how can a gun in this game not be OP??

omg the new killer has a gun. you can't even dodge the projectile. this killer will be clearly op. mark my words.
A gun which cant hit a survivor who just move left and right
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Here we go again
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LOL. Why don't you actually watch some gameplay before posting. Its very hard to hit people with new gun.
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Its like huntress, you can dodge.
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Same way Hatchets are not OP. The gun shoots a spear, not bullets.
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And like when watching Umbra play Huntress, a good killer will dominate. This new killer with a good player behind him will be scary.
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lol just add a cross hair on your screen and you will hit anything...
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I've been dodging him pretty well, give or take. No different than hatchets (besides being devoid of audible cue). He's also as slow as Huntress with a 4m larger terror radius. Only problem I'm finding with him at the moment is recharge seems a bit too fast for my liking. Otherwise, pretty polished. When you get somebody camping with him at range and you're the only one going in for a save, though, who's obviously pretty good with FPS games... bruh, hang 'er up. You're in for a rootin', tootin' bad day.
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Note that Huntress has a song she hums that is much larger than her TR.
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The gun itself cannot down you, only wound. It's real power is the ability to pull you out of position, scorpian-style which survivors have some agency in fighting back against.
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The spear should have the same hit box as huntress's great axes.
There should also be an add-on to swap the spear out for real bullets. 1 shot brings them right down to the dying state.
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How can an invisible killer not be OP?
How can a teleporting killer not be OP?
How can a killer who vaults pallets no be OP?
They always find a way.....
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If it does not give 4k3m, then it's not op
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Can you harpoon one guy then attack the other if you see two survivors? If so, it would make for some exciting scenarios.
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If you use a basic attack, the harpooned person goes free.
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projectile travel time? just throwing out a super obvious option.
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Already the moaning starts? This is what happens every time.
I have learned to adapt. I just dont care if i live or die. I want to have fun. And this patch looks like it brings the fun back.
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Every killer with a good player behind them is scary. Derp.
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Most likely, but that won't make him op. Huntress certainly isn't op.
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Simple- in the notes you can't use the gun to down them. Best case scenario, you hook an injured survivor, reel them in, then down them. Or if you have the Iri addon, healthy survivors can be one shot. Escaping the chain only results in being injured and Deep Wound.
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How about Harpooning someone who is in the middle of vaulting or harpooning past a vault or pallet? Is it just better to cut the line?
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Probably, since they become Legion'd anyways if they break the chain themself.
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I feel like he's a worse Huntress. The hitbox is smaller (granted Huntress' hatchet hitboxes are sometimes bs), but nonetheless I feel like it's sometimes too hard to hit someone with it. While he's just as slow, unlike Huntress his harpoon can't fly across the map and doesn't do anything to survivors on most loops. Like, the only loops I feel like he's able to get a hit on are those loops any killer would get a hit on once the pallet is dropped. Huntress on the other hand doesn't care about those loops since she's able to throw a hatchet. I didn't have much practice with him though so we'll see.
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Every killer with a bad player behind them is trash. Derp.
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I think the killer will be fun, ultimately. And that's what matters in a video game. I think sometimes people lose sight of that.
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So is literally every killer because surprise surprise this is a game of skill.
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I can get behind that. I quit caring about "wins" in this game awhile ago and the game became a hell of a lot more fun. Too many people want to be "pros" or emulate their favorite streamer, but DbD is more of a party game than a competitive one.
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I did. I took this game way too serious. Now i dont care if i die or live. It happens. You live some you die the next. One game its a 4k and the next its only you escape and the one after that you humiliate the killer. It happens. I get schooled and do the teaching as well.
But this new patch with the new killer is a game changer. Looking forward to it. From both sides.
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Huntress hum is far larger than his terror radius. You know she's coming long before you know he is.
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Non-directional generalized hum. Even beyond all that, Huntress hitboxes are broken AF and Dead-Eye Doofy's hitbox is the size of a gnat's ass. And she can oomph you upside the head as you're vaulting or directly after... you shoot somebody with Hex: Tex through a window or as they're vaulting and they're breaking your chain and giving you a helluva' stun as they prance off unfazed. Huntress has to refill hatchets, Marlboro Mange has to (albeit quickly) reel 'em in and THEN M1 them on top of it. Huntress has her ups and downs, Broke Back Jack has his ups and downs. From what I've experienced, Huntress is much less forgiving, honestly.