New survivor is cute

She looks like Meg, Nea and Kate put together. Very samey from what I've seen.
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How stupid is this, The devs will put zero time into any of these characters if ya'll keep settling for "Good looking" Surviors its a joke we have to pay for this honestly
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where did u see them?
any word on killer yet?
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And yet still no old lady. 99% of our female roster is under 30. What happened to diversity?
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I doubt old 80ish grandma gonna escape from a killer with arthritis 🤣👵
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her lore is more boring than yui's, impressive.
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I know right? Where's our blonde bimbo that moans when she gets hooked?
When is David Hasselhoff going to become a killer and chase people down to the Baywatch theme? I need answers.
Also a cold shower.
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That probably makes certain that the new killer is not licensed but an entirely original one.
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Bills age then. I don't care tired of all these little girls. Give me a badass mom in her 60s.
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In my opinion...
All the women seem the same to me, with the standouts being Claudette and Jane.
This character in particular seems like a political statement more than anything else in addition to being a seemingly stereotypical feminine tough chick in a horror flick.
I'm still waiting for the mousy librarian lady with glasses who is obviously terrified to be in this situation but overcomes it despite her timid nature... although I suppose Claudette sort of fits this trope to a small degree.
I feel like the guys are pretty well represented with the different movie tropes though.
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Yeah. Jane is our only older woman. The guys have Ash, Bill, Ace, Tapp, and Jeff.
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Some Rosie Perez from Birds of Prey style, hell yeah!
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Help! I've fallen and I cant get up
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Hey I've got a woman at the facility I work at who is her 90s and doesn't need any help walking nor does she use any kind of walker. I think a badass 60 year old isn't far fetched.
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I wish they would make a woman without the same side shave hair. It’s so overdone. They need to work on making the hair longer than shoulder length
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With the new physics on hair, long hair would look horrible.
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Mis quoted the top comment here.
In reply to Heartbound. Why do we only have Survivors who think there's an app to get off the hook?
Older Survivors wouldn't be a bad idea for the game. People of any age can have arthritis or whatever. Characters have begun to lose their uniqueness recently and a lot of us aren't anywhere near sold by the backstory.
I thought BHVR were ramping up the lore but it just feels the exact same over and over again recycled to sell the "youthful and good looking" survivors.
Where is Grandma Dierdre or any other old characters, original or licenced it has been getting really boring getting the same style over and over again.
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She looks like a copy and paste.
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@PatBrutal @Peanits @not_Queen please read this. Heck read this whole thread and take notes.
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Zarina is a good filmmaker. Did you know that she's a filmmaker? She's a really good filmmaker. Oh did I also mention she's a filmmaker?
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How did you not mention she's a filmmaker, that's very important to her back story!
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wait what is she good at ? I'm confused
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I mean, if we are going to keep on the current route, can we at least get a 5'6" ascot-wearing hipster with a Starbucks cup and a Bernie T-Shirt and little man syndrome? That might get me to play survivor again just so I can watch him get slapped around and hooked.
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Yay. An outsider female who is rough and tough. Very original.
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I want a morbidly obese survivor tbh. Like clown girth. The size of Jane & Jeff together.
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Old lady survivor when?
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I don't mind her backstory but they really need a new aesthetic. Granted, there's still a chance she looks unique in-game.
Also, yes, BHVR plz re: old lady survivor. (Or even old lady killer, I'm not picky.)
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I'm legit with you. When I'm playing killer I do mock the survivors via their storyline. Social Justice Ms Jane? Not today! You want to study plants Claudette? Here's a faceplant! Etc etc.
I legit and unironically support a granny survivor. Muriel from courage the cowardly dog style. Shes been mutilated multiple times and gives no darns.
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Rasputia Larimore Survivor When.
Also when it comes to a licensed older Survivor, I personally think the older versions of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the terminator movies would go well towards wider representation to the game. I mean at some point Terminator would be a valid option for a chapter and the license holders like giving their license away to other game companies. But this isn't about licences, just stating this as an example.
The only Old characters are Ash and then I have no idea how close Jeff is but he's the second most diverse Survivor and that's only because he has a big long beard and he seems into heavy metal which seems very 80s of him.
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thanks, now i want Rasputia in game
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She's a filmmaker?
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She looks like another Yui imo.
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The new killer is gonna be cool. The survivor for me is eh, but since the code name for map was "Saloon", and now that we know the killer is apparently called the Gunslinger, I wonder exactly what he'll look like.
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But it doesn't make sense if every single one is a badass, attractive, outcast type. A lot of us want more diversity. The fact that Jane is the only female survivor past 30 is ridiculous. And characters like Nea, Yui, Zarina, and heck even throw Kate in there, just seems like copies of a bunch of tropes thrown into one and seem so similar to each other. Not a whole lot of originality.
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Hell YEAH ! Rasputia would be awesome 😁
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It's my dream to have an old lady. But now it's likely the next one or two survivors will be male so that's unfortunately gonna have to wait.
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You can all wish for diversity, but the reality is different. Cute girls sells more. :/
I like her backstory tho, I related to parts of it, especially the childhood.
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The problem with your comment here. BHVR don't want to risk adding a Survivor which isn't young and attractive. You can't say "cute girls sell more" because it's simply untrue and unproven.
Surely if there are already 4 or 5 'cute girls' in the game, there's no reason to have another one.
I dislike the new characters backstory. Like someone else in this thread said, it sounds very politically fuelled, an immigrant with dual nationality, dad's died basically mistreated by everyone and now she's determined to show the world her side of the story.
It's literally so boring. It just feels like the more bad things you describe about the character the more of an identity and personality they have. It's not true.
Feels like a budget Jane that's incredibly generic and samey.
I hope I'm wrong.
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Yeah, I'm just saying the feel I get from every video game ever (especially the games where you create your character, how many are young cute girls..), I will look if there are numbers supporting this (genuinly curious), but in the case of DbD in the latest interview of Mathieu Cote, He said that the reason Claudette and Meg get the most cosmetics is because they are the most played. Starting here you can have an estimation how which characters are the most played (rip Adam Francis).
I understand what you think of her backstory, it's a bit overly miserable yeah xD
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Carol from The Walking Dead would be a cool choice for a licensed elder woman.
Or Wickerbottom from Don’t Starve by Klei. (The stereotypical librarian)
I guess Zarina will look somewhat different bc of her skin-tone, but I was also thinking we just had Yui which herself wasn’t as original and it really feels like the only diversity we get is skin-tones.. I had high hopes after Jane and Jeff with new bodytypes for example
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Skin tone isn't enough for me. Especially when she's pretty much the same as Yui. I'll wait and see but it doesn't excuse the fact that an old lady would have been welcomed.
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This is the exact reason they should add Laurie Strode cosmetics that represent her in the newest halloween movie. Talk about badass mom in her 60's.
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I dream of this, but isn't there a copyright issue since it's not the original movie?
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Oh yeah might be. There are several sequels coming though, so you may never know!