Can't wait for those 1 minute 40 second games and no I am not talking about gen times!

Not Otzdarva showed a game which he won is under 1 minute 40 seconds. If devs are buffing plague that is fine but at least make it so survivors spawn separately against her. With this build as long as you find where 1 survivor spawned and get a fountain you can snowball because of survivors spawning so close to each other. I am all for killer buffs but giving Plague a power that should be earned off the bat is silly. Otherwise all the rank 1 survivors will just hide in lockers at the beginning of the game until the Plague uses her fountain.
You know, in this forum something like this is fine. They will say the Survivors messed up.
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I am just worried about a buff that leads to a survivor main riot that will eventually lead to a massive killer nerf cough Oni cough .
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This could happen at any moment in any game if plague has a fountain available.
As soon as you hear the ding you should spread out, plague's power is like leather face's chainsaw, you never want to be huddled together when they use it.
The counter is just to spread out and play cautiously while she's powered up.
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Just delta split
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Who says that Plague needs to take her Corrupt Purge at the start of the match ? It's better to take it when you have at least 1 person on hook and the others injured.
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The problem is with this build. If you fountain is on the way to a survivor spawn (which most competent killers will know) then by the time you are there and have found and downed someone Infectious fright will go off and reveal the rest to you causing massive snowball potential for plague at the very beginning of the match.
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This is fine. Survivors like to mess it up. Plague already has an add-on that can give her one charge and good survivors can handle it. 😛
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"a power that should be earned"
Not sure I'd say waiting for the survivors to do something they never do, constitutes something you should have to earn.
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If you go down that fast,
get some help.
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If a game manages to end in 1:30 then.....well quite frankly you made some MASSIVE mistakes.
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If the killer wins in that amount of time, you, quite honestly, sucked the big one as a survivor.
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It’s possible but I think the odds of a Plague pulling that off are incredibly rare.
It’s like you could theoretically down an entire team with Haunted Grounds but it’s rare it would ever happen.
There are certain other killers who will manage that more frequently though. It’s those that should be looked at.
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That only really happens if the survivors mess up, severely. In which case, they deserve it. There are no killers killing everyone and snowballing that quick without survivors making bad plays. Period.
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Plagues usually run an apple anyway, it's only a yellow add-on. Is this what usually happens when you go against an apple plague, your entire team ends up on the floor instantly? Because other killers can also get similar results when a team severely misplays.
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Survivors have been rioiting since this game released what do you mean?
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So have killers, judging my the state of the forums. Nobody's exactly a saint here.
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Otzdarva have already played many games using Apple add-on which gives you fountain from the beginning and rarely he did well at the beginning with it, so 1 (un)lucky game does not actually prove anything.
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It's not exclusive to Plague. I had this happen early in my ownership of DBD. We were on lerys, all 4 of us on one gen and there was a michael, he popped EW3. I got hit first and the other three decided to hang around rather than running. Match was over in about a minute.
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Killer can finish the game in 2 minutes? Completely fine, balanced, and even skillful.
Survivors finish a game in 5 minutes? Completely broken, unfair and biased.
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This was in the game since her release btw. Apple :)
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How about we stop comparing streamers that play the game for a living to regular players. This will hardly ever happen, and like many others have said it's already been possible with the apple add on
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Another survivor main. Perfectly fine when you survivors can finish the game easily within 2 minutes but when the bottle spins back on you lot you cry. Get good please or stop bitching on the forums stuff like this when you know that is killer mains are just gonna send it straight back to you.
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The survivors DID mess up badly. You get the warning sound, you don't stay close to each other. Also hiding in a dead end is another big risk; another big mistake in this case.
If the black vomit hadn't been available from the start, this could have happened at any other time during the match if the survivors decide to play that way.
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You know she has had an apple addon all along and this has always been possible. Tho very unlikely and up to rng of fountain near survivors and them not splitting up. Have seen other clips well before this of it happening. But it's so rare that it's not a worry.
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4k3m is the balance target.
All killers should be like this
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You hear the special sound when she takes the corrupted purge. That's the sign that you need play more carefully.
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But they just made yellow Apple basekit.
Just play like versus apple plague