The deathslinger is NOT worthy of the 110

So after watching him today I have concluded this killer is a repeat of the legion, a 110 killer unworthy of the penalty , because his pros and cons are as follows
Pros: fast aim and shoot, heavily punishes a poorly timed window , can grab from decent range with the harpoon, able to aim with a cross hair, can reload on the fly , small terror radious
Cons: being 110 makes him way more map dependent, he has 0 map pressure in general , his harpoon only downs with an m1 strike , chain is easily broken by any debris you can get behind so a hit isnt garunteed and results in a stun for you and speed boost for the survivor , cannot punish pallets with the chain unless they are completely unsafe already , has only 1 shot before reloading , projectile has a very strict hitbox compared to terrain and huntress hatchet hitboxes, he has very low perk synergy , the deep wound aspect of his power is of no threat whatsoever in deep wounds current state
All in all I can only think of two possible solutions..make him able to use chain cancelling to gain injured so he isnt so weak at loops..or preferably make him 115 speed..I seriously think we are just looking at a legion repeat and I'd rather avoid that mess..hes really cool but not rewarding for what he requires
Agreed, this killer is a disappointment, and really can only do things in open spaces. Even if he catches someone, his gens get done before he can pat. He's just a bad huntress.
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His speed only shows how broken gen speed is atm.
No pressure at all.
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100% agree with you, and my first thought when seen his gameplay.
If he stays 110%, clown just became the 2nd worst killer in the game.
Good for clown, bad for escapeslinger
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OMG with this "Deep Wounds is not a threat" BS.
If you have Deep Wounds you can do exactly 2 things; run or mend. If you run you leave scratch marks, that means it will be harder to stealth the killer or break chase. If you mend, now you have to waste time doing that and you are vulnerable if the killer sees you.
It's meant to waste time and force you to avoid the killer. It's not meant to be lethal or as a means to down survivors.
As for Deathslinger, he has been out LESS THAN A DAY. Maybe play him more before you judge, the fact he can alter survivor movement with his power actually looks pretty strong. I don't disagree that gen speed is too fast but dear God, he is brand ######### new.
I swear too many killer mains around here are too cynical for their own good. It's never "oh look at this cool thing this killer can do, I wonder how to take advantage of that". Instead it's always "this one thing isn't good for this killer they are F tier REEEEEEE".
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Actually, I think 110 is good if you have the right perks and have enough experience. So far I like him and he can be really devastating with distressing and play with your food.
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Mhm...well deep wounds is very gimmicky to start and it isnt nonsense dw is not a threat in the slightest and doesnt do anything for this killer specifically
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Pwyf is only viable with nemesis and people will drop early pallets vs this killer 200 percent as it ruins his power
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New killer blows chunks as of now
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It cannot be stressed out enough what @thesuicidefox said:
"As for Deathslinger, he has been out LESS THAN A DAY. Maybe play him more before you judge, the fact he can alter survivor movement with his power actually looks pretty strong."
He is just out for a few hours. Currently I would also not be sure if his Movement Speed of 110% is justified, when compared to other Killers who have 110% Movement Speed (Huntress, Spirit, Hag).
However, he is only out for a few hours AND its PTB. People playing the new Killer in random Matches will not have many Perks and no real clue how to play him.
IF BHVR wants to make any adjustments, they should wait a few weeks after he is on Live, because only then you can get some valuable Data. PTB is only for really major things, where you can see if the Killer is WAY too strong or WAY too weak. And this is not the case in my opinion.
Give it some time, wait until he is live and everyone has played as and against the Deathslinger and THEN people can think about Buffs (or Nerfs) for him.
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Just leave it a few days, maybe a week, and maybe try him yourself, it's really too early to say
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Luckily it's only ptb day one, ghost face was unusable on his so theres hope
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Tell me if you can disprove one point I've made..110 killers are very strict and you'll notice a common theme with the successful ones
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yeah I’m not saying it’s my final verdict, but he’s utter trash as of now. I also don’t have too much faith devs will improve him much if at all
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Say as you will I garuntee you cant disprove 1 thing I said in the post..its my opinion and observations because so far the results are clear enough to give initial yes its day 1 but he has glaring issues that he has no answer for in his current state..110 is for killers with very very strong powers and frankly our new friend is not showing it so far
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I agree that 110% is a massive negative, one that forces a large dependence on the Killer's power. Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, Hag, all 110% Killers have a power that make up for their slow move speed.
Deathbringer. First impressions has me think his power is worth 110% move speed.
L/T walls. Spear someone through a window, any window, and drag them back for a hit. Long walls same thing, spear them or bait out a dodge. Looping a safe pallet, you should be able to score a hit to wound them rather easy at said pallet or a hit/down if a long wall around it. Even the better loops around main buildings such as Iron Works or Groaning Storehouse isn't exactly safe as it is a window and a lot of long walls.
I can't say exactly how well Deathslinger will be in tier lists just yet. Not many people on the PTB play legit and almost no one has a proper build on that Killer or even knows yet what a proper build is for him. But my gut says Deathslinger is at least mid tier, a mix of good and bad. Once players learn him better and have builds, he might be viable. Maybe not for the 1% top skilled ranked gameplay, but more than good enough for general play.
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Yet all three 110 killers are generally considered top 6 killers in the game SMH. One of them is potentially the BEST killer in the game.
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Mid tier means hes weak in dbd..the power disparity is that wide
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Exactly..yet legion was far from best killer with fact he was below freddy for a long time..even after receiving 115 and a stronger chain attack capability legion is still beyond weak..deathslinger while certainly better than old legion is not even around huntress and hag..much less spirit..yet his weakness is the same as theirs..otherwise stated..hes not worthy
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/deleted. Unnecessary comment/
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I'm not so sure, with 115 I think he would be fine , but 110 most certainly not
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being able to 'catch' survivors from a distance is certainly a very strong ability. I don't know if the devs can truly balance around such a power without entirely breaking the game, especially with the new breakable wall mechanic.
I don't think it's very wise for the devs to add a new killer and on top of that a new mechanic without even addressing very fundamental issues with the base game first.
It really seems the devs are pushing ahead without much thought to what they've left behind. Dead by Daylight is quickly approaching a crossroads where the devs have to decide whether it's a meme game or a serious game. Meme games certainly have their place, but serious games tend to bring in more interest, popularity, and thus money for game companies.
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No speed
No pressure
No kills : l
Failed killer.
Perks too conditional and hexes are always pointless. Survivors dont do them they just gen rush and now they have more reasons to ignore with the number of trap hexes at 4 now lol why would you cleanse knowing you can see ruin so its either seal or lullaby or devour or one of 4 traps.
Tbh as survivor nothing less then old ruin or devour ever got me to look for totems and idk if anything else will ever.
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op has the info that his weapon does damage only with m1, so I deleted my comment.
Well, 115% speed killers are looped. Just that -5% speed nerf on top of his disadvantages is a joke. :D
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Thanks for safing me time for writing the exact same thing.
Calm down, people.. most of you have not even played him and if so... proabably just a few games. He is probably a hard killer to master, but i see a lot of potential. Dont always judge so quick.
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You can already chain cancel. Besides, he's literally Trapper and Huntress in one but without the incredible time-to-kill of the Huntress. That's about all.
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This post was inevitable. I typed in 110 movement speed on the forums search engine and posts about the Huntress movement speed needing to be increased popped up for 2018. All killers with 110% movement speed have been asked to have it increased, I think Legion was the only one that it was done for. Let's give players more time to get comfortable with the killer, more than a few hours of 'watching' other people play atleast, before we come up with suggestions for changing him or ranking how good or bad he will be on the killer tier list.
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Oh, dont worry, I dont consider this as an opinion. Because you dont have any data to base an opinion on, since you dont play on Live in random matches.
You can have your first impressions, but not more.
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Mid tier means the Killer is likely to win or lose. "Weak" is low tier.
High tier example is Billy. Fast downs plus high mobility equals a Killer that should win more often then he loses.
Mid tier example is Demogorgon. Flexible aggression with map travel means a Demo should be able to handle what gets tossed at him. Even if a Demo has to put a bit more effort into his gameplay. Pros and cons, wins and loses, give and take.
Low tier example is Clown. The only thing Clown has is anti looping with gas, but using his gas makes him more prone to looping. Almost nothing to work with outside of bare bones M1 attacks.
Deathslinger fits into mid tier. Takes some effort to play but should be able to do well with skill. Not a Killer that can defend the entire map, but he should be able to lock down a section of it. Can't bait this Killer to the other side of the map if he can simply spear you from 20m out. Allows a Deathslinger to defend maybe half a given map much better than most other Killers.
You also can just run to or wait in some normally safe spot. Say a Survivor is above the Killer on a hill. Most Killers have to walk around the hill then chase them. Deathslinger can simply drag their asses down. Ironworks walk ways, same thing. Mother's Dwelling upstairs gen isn't nearly as safe, that entire upper floor really. The portal room gen in Hawkins isn't safe. Haddonfield, ######### HADDONFIELD, isn't safe anymore as Survivors can't just run to the rooftops anymore and point at the Killer.
Not every Killer needs to be top tier. Top tier shouldn't really be the Killer standard anyway.
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Your argument sadly became quite invalid after you said after watching. You really have to play him first to get why it is actually a fair choice ontop of that he only has a 28m terror radius and a good ranged ability 115 would be way to much for him
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How many secretly still wishing it were chain chomp :p
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I am more than capable of formulating an opinion and if that upsets you that's your problem..facts are he has more weaknesses than strength and a power that isnt worthy of them
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Let's agree to disagree
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Chain canceling gains you nothing
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It prevents the long stun you would otherwise be forced to endure. And if you don't want to cancel then you can let the chain break and endure the stun if you really want the injure.
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Problem...1 only one map has this new feature and it looks more gimmicky than helpful currently as most of the breakable walls change very for death slinger I will remind you that even old omega blink nurses still lost matches of dbd..death slinger doesnt even have huntress level chasing and it takes him longer than her to secure any damage with his power..hes notceven remotely a threat as of now..hence why i made this post..we dont need him with 110 if hes not able to deal with it
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Time...nuff said man
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With time he'll be nerfed into the ground for being "too OP"
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It only ruins shack loop and safe loops. Unsafe loops will get the survivor killed.
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They have to be VERY unsafe
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I have 6 kills out of 8 with him so far including games on cornfield and yamoka temple. He's better than the huntress as he has no hum, a Myers tier 2 terror radius when using M&A and he doesn't have to reload at lockers. He is bullied however and if you keep missing your shots, you're getting a survivor whitewash.
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Mhm...I'm sorry but I think give him 2 weeks tops and he will disappear like demo unless something changes in the variables because hes looking rough rn
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My PS4 Background picture is that Claudette looking at Chain Chomp from Reddit.
The really well made one. =]
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He's fine and people are overreacting, as usual. Slinger could do with some QoL changes, but with the right perks he is very deadly. People like to forget that huntress is very map dependent, while slinger is really only bad on a couple large maps. Biggest issue is his perks are garbage, much like huntress funnily enough. Why did they nerf Gearhead? It wasn't even good and they brought it down a peg. Smh
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I'm having the exact opposite experience everyone else is having, apparently. Maybe no one here plays FPS games, but this Killer feels like the exact opposite of weak to me—he feels completely broken. Like, old Legion levels of broken. Fitting he inflicts Deep Wound on hit.
Being 110 with no mobility is really his only weakness imo. I don't understand how a ranged Killer with split-second ADS, the ability to position Survivors as he pleases, a power that destroys any and all low-wall loops and completely shreds any Survivors the Killer has LoS on, never has to take longer than a couple of seconds to reset his power upon misses, and on top of that has the ability to force Survivors to do something other than gens in his basekit when he abandons them can possibly be considered weak. He has literally everything except mobility, and between the ability to pull Survivors towards you and Perks like Corrupt or Tremors that help you reduce patrolling and tell you exactly where you need to go, he can easily make up for that.
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Sad thing is you won't see him in 6 months. I think he is fun to play but just not viable in competitive matches on the bigger maps.
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False he’s in D tier
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You weren't exactly accurate on many of those points
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Just like how you apparently aren’t accurate when you play Deathslinger.
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Lol straight to petty insults..I can see your quite intellectual
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When your argument of "No ur wrong" is about as ineffective and nonexistent as ad hominem, I see no reason not to resort to it.