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Losing add-on's as Survivor.
Am I the only one who isn't a big fan of this change? I know killers lose their add-ons when the game is over regardless of the results, but Killers also get ridiculous amount of bloodpoints win or lose. While Survivors usually get a very low amount, unless they sacrifice a perk slot. they then need to get lucky with being able to actually get the unhooks, or play incredibly risky by taking a hit while the killer is carrying the survivor.
There isn't many add-ons for survivors that are as game changing, as the add-ons for the killers. Most of the good add-ons for survivors provide extra heals with a med-kit. Perhaps a speed boost with toolboxes which were nerfed already. While killers have addons that let you one shot survivors like with Iri hatchets, Or inflict a ridiculous amount of status effects on you with the doctor, infinite tier 3 myers, or just a straight up delete with a tombstone piece. Being able to see any survivors aura who throws up with the plague. Being able to see through walls with the Wraith. There are plenty more. These all have far more impact than any add-on a survivor might have.
So my question is why are survivor add-ons, whom which already make way less bloodpoints than killers going to be deleted after every match once again waste a perk slot something called Ace in the hole? I mean...killers already have Franklin's demise, or can straight up lobby dodge if they don't like your items, something survivors can't do for the killers add-ons. rants over, just think it's a bit annoying to me. It feels way more rewarding to play killer to me. I average around 60-90k bloodpoints as killer, and as survivor I average 15-25k, which is totally dependent on the killer's playing more so than me. I could do all 5 gens, but not get chased and leave with 15k for example. Or I could get chased for all 5 gens, die to noed and barely get 15k.
A few things here.
1) I disagree that Survivor addons aren't as impactful as killer addons. You have to take into account that a Survivor team consists of 4 players as opposed to one. Sure, a single ultra rare item decked with the best addons won't match the quality of an ultra rare addon for Killers. But 4 survivors with decent items and addons will.
2) Yes, in a single match a killer generally gets more BP than a survivor. What about when the killer has a bad match? He has to sit through the entire match and get scraps for BP whereas if a survivor has a bad match and dies early then they can simply move on to the next match and continue accruing BP.
3) Point 2 is compounded by the fact that there is generally no reason to spend BP on multiple survivors outside of learning teachables or wanting a different cosmetic (different survivors are pretty much different skins). Killers have to spread their BP among many different killers just trying to get optimal perks on them all unless they want to one-trick a single killer whereas Survivors can just stockpile everything on a single survivor.
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Maybe having to grind more add ons and the fact that killers earn more bps will force some players to play both roles and get better at the game. I don't see any downside to that.
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1) I'll disagree with you on the first, as almost everything ridiculously powerful has been nerfed in some shape or form other than keys. Which honestly should be nerfed along with mori's. Insta heals which are not instant anymore, and the endurance boost, destroy your medkit. So the only real add-ons that matter are add-ons for toolboxes, and add-ons for medkits. Being able to heal while outside of a chase isn't game breaking. And as stated toolboxes were nerfed.
2) If I'm having a bad match as killer the survivors clearly did the gens, and I failed horribly which happens once in a blue moon. Luckily that gen rush that they performed, I can easily go and open the gate if they keep messing around in the match, which will force them to leave and I can move onto the next match. Still getting more blood points than the survivor who had a bad game.
3) As stated the blood point difference is massive, you can level up killers much faster than survivors. Heck for survivors, I go play killer when I want to level them up because it's 3 times faster. So yes while survivors are just different skins, doesn't change the grind if you actually want to play a different survivor, especially if you want to completely archive challenges, or dailies. Also getting every perk is a thing.
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You said the survivor add-ons are not impactful, unlike the killer add-ons which are game changing.
Try another perspective, you can go into the game without item as a survivor and still do just fine (because it is not impactful like you said), but killers are add-on dependence, meaning killers already spend a few thousands BP just to have a shot to change the tide in their favor. Furthermore, survivor can plunder to get item from chest, which is another compensation for lower BP.
All in all, I'm indifferent about this change as I don't really care about item and add-on, I can do just fine without them. I just disagree that killers always get higher BP as the mean to earn BP for survivors is there, it is the question of whether the survivor make use of them. The Dev already listen to survivor and adjusted the scoring events a few times and it just seems that it is always not enough.
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Killers and Survivors have the ability to hit the cap of 32K/round bloodpoints.
Killers and Survivors lose addons now, which I think is necessary given you keep the item (and obviously don't lose your power lol)
Survivors have plenty of stuff in their favour without worrying about the addons they grab off the bloodweb.
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I actually don't use items very much myself unless I'm playing with my other survivors who don't have a lot of items and add-ons to begin with. They also don't have the strongest perks. I know that it's possible to earn a lot of blood points with survivor. But as I stated in my post it's not consistent, or possible to guarantee in a match like killers are. I mean with the current system I can literally do nothing but gens, no one gets hooked, I open the gate and leave, and de-pip, and get hardly anything unless I run at the killer and try to get them to chase me.
Also the killer gets a decent perk that either stalls survivors who choose to counter it (Them jumping into lockers instead of doing gens), or gives them information on where to go next. Survivor gets a dead perk that does nothing, if they want to keep their add-ons they also have to put on a dead perk that does nothing. And the perk that does nothing isn't something you can guarantee you'll even get in a match. You may get all 4 tokens one game and 0 the next.
With killer, you get rewarded for doing well in chases, which I am very good in chases most of the time, so it's almost always at 3 or 4 tokens. It's actually skill dependent instead of waiting around to get smacked, or trying to bum rush the hook from where ever your location is before your other teammates get there.
Anyways I guess I'm over it, just don't think it's justified, especially since killers bloodwebs are full of add-ons. It's way easier to find what you want. Instead of going through a ton of add-ons for a flashlight you don't want, or random map add-ons that do basically nothing. To find the stuff you actually want.