Who is the worst killer in the game at the moment

So popular opinion seems to be the Clown. Legion was my personal pick for worst killer as of last patch. Now Deathslinger is telling both Clown & Legion to hold his moonshine while he takes the title. Leatherface is throwing a tantrum & facecamping in the basement because he just wants a rework. And Pig has given up & just wants her snoot booped.
I repeat this like a broken record, but I dont think any killer is bad if played right.
If i had to choose one, it would be clown, his power is dull and extremely add-on reliant.
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One day of PTB & my man is already trying to declare Deathslinger worst in the game.
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Honestly, legion is far better than him IMO. Multiple people injured with deep wound under 30 secs lol.
And what does Deathslinger do? Precise shot + reeling + hit animation/stun for the same effect on ONE person lol. Not to mention he's tall and moves at 110%
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But atleast you can down Survivors with his power.
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You people act like it takes weeks of play to critique something. Nothing major is going to change. It’ll take a couple hours of a release for anything new in a game to be compared to what’s already been there. It’s not that difficult lmao. Stop hopping on the “hE wAs jUsT rEleAsEd oN pTb” wagon.
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Legion and Clown are generally the worst.
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Only if you can reel them to your face. Otherwise, same result as legion hitting deep wounded survivors with frenzy.
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Yea, that's true, maybe if he could down injured Survivors with his spear, that would be nice.
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People need time to learn natural counters and hidden techniques. You can't just pick up a character for less than 10 hours and say that you're an absolute authority on him.
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Clown, followed closely by Bubba.
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Clown. Though with current game times does trapper have enough time to actually set up enough traps to matter?
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Whoever i can't 4k3m with
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Not really. If you spend the early game setting up in the classic spots you lose a lot of generators. You kinda have to play it touch and go.
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Think you would have to go for the 3-4 gen, chasing survivors as a m1 115 is just going to make you lose anyway. As boring as 3 genning is it's probably his best tatic
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Hag mainly because she's glitched/bugged to hell.
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I got destroyed by a clown. Humiliated. Schooled beyond belief. 1 gen got done.
He had devour up and the pinky thing. It was a mess and snowballed so damn fast.
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I never said he was the worst lol. But he's definitely not in the top 3/4 of the killer roster. Currently, I would maybe put him as 2nd or 3rd worst (Legion being the worst & possibly Pig second worst imo). But the more I see Deathslinger gameplay the more I think Legion is viable...
P.S. all y'all need to stop clowning on Clown, he has more viability than most people realize. XD
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Bubba is weakest. His base kit cannot catch up to a survivor running in a straight line (similar to Wraith), and his add-ons are glitched.
Clown is second because his clouds need build up time....then disappear immediately. But he has some broken add-ons that make up for it.
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Probably Legion. His power is useless for downing Survivors.
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Leatherface against good survivors.
Clown needs buffs in a lot of ways, but he has his moments. His weakness to genrush and thus losing the game usually trumps his advantages though. Which is a shame since he can have a great but unrewarding skillcurve.
Pig and Legion are underrated imo. Stalling survivors is incredibly powerful and having a basekit stall is so, so good.
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Legion imo
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Legion, Clown, Leatherface in no particular order. They are just terrible.
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Nurse now. How many nurses anyone seen lately???
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Definitely Legion.
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Clown, the walking bug.
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Legion just needs a less awkward cooldown phase. Though he excels in weeding people out, and his add-ons stack in interesting ways like iri-button and TR related perks.
Pig has too many weaknesses to her stealth that aren't too obvious. Best use of it has people doubting her position, not just ambushing people. Can't do that if you're bright red in an open field while spinechill tells em if she went back or is still around. Too high profile especially against swf. And beartraps are a great stall but no staying power against coordinated survivors.
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I saw quite a few recently. I think it's mostly due to the daily where you have to land 4 blink attacks with her. I couldn't complain though, the benefit of so many nurse killers getting the daily meant an easy escape (for the most part).
As for worst killer, I'd probably give my vote to Leatherface.
I play Legion pretty often when I'm playing killer and it really doesn't help him that so many people don't use him properly. The amount of times I've been put up against a Joe or Susie and they don't use the Killer Instinct makes me facepalm.
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Imo it's Bubba. Not only is his power bad and doesn't help him in chase, unless you manage to catch survivors in the open or you like camping, he also feels extremely buggy.
His chili addons have been bugged ever since recall, except if the devs fixed it without my knowledge, his charge bar also has a tendency to get filled to 100%, then when you let go to use his chainsaw, it'll cancel the chainsaw instead of activating the sprint.
At least Legions power slows down the game a bit and Clowns power can make loops short and punish greedy survivors. LFs chainsaw is only really good against new players and altruistic survivors.
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Clown. He needs buffs so badly.
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Pig is a bag of tricks. If you compare one aspect to another killer, she will be the weaker one. But she has more aspects than other killers. Crouching to remove TR, Uncrouching for grabs and fake ambushes at loops, Ambushing to counter some loops, RBT for stalling. There is no flow chart to her, you have to check survivors individually how they deal with ambushes at loops.
She definetely suffers more against good survivors due to the counterable ambush, but other than that. She is noticably more efficient than most M1 killer in my experience. A good M1 killer
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I've only played as Clown once and had no issues with him. I mean, I probably wouldn't play as him often, but I don't really see why people think he's so bad.
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Overall maps are also too bright for pig. Sheltered woods you can see her coming in a lot of places.
But i am screwed against her. 4rth attempt to remove the trap. EVERY SINGLE TIME :)
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Deathslinger ain't the worst, not with clown, legion and demogorgon in the game.
The worst of the worst is clown, followed close by legion and demo.
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Demogorgon, everything from his perks to his power are garbage, he is even worse than both deathslinger, and clown combined
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I love how people are saying Legion is the worst Killer... You obviously dont know how to play him if you think his power is useless. His power is meant to keep everyone injured and track people without the need of perks like BBQ. The problem I see with most legions is that they commit to a chase and most of the time rarely use their Feral Frenzy. Use Sloppy/Thana/Nurses/Pop or Surge and you can easily 4K a team and put up decent gen pressure.
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Clown. At least Legion gets a free first hit.
Clown is a basic 115% Killer that is countered by just not looping and throwing down pallets. You’d be lucky to even get a single hook as Clown against optimal Survivors on something like Ormond.
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I'd argue nurse, learning her is aggressively unfun and not rewarding as she's very easy to punk after her nerf and totally addon dependent. Now you put in 300 hours of practice to get little payoff as a functional killer
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Nurse and Spirit are some of the best Killers because their power eliminates any potential counterplay. How could Nurse ever be at the same level as something like Clown or Bubba?
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I outran a good nurse for 5 full minutes by runing in a straight line and ducking behind an object when they blinked; i can't do that with anyone else. Her 30 second cooldown, unreliability/inconsistency of the blink and low movement speed is the counterplay. I can't infinite other killers by running around trees on open ground.
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In my opinion its Demo, he is not my style of playing when I do use his power it doesn't do as its supposed to like reveal survivors but I would take him over Clown at times
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That Nurse was probably inexperienced then. A good Nurse can end a chase quickly and close the gap at an incredible speed. The trick with Nurse is to land such a precise blink that no matter how the Survivor reacts they will always get hit, and the only way to avoid getting hit is to use something like Dead Hard.
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She nailed every other blink I saw that game, when I heard the sound I'd duck behid something to block line of sight and she'd get stopped by the object and stunned or hit it instead. She stopped chasing me after a long while, it was pretty epic. She also doesn't lunge fully after blinking anymorr and misses much more often. If you were greaf with nurse pre nerf you might be ok, if you try picking her up post nerf don't bother wasting the time. I'm speaking for console since a lot of things vary from pc (timing, controller response etc)
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Every killer has potential to be good but Legion is the worst. Even though he can do great the Legion has a lot going against him. There are so many things he gets punished for. He even gets punished for basic attacking.
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I dont think any killer is bad if played correctly. Even old Freddy was good, just extremely difficult to play and not very rewarding.
That doesn't mean some killers don't need buffs and tweaks in order to be less frustrating and interesting tho, Bubba for example is a killer with massively wasted potential, and should get revisited some time soon
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I see, console Nurse is a nightmare and not for the Survivors. She is also plagued by many bugs like blinks failing to pass through certain objects. Console Nurse can definitely be at the level of Clown and Bubba because controllers can hinder your ability to move your camera. I have also heard console has a lower frame rate which could make her blinks look horrible.
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You know you replied to a comment from six weeks ago, right?
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I think Clown and Bubba are the worst. They may as well not even have a power when they're facing survivors who aren't idiots.
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Demo is far from the worst. I give him middle of the pack for all killers. He has good mobility with his portals, can close gaps on long loops with his shred, can bait survivors away from safe pallets/windows, he can break pallets preemptively like Billy, & he gets insane value from Save the Best for Last. Where he could use some buffs is in his portal detection & undectable status coming out of portals. If he had the portal detection like how it was during his PTB then he would be even better.
A good Nurse is nearly unstoppable. While she is difficult to learn & master, it does not mean no one can do it. From what you described, that Nurse you went against was mediocre. On console I know she does not perform as well as on PC (though in my opinion I think she's perfectly fine on console). But with other killers being less deadly & less mobile than her I don't see how she could be deemed the worst.
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this gave me a good laugh, I love how you put this!