The one flaw with Pig's RBT

I watched Noob3's video on when the Pig came out, and how he was excited to learn that the RBT kills a survivor if they try to leave with an active trap on their head. I thought I would try to force someone into this situation today.
I guess my luck was just against me because I let a David go with an active trap on him, but miraculously he finds the hatch and leaves that way. His 2 other teammates left through the gates.
My issue is that I think the RBT should kill you no matter what way you leave. Maybe it makes the hatch not available, and kills you via exit gate. I felt so cheated.
I know you'll say "but if someone is the last survivor left with an active trap they should get out of the hatch normally" or something. I know. But my proposition is that this shouldn't matter. The active trap should be the priority. We all know how easy they are to remove.
I really think the trap should kill you no matter how you try to leave. Pig has such little going for her already, this feels like an extra slap in the face.
On another note, I also think that any trap put on a survivor after all generators are completed should activate immediately. But that's another discussion if anyone wants to have it.
And if she killed everyone and the last guy escapes using the hatch while he has an active trap?
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The traps aren't meant to kill survivors. And you should have used up all of her traps before the last gen pops anyway. They're there as a slowdown mechanic, not a kill mechanic. Although I think you should die if you try to escape via hatch, it is pretty dumb that you don't
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Yea if the RBTs have a problem it's that they can be taken off first or second box and be absolutely worthless for how few of them you get..
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The traps are only easy to remove when you're not the killer's sole focus. Eliminating the hatch as an option in that scenario would be a death sentence for the survivor.
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Boop the Snoot is a must
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I had used all the traps, he had my last one on. The last point on my post is just a general idea.
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Considering that now the Pig can close the Hatch, I disagree that a Hatch escape should be able to kill Trapped Survivors. I agree on Traps auto-activating once all the Gens are done, though (provided the Endgame Collapse Timer is paused as well).
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The hatch is an exception in ALL cases. You should have prioritized the people who didn't have helmets.
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While he may have done poorly the guy that escaped had a trap on his face. Pig did her job. Caught the guy and slapped a trap on.
Why should the hatch be excluded from trap activation on escape. Removed the trap and then escape.
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The more important pig issue is her terrible lunge. Don’t even try to tell me it’s the same as other killers. Seriously it’s like a T1 Myers.
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Her regular M1 lunge? It is the same as other Killers. The only Killer who might have a different lunge IIRC is Myers.