretty much systematic 4ks. So, out of 12 matches, only 2 were considered a loss, the others were easily wins. Much better, much less frustrating. The biggest problem was the level of suicides I had in some of those matches. I avoid tunneling if at all possible, and do not camp, so it was not toxic play that fueled suicides and DCs, but there were several.

  • Member Posts: 2,210
  • Member Posts: 339
  • Member Posts: 232

    100% agree with you on that. To be honest when playing killer now, I would rather stay in my yellow ranks. I have been flip flopping yellow and green ranks that I just gave up and don't care.

  • Member Posts: 227

    No, I don't agree at all. Complete other end of the spectrum, actually. I mean, I get that most people are pessimistic & negative in general online, but I think DBD is in a really good state right now. My biggest issue is with dedicated servers. Other than that, the in-game state is light years ahead of where it has been in the past.

    People will always complain but it's important to remember where we came from. When there were literal infinite loops & you could do nothing about them. No bloodlust & everything else.

  • Member Posts: 742

    The only dark times are when people keep crying in this forum and are never satisfied with anything no matter what instead of just playing the fkin game or taking a break like every "normal" human being would do it.

  • Member Posts: 425

    I'm kinda disappointed in this. you could have use this title for what time tyde talked about way back then I stopped watching him when he started to feel like hes entitled for victory. Imo I dont really think it's the dark times it more like a bold leap the devs took I dont really mind the ruin changes I still get 3 to 4k in most of my matches I just have to concentrate for the win. Finally I honestly think the ruin change was a must its dumb that you could have camped a survivor to death then camped 2 more and got a 3k most of the time 4ks.

  • Thank you for the tips. Much appreciated. I've been a survivor main for too long and I've been devoting half my time lately to playing killer so I can main both. I only played killer before just to get rituals or challenges and the highest level I got to was 14. Now I've gotten to green ranks and I'm getting wrecked every match gong against purple and green ranks especially since I don't want to camp or tunnel or use NOED. I will keep the things you said in mind when I'm playing.

  • Member Posts: 843

    All perks are crutches.

  • Member Posts: 843

    All perks are crutches.

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