Loops That Shouldn't Have Breakable Walls

There are plenty of loops in the game. Wether it's from a main building or random debris, there will always be loops on the map. Here are some loops that DON'T deserve to have breakable walls.
Jungle gyms, pallet gyms, T walls, 4 walls, the shack, Azarov's Resting Place, Father Campbell's Chapel, Blood Lodge, and others I'm probably forgetting about. These loops require actual skill for the survivors to loop and they're actually mind-game-able. They shouldn't be removed because the killer doesn't know how to mind game.
Any loop that can be looped for a long amount of time with little to no skill should be breakable. That's all I think.
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Can't disagree with most of that. I'd add a caveat that if you end up with a string of jungle gyms adjacent to them however, there should be a chance for a breakable wall to spawn in at least one or two of them.
Suffocation Pit can be a nightmare in the middle when the RNG allows it to. I'd also make it possible on some of the longer fences on Haddonfield.
If you look at the new Lery's it's clear how some of these walls are being set up. Some windows themselves are getting the destroyable look.
Overall I agree though, this should only be placed on some of the stronger loops that can't be mind gamed. Like the ironworks window or cow shed.
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@CheersTC Yes, but unfortunately I don't think that's what going to happen. I think the devs are going to go way out of control because it's a new fun mechanic.
@Feyd It would be hard for the game to register if certain strong tiles are lined up together, thus spawning a breakable wall on one of them.
Oh my, the amount of times I've been able to go untouched because of the middle of Suffocation Pit is ridiculous. Did I abuse it? Yes. Did I feel bad because of it? Yes, Did the killer dc because of it? No, which is good on them. But it's not like I could stay in the middle forever. I had to move because of the objective.
I can see that the unique ways the windows and doors are in the new Lery's is obviously for them ready to be broken. Thanks @Cornpopers_Evan sorry I doubted ya at first!
In the end, this game isn't perfect and requires A TON of adjustments. But almost destroying loops that only good survivors can run isn't the answer.
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Lol most of the loops in azarovs and bloodlodge are not mindgamable. The are just short debris loops you can just run around and never mess up. Oh killer is getting bloodlust... darn drop the pallet and run to the next one.
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I'd like to see what they have in mind on the new map. Specifically how it plays around when looping before making any hasty complaints. Unfortunately, a lot of people on the forums are panicking without even testing it out when the ptb releases.
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They did say that they're working to make sure the lineup of several strong tiles adjacent to each other is less likely/impossible. It very much can feel unfair if you get a good survivor that knows how to run them in such a way that you're unlikely to get them without bloodlust and wasting an exorbitant amount of time.
If they can just prevent, for example, the cow loop being in between a pair of long-wall jungle gyms, that'd be better for the state of the game. If not, at least tracking and registering that strong tiles are adjacent and then adding a breakable wall in there shouldn't be that difficult.
Assign every tile a strength value, like 3 for jungle gyms, 2 for LT walls, a 1 for the four wall, and 0 for a dead zone. Then make sure that, as they're placed, it makes a set number of each tile strength and tracks the location. If three 3's end up adjacent, add a broken wall to one. I only did basic coding in high school but that shouldn't be too hard to implement.