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Change "Hatch an Escape"


please change the Challenge "Hatch an Escape" in Level 3 of Tome 2. This challenge needs you to open the Hatch two times with a Key.

I dont think that this is really healthy for the game. While I have a shitload of Keys, I honestly dont really want to use them, because Keys (and Moris) are one of the most unfair things in this game. As Killer, I also dont want to deal with so many Keys, where the Survivors cannot even be blamed for.

As Survivor, I also dont want Teammates to bring Keys who may wait for the Team to die to open the Hatch. Or Lobbies which get dodged constantly or played with Killers who bring a Mori to counter the Key. I also dont want to be in Lobbies with other players having the same challenge as me, which cannot even be prevented, because I cannot change my Challenge once I am in the Lobby.

Thing is, Hatch Escapes (like it was on the previous Level) can result in the same, but you are not forced to use a Key and will get it eventually. But the Challenge of Level 3 requires you to bring Keys and I dont think that this is a good thing.

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  • Member Posts: 1,946

    I honestly dont understand the problem, so you used a key and escaped, good, match over, moving on.

    Mori's are a tad more problematic as someone can be tunneled and mori'd very early on and now survivors are just F'd for the rest but keys are fairly endgamey.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I'm also not a fan of this particular challenge :(

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    I can think of 2 scenarios:

    1) The person who came up with this challenge is not in touch with the game & the playerbase.

    2) The person is well aware and knowingly decides to go through with this challenge anyway.

    Is there a scenario 3?

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Not that I can think of lol

    They’re either unaware or trolling.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    The only thing it encourages is lobby dodging and moris

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    While I agree that Moris are more problematic because they can be used very early, does this not mean that Key are more fair because of that. Because once one person is dead, the other 3 can escape without doing all of the Gens. Personally, I dont care about Key Escapes when all Gens are done, I played bad enough to not win at this point, but if I play well or the Survivors mess up, a Key Escape is something that annoys me.

    Furthermore, even when no escape is happening, the whole gaming experience can shift. Like, the Killer might bring Moris, Franklins, more tunneling... Simply because eliminating one Survivor early is more important to have less Gens done when the first Survivor dies, resulting in the Hatch not spawning.

    The would go with Challenges which force the Killer to use a Mori. I think escaping via the Hatch was fine, you can use a Key if you like, but at your own decision. Same with killing all Survivors - Killer can use a Mori, or do it "the normal way". But forcing one side to use their (most likely) most unfair item...nah.

    I guess its Number 2, without a malicious intend, but more like: "Keys are in the game, so they can be used for the Challenges". I mean, they had Medkits, Toolboxes (for Sabo), Flashlights and Maps so far, logical that they go for Keys at one point (there was one to deplete Keys, but not for the Main Purpose).

    Not that this makes this challenge any better, I still wish for it to be changed to something which does not force Survivors to use Keys. This is the only problematic challenge in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    It promotes killers to lobby dodge and survivors to let their teammates die to make the hatch spawn.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    3. They are actually from the future or an alternate reality where keys have been significantly nerfed and somehow they fell into a portal or time machine and haven't realized it yet

  • Member Posts: 63

    I swear, some of these challenges have very little rational thought out into them.

  • Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2020

    For the challenge, bring left behind. If you're the last survivor and the killer closes the hatch, wait until he moves away to patrol gates. Locate the red aura of the hatch and...voila!

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    It's not that bad...

    Not to mention it's not necessary to complete that level in the tome anyways.

    People always use keys. If anything, a wave of people who dont, will use them, and go back to not using them.

    The world wont end.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    If you are scared of Franklin's, spawn in, find a corner and drop the key until you need it.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Quicker killer moris, quicker you get to use your key. Both are balanced.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Probably won't bother doing this challenge then I didn't do the noed one in tome 1 because I refuse to use the perk

  • Member Posts: 598

    I just finished the challenge by completely abandoning my teammates/ twice, hiding and waiting for enough people to die so the hatch would spawn...

    Who came up with the idea that escape with the hatch (actually unlocking them) would be a good idea.

    I understand that escape with the hatch is OK, but with a key ... since I am a killer player and only solo survive I had to play to get my teammates die before me so the hatch would spawn closed

    Please tell me there are no more hatch with key challenges..

  • Member Posts: 2,976
    edited August 2021

    scenario 3: getting rid of as many keys as possible before the announcement of it's rework, so people wont be spamming keys every single game 5 days before the rework hits the live servers

  • Member Posts: 454

    I don't think I'll ever complete that one, I've been trying to do another one that's similar "completely deplete 3 keys" (by using the aura readings) and I got tunneled enough not to want to try it any more lol

  • Member Posts: 2,209
    edited August 2021

    A little late on this one but I do agree that key escape challenges should never be a thing. Hatch escapes are one thing but deliberately telling players to use probably the most controversial item in the game currently is just asking for trouble.

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