Why do killers mention the "survivor rule book" when they have made up rules too?

Op perks? Toxic. Gen rush? Toxic. Running the safest loops? Toxic. bodyblocking? Toxic. I get complaining about stupid rules some survivor's make but come on this is litrally hypocrisy. you guys always say tunnling and camping are "valid strategies" but then complain about survivors "playing optimally".


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You are 100% right, both sides do things that are legal in game but not “fun,” for the other side.

    The real irony is that you will find people that do it AND complain about it depending on their side. For example a stream that complains every time someone uses DS on him how broken it is, and puts it in every build.

    Or someone who complains about camping but then turns around and uses Insidious LF

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited February 2020

    Because some people in the game are biased toward one side. Who cares about the "rules" anyway though. Just play the way you want to play.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I might be wrong but honestly I don’t think survivors are the loudest voices in these forums. That is me speaking from my own perspective.

    Ive literally never read any post where a survivor was like “you can’t do this because it’s in the killer book”.

  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2020

    Sure, both sides use strategies to their advantage that the other side considers toxic. But I feel like if it's not bannable or punished then it's valid to use this strategy (genrush, flashlight, slugging, tunneling, even camping is, in principle, allowed and a valid tactic, even if not fun for the other side. But you can try to play optimally in these cases). Otherwise the devs have to implement ways to stop the behaviour or punish it, like they did with DCs.

    But I feel like this "rulebooks" for killers and survivors are just a way to make fun of everything that gets written in the post game chat and demanded from the other side. And both sides are not innocent when it comes to this but from experience I feel like survivors more often have these demands (and that is probably because there are just way more survivors than killers). So, why not have a bit fun with all these comments? I really don't feel attacked even though I am a survivor main (but at the same time, I know the other side and I know how these post game chats sometimes feel). It's not that serious. The most toxic thing about DBD really is the post game chat and these kinds of threads sometimes lighten it up a bit.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250
    edited February 2020

    Everyone has their opinion on what makes the games fun for them, and if you play in any other way you are toxic piece of trash. (Of course not everyone thinks this way, but we have all seen this behaviour).

    The big issue is, and this is just my experience, survivors are the ones sending nasty messages saying how killers are bad because they played x way. Even as a survivor I have gotten messages from teammates yelling at me for not using x perk or how I am bad at looping. Survivor mains are notorious for harassing and bullying in this game.

    The only messages I have gotten from killers is gg, comment on funny moment, or asking stuff regarding the match. Maybe I am lucky, but the messages I have recieved from killers are minimal and tame.

    So yes, the community points at survivors and calls them out for their imaginary rules since they are majority making noise and telling people constantly what is fair in this game and the right way to play. Doesn't mean they are the only people with made up rules, survivors are just more vocal about it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    There’s some sort of gentlemen’s code that everyone wishes everyone else would follow, but you can’t get mad if you follow it and someone else follows the “real rules.”

    It would be like a YMCA pickup basketball team with Lebron James, the smart thing would be for them to literally let him have the ball and score every time... but no one else from either side would have fun that way

  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2020

    Yes, there are some strategies that I try to avoid too. I really don't like facecamping at all as a survivor so I don't facecamp as a killer either. But the rulebook also makes fun of the people that call pretty much everything camping or tunneling. For example if you hook someone and see a ton of scratch marks or maybe even a survivor near the hook, you still feel obliged to walk across the map so that you don't risk being called a camper.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Lol tell me about it, someone tries to block a hook and messes up so you KNOW they are literally just meters away and look for them... CAMPER

    I’ve been accused of tunneling a survivor when two were dead, one was hooked and he was the only one left up lol.

  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33

    Or if a survivor follows you with their flashlight all game, trying to get your attention and when you hook them (twice) because they keep following you, you tunneled them. :P

  • I think this just comes down to how much of a ***** you are. If your playing killer and only going for one person the whole game or face camping, then your a *****. If your playing survivor and use only god loops and no mind game loops, then when those are all gone run back to the god loop then your a *****. Theirs A LOT more you can say about survivor seeing how their is 4 of them in the map and they are usually all in a party so I'll say this. Survivor mains and anyone who plays with friends. No offense but .....you cannot complain about EVERY BAD THING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU!!!! you cant say anything about balanced until you play the game without the crutch of communication. You cant say anything about balanced when you only played trapper for 13 levels then played dwight for 3 prestiges. And most importantly you cant say anything about balanced if you only use DS, Adrenaline, BT and SC. With perks like those and survivors using literally only that build........no.......just..........no.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    One word: hypocrisy.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    It's called being Entitled.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Because scrubs will be scrubs and no matter what justification that's used it's still just "nooo stop playing in a way I don't like" or blaming players for things that are problems with game or map design.

    Doesn't matter if it's fair or fun, if it's in the game and not breaking any rules getting mad at players for stuff is a complete waste of time. Doesn't matter if it's gen rush, tunneling or whatever else.

    And for the record I actually tend to play in a "nice" way, probably "too nice" for many as both sides. But it's not because of any unwritten rules, it's because I have a more enjoyable and fun experience playing that way with my personal goals and mindset in-game.

  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41

    I think 90% of the complaints I see are about broken game mechanics, op loops and op perks. But I see people complaining less about the way people play at the way they act in the post game chat. I play on Xbox, we don't have that and I have never received a message from someone being toxic or rude but I can see post game chat being a toxic place. But no one ever talks about the obvious solution... Get rid of post game chat.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    What about endgame chat and steam killers profiles? Almost every single survivor check my profile and tell me that I play the wrong way, lol.

    Here we talk a lot, yes, but we discuss mechanics and perks. Its a debate.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Can you explain how this is a bait? Killers also make up rules its not just survivors

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    It's not about killers or survivors. It's about mutual respect. If everyone respects each other and do not do things which they do not want to face themselves, we would be fine.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    What killer rule book? Oh, there is none

    There is only the scrubs rulebook as outlined by scrubs. Scrubs can play killers and survivors, but they are still scrubs.

    There is no survivor or killer rulebook.